/* * Project: MoleCuilder * Description: creates and alters molecular systems * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2013 Frederik Heber. All rights reserved. * * * This file is part of MoleCuilder. * * MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MoleCuilder. If not, see . */ /* * TremoloParser.cpp * * Created on: Mar 2, 2010 * Author: metzler */ // include config.h #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif //#include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/toString.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Verbose.hpp" #include "TremoloParser.hpp" #include "Atom/atom.hpp" #include "Bond/bond.hpp" #include "Box.hpp" #include "Descriptors/AtomIdDescriptor.hpp" #include "Element/element.hpp" #include "Element/periodentafel.hpp" #include "Parser/Exceptions.hpp" #include "Potentials/Particles/ParticleRegistry.hpp" #include "LinearAlgebra/RealSpaceMatrix.hpp" #include "Potentials/Particles/ParticleRegistry.hpp" #include "molecule.hpp" #include "World.hpp" #include "WorldTime.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for 'map_list_of()' #include // declare specialized static variables const std::string FormatParserTrait::name = "tremolo"; const std::string FormatParserTrait::suffix = "data"; const ParserTypes FormatParserTrait::type = tremolo; // static instances std::map FormatParser::knownKeys = boost::assign::map_list_of("x",TremoloKey::x) ("u",TremoloKey::u) ("F",TremoloKey::F) ("stress",TremoloKey::stress) ("Id",TremoloKey::Id) ("neighbors",TremoloKey::neighbors) ("imprData",TremoloKey::imprData) ("GroupMeasureTypeNo",TremoloKey::GroupMeasureTypeNo) ("type",TremoloKey::type) ("extType",TremoloKey::extType) ("name",TremoloKey::name) ("resName",TremoloKey::resName) ("chainID",TremoloKey::chainID) ("resSeq",TremoloKey::resSeq) ("occupancy",TremoloKey::occupancy) ("tempFactor",TremoloKey::tempFactor) ("segID",TremoloKey::segID) ("Charge",TremoloKey::Charge) ("charge",TremoloKey::charge) ("GrpTypeNo",TremoloKey::GrpTypeNo) ("torsion",TremoloKey::torsion) (" ",TremoloKey::noKey); // with this we can detect invalid keys /** * Constructor. */ FormatParser< tremolo >::FormatParser() : FormatParser_common(NULL), idglobalizer(boost::bind(&FormatParser< tremolo >::getGlobalId, this, _1)), idlocalizer(boost::bind(&FormatParser< tremolo >::getLocalId, this, _1)) { // invert knownKeys for debug output for (std::map::iterator iter = knownKeys.begin(); iter != knownKeys.end(); ++iter) knownKeyNames.insert( make_pair( iter->second, iter->first) ); additionalAtomData.clear(); } /** * Destructor. */ FormatParser< tremolo >::~FormatParser() { usedFields_save.clear(); additionalAtomData.clear(); } /** * Loads atoms from a tremolo-formatted file. * * \param tremolo file */ void FormatParser< tremolo >::load(istream* file) { std::string line; std::string::size_type location; // reset the id maps resetIdAssociations(); molecule *newmol = World::getInstance().createMolecule(); newmol->ActiveFlag = true; usedFields_t usedFields_temp; size_t timestep = 0; atom *addedatom = NULL; std::vector addedatoms; std::vector::iterator atomiter = addedatoms.begin(); while (file->good()) { std::getline(*file, line, '\n'); // we only parse in the first ATOMDATA line location = line.find("ATOMDATA", 0); if (location != string::npos) { parseAtomDataKeysLine(line, location + 8, usedFields_temp); if (usedFields_load.empty()) { // first ATOMDATA: use this line usedFields_load.insert(usedFields_load.end(), usedFields_temp.begin(), usedFields_temp.end()); usedFields_temp.clear(); LOG(3, "DEBUG: Local usedFields is: " << usedFields_load); } else { // following ATOMDATA: check against present LOG(3, "DEBUG: Parsed check usedFields is: " << usedFields_temp); if (usedFields_load != usedFields_temp) { ELOG(1, "File contains multiple time steps with differing ATOMDATA line, parsing only first time step."); break; } else { // update time step ++timestep; atomiter = addedatoms.begin(); } } } else { if (line.length() > 0 && line.at(0) != '#') { if (timestep != 0) { ASSERT( atomiter != addedatoms.end(), "FormatParser< tremolo >::load() - timesteps contains more atoms than first one."); addedatom = *atomiter++; } readAtomDataLine(line, newmol, timestep, addedatom); if (timestep == 0) addedatoms.push_back(addedatom); } } } ASSERT( addedatoms.size() == newmol->size(), "FormatParser< tremolo >::load() - number of atoms in mol and