/* * Project: MoleCuilder * Description: creates and alters molecular systems * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2013 Frederik Heber. All rights reserved. * * * This file is part of MoleCuilder. * * MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MoleCuilder. If not, see . */ /* * ParserMpqcUnitTest.cpp * * Created on: Mar 3, 2010 * Author: metzler */ // include config.h #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "ParserMpqcUnitTest.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "Atom/atom.hpp" #include "Atom/AtomObserver.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp" #include "Descriptors/AtomTypeDescriptor.hpp" #include "Element/element.hpp" #include "Element/periodentafel.hpp" #include "Parser/ChangeTracker.hpp" #include "Parser/MpqcParser.hpp" #include "World.hpp" #ifdef HAVE_TESTRUNNER #include "UnitTestMain.hpp" #endif /*HAVE_TESTRUNNER*/ using namespace std; // Registers the fixture into the 'registry' CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( ParserMpqcUnitTest ); static string waterMpqc_CLHF ="% Created by MoleCuilder\n\ mpqc: (\n\ \tsavestate = no\n\ \tdo_gradient = yes\n\ \tmole: (\n\ \t\tmolecule = $:molecule\n\ \t\tbasis = $:basis\n\ \t\tmaxiter = 1000\n\ \t\tmemory = 16000000\n\ \t)\n\ )\n\ molecule: (\n\ \tunit = angstrom\n\ \t{ atoms geometry } = {\n\ \t\tO [ 0\t0\t0 ]\n\ \t\tH [ 0.758602\t0\t0.504284 ]\n\ \t\tH [ 0.758602\t0\t-0.504284 ]\n\ \t}\n\ )\n\ basis: (\n\ \tname = \"3-21G\"\n\ \tmolecule = $:molecule\n\ )\n"; // tested with mpqc 3.0.0-alpha static string waterMpqc_CLKS ="% Created by MoleCuilder\n\ mpqc: (\n\ \tsavestate = no\n\ \tdo_gradient = yes\n\ \tmole: (\n\ \t\tfunctional:(name=B3LYP)\n\ \t\tmolecule = $:molecule\n\ \t\tbasis = $:basis\n\ \t\tmaxiter = 1000\n\ \t\tmemory = 16000000\n\ \t)\n\ )\n\ molecule: (\n\ \tunit = angstrom\n\ \t{ atoms geometry } = {\n\ \t\tO [ 0\t0\t0 ]\n\ \t\tH [ 0.758602\t0\t0.504284 ]\n\ \t\tH [ 0.758602\t0\t-0.504284 ]\n\ \t}\n\ )\n\ basis: (\n\ \tname = \"3-21G\"\n\ \tmolecule = $:molecule\n\ )\n"; // tested with mpqc 3.0.0-alpha static string waterMpqc_MBPT2 ="% Created by MoleCuilder\n\ mpqc: (\n\ \tsavestate = no\n\ \tdo_gradient = yes\n\ \tmole: (\n\ \t\tbasis = $:basis\n\ \t\tmolecule = $:molecule\n\ \t\tmemory = 16000000\n\ \t\treference: (\n\ \t\t\tmaxiter = 1000\n\ \t\t\tbasis = $:basis\n\ \t\t\tmolecule = $:molecule\n\ \t\t\tmemory = 16000000\n\ \t\t)\n\ \t)\n\ )\n\ molecule: (\n\ \tunit = angstrom\n\ \t{ atoms geometry } = {\n\ \t\tO [ 0\t0\t0 ]\n\ \t\tH [ 0.758602\t0\t0.504284 ]\n\ \t\tH [ 0.758602\t0\t-0.504284 ]\n\ \t}\n\ )\n\ basis: (\n\ \tname = \"3-21G\"\n\ \tmolecule = $:molecule\n\ )\n"; // tested with mpqc 3.0.0-alpha static string waterMpqc_MBPT2_R12 ="% Created by MoleCuilder\n\ mpqc: (\n\ \tsavestate = no\n\ \tdo_gradient = yes\n\ \tmole: (\n\ \t\tmolecule = $:molecule\n\ \t\tbasis = $:basis\n\ \t\taux_basis = $:abasis\n\ \t\tstdapprox = \"A'\"\n\ \t\tnfzc = 1\n\ \t\tmemory = 16000000\n\ \t\tintegrals:()\n\ \t\treference: (\n\ \t\t\tmolecule = $:molecule\n\ \t\t\tbasis = $:basis\n\ \t\t\tmaxiter = 1000\n\ \t\t\tmemory = 16000000\n\ \t\t\tintegrals:()\n\ \t\t)\n\ \t)\n\ )\n\ molecule: (\n\ \tunit = angstrom\n\ \t{ atoms geometry } = {\n\ \t\tO [ 0\t0\t0 ]\n\ \t\tH [ 0.758602\t0\t0.504284 ]\n\ \t\tH [ 0.758602\t0\t-0.504284 ]\n\ \t}\n\ )\n\ basis: (\n\ \tname = \"3-21G\"\n\ \tmolecule = $:molecule\n\ )\n\ % auxiliary basis set specification\n\ \tabasis: (\n\ \tname = \"aug-cc-pVDZ\"\n\ \tmolecule = $:molecule\n\ )\n"; // basically tested with mpqc 3.0.0-alpha (no parse errors but did not calculate due to missing code) void ParserMpqcUnitTest::setUp() { // failing asserts should be thrown ASSERT_DO(Assert::Throw); parser = new FormatParser(); World::getInstance(); setVerbosity(2); // we need hydrogens and oxygens in the following tests CPPUNIT_ASSERT(World::getInstance().getPeriode()->FindElement(1) != NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(World::getInstance().getPeriode()->FindElement(8) != NULL); } void ParserMpqcUnitTest::tearDown() { delete parser; ChangeTracker::purgeInstance(); World::purgeInstance(); AtomObserver::purgeInstance(); } /************************************ tests ***********************************/ void ParserMpqcUnitTest::ParameterDefaultTest() { // check default values CPPUNIT_ASSERT(parser->getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::hessianParam) == std::string("no")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(parser->getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::savestateParam) == std::string("no")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(parser->getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::do_gradientParam) == std::string("yes")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(parser->getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::maxiterParam) == std::string("1000")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(parser->getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::memoryParam) == std::string("16000000")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(parser->getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::stdapproxParam) == std::string("A'")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(parser->getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::nfzcParam) == std::string("1")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(parser->getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::basisParam) == std::string("3-21G")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(parser->getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::aux_basisParam) == std::string("aug-cc-pVDZ")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(parser->getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::integrationParam) == std::string("IntegralCints")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(parser->getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::theoryParam) == std::string("MBPT2")); } void ParserMpqcUnitTest::ParameterCloneTest() { FormatParser_Parameters *clone = parser->getParams().clone(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(parser->getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::theoryParam) == std::string("MBPT2")); std::stringstream setvalue("theory = CLHF"); setvalue >> parser->getParams(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(parser->getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::theoryParam) == std::string("CLHF")); parser->getParams().makeClone(*clone); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(parser->getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::theoryParam) == std::string("MBPT2")); } void ParserMpqcUnitTest::ParameterSetterTest() { // test a string { std::stringstream setvalue("theory = CLHF"); setvalue >> parser->getParams(); // std::cout << "integration method is " // << parser->getParams().getString(MpqcParser_Parameters::theoryParam) << std::endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(parser->getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::theoryParam) == std::string("CLHF")); } // test a bool { std::stringstream setvalue("Hessian = yes"); setvalue >> parser->getParams(); // std::cout << "Hessian is " // << parser->getParams().getString(MpqcParser_Parameters::hessianParam) << std::endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(parser->getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::hessianParam) == std::string("yes")); } // test int { std::stringstream setvalue("maxiter = 500"); setvalue >> parser->getParams(); // std::cout << "maxiter is " // << parser->getParams().getString(MpqcParser_Parameters::maxiterParam) << std::endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(parser->getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::maxiterParam) == std::string("500")); } // test whether unknown key fails std::cout << "The following Assertion warning is desired and does not indicate a failure of the test." << std::endl; { std::stringstream setvalue("hessian = no"); #ifndef NDEBUG ASSERT_DO(Assert::Throw); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(setvalue >> parser->getParams(), Assert::AssertionFailure); #else setvalue >> parser->getParams(); #endif // std::cout << "Hessian is still " // << parser->getParams().getString(MpqcParser_Parameters::hessianParam) << std::endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(parser->getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::hessianParam) == std::string("yes")); } } void ParserMpqcUnitTest::readMpqcTest() { stringstream input(waterMpqc_CLHF); parser->getParams().setParameter( MpqcParser_Parameters::theoryParam, parser->getParams().getTheoryName(MpqcParser_Parameters::CLHF) ); parser->load(&input); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(3, World::getInstance().numAtoms()); } void ParserMpqcUnitTest::writeMpqcTest() { // build up water molecule string first; string second; atom *Walker = NULL; Walker = World::getInstance().createAtom(); Walker->setType(8); Walker->setPosition(Vector(0,0,0)); Walker = World::getInstance().createAtom(); Walker->setType(1); Walker->setPosition(Vector(0.758602,0,0.504284)); Walker = World::getInstance().createAtom(); Walker->setType(1); Walker->setPosition(Vector(0.758602,0,-0.504284)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(3, World::getInstance().numAtoms()); // create two stringstreams, one stored, one created std::vector atoms = World::getInstance().getAllAtoms(); { // compare both configs for CLHF stringstream output; parser->getParams().setParameter( MpqcParser_Parameters::theoryParam, parser->getParams().getTheoryName(MpqcParser_Parameters::CLHF) ); parser->save(&output, atoms); stringstream input(waterMpqc_CLHF); // check for non-empty streams input.peek(); output.peek(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(input.good() && output.good()); // check equality of streams per line (for debugging) for (; std::getline(input, first) && std::getline(output, second); ) { //std::cout << "Comparing '" << first << "' to '" << second << "'" << std::endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(first == second); } } { // compare both configs for CLKS stringstream output; parser->getParams().setParameter( MpqcParser_Parameters::theoryParam, parser->getParams().getTheoryName(MpqcParser_Parameters::CLKS) ); parser->save(&output, atoms); stringstream input(waterMpqc_CLKS); // check for non-empty streams input.peek(); output.peek(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(input.good() && output.good()); // check equality of streams per line (for debugging) for (; std::getline(input, first) && std::getline(output, second); ) { //std::cout << "Comparing '" << first << "' to '" << second << "'" << std::endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(first == second); } } { // compare both configs for MBPT2 stringstream output; parser->getParams().setParameter( MpqcParser_Parameters::theoryParam, parser->getParams().getTheoryName(MpqcParser_Parameters::MBPT2) ); parser->save(&output, atoms); stringstream input(waterMpqc_MBPT2); // check for non-empty streams input.peek(); output.peek(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(input.good() && output.good()); // check equality of streams per line (for debugging) for (; std::getline(input, first) && std::getline(output, second); ) { //std::cout << "Comparing '" << first << "' to '" << second << "'" << std::endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(first == second); } } { // compare both configs for MBPT2_R12 stringstream output; parser->getParams().setParameter( MpqcParser_Parameters::theoryParam, parser->getParams().getTheoryName(MpqcParser_Parameters::MBPT2_R12) ); parser->save(&output, atoms); stringstream input(waterMpqc_MBPT2_R12); // check for non-empty streams input.peek(); output.peek(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(input.good() && output.good()); // check equality of streams per line (for debugging) for (; std::getline(input, first) && std::getline(output, second); ) { //std::cout << "Comparing '" << first << "' to '" << second << "'" << std::endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT(first == second); } } }