addedatoms differ."); // refresh atom::nr and atom::name std::vector atoms(newmol->getAtomCount()); std::transform(newmol->begin(), newmol->end(), atoms.begin(), boost::bind(&atom::getId, _1)); processNeighborInformation(atoms); adaptImprData(atoms); adaptTorsion(atoms); // append usedFields to global usedFields, is made unique on save, clear after use usedFields_save.insert(usedFields_save.end(), usedFields_load.begin(), usedFields_load.end()); usedFields_load.clear(); } /** * Saves the \a atoms into as a tremolo file. * * \param file where to save the state * \param atoms atoms to store */ void FormatParser< tremolo >::save( std::ostream* file, const std::vector &AtomList) { LOG(2, "DEBUG: Saving changes to tremolo."); // install default usedFields if empty so far if (usedFields_save.empty()) { // default behavior: use all possible keys on output for (std::map::iterator iter = knownKeys.begin(); iter != knownKeys.end(); ++iter) if (iter->second != TremoloKey::noKey) // don't add noKey usedFields_save.push_back(iter->first); } // make present usedFields_save unique makeUsedFieldsUnique(usedFields_save); LOG(1, "INFO: Global (with unique entries) usedFields_save is: " << usedFields_save); // distribute ids continuously distributeContinuousIds(AtomList); // store atomdata save_AtomDataLine(file); // store box save_BoxLine(file); // store particles for (std::vector::const_iterator atomIt = AtomList.begin(); atomIt != AtomList.end(); ++atomIt) saveLine(file, *atomIt); } struct usedFieldsWeakComparator { /** Special comparator regards "neighbors=4" and "neighbors=2" as equal * * \note This one is used for making usedFields unique, i.e. throwing out the "smaller" * neighbors. */ bool operator()(const std::string &a, const std::string &b) const { // only compare up to first equality sign return (a.substr(0, a.find_first_of('=')) == b.substr(0, b.find_first_of('='))); } }; struct usedFieldsSpecialOrderer { /** Special string comparator that regards "neighbors=4" < "neighbors=2" as true and * the other way round as false. * * Here, we implement the operator "\a < \b" in a special way to allow the * above. * * \note This one is used for sorting usedFields in preparation for making it unique. */ bool operator()(const std::string &a, const std::string &b) const { // only compare up to first equality sign size_t a_equality = a.find_first_of('='); size_t b_equality = b.find_first_of('='); // if key before equality is not equal, return whether it is smaller or not if (a.substr(0, a_equality) != b.substr(0, b_equality)) { return a.substr(0, a_equality) < b.substr(0, b_equality); } else { // now we know that the key before equality is the same in either string // if one of them has no equality, the one with equality must go before if ((a_equality != std::string::npos) && (b_equality == std::string::npos)) return true; if ((a_equality == std::string::npos) && (b_equality != std::string::npos)) return false; // if both don't have equality (and the token before is equal), it is not "<" but "==" if ((a_equality == std::string::npos) && (b_equality == std::string::npos)) return false; // if now both have equality sign, the larger value after it, must come first return a.substr(a_equality, std::string::npos) > b.substr(b_equality, std::string::npos); } } }; /** Helper function to make \given fields unique while preserving the order of first appearance. * * As std::unique only removes element if equal to predecessor, a vector is only * made unique if sorted beforehand. But sorting would destroy order of first * appearance, hence we do the sorting on a temporary field and add the unique * elements in the order as in \a fields. * * @param fields usedFields to make unique while preserving order of appearance */ void FormatParser< tremolo >::makeUsedFieldsUnique(usedFields_t &fields) const { // std::unique only removes if predecessor is equal, not over whole range, hence do it manually usedFields_t temp_fields(fields); usedFieldsSpecialOrderer SpecialOrderer; usedFieldsWeakComparator WeakComparator; std::sort(temp_fields.begin(), temp_fields.end(), SpecialOrderer); usedFields_t::iterator it = std::unique(temp_fields.begin(), temp_fields.end(), WeakComparator); temp_fields.erase(it, temp_fields.end()); usedFields_t usedfields(fields); fields.clear(); fields.reserve(temp_fields.size()); // now go through each usedFields entry, check if in temp_fields and remove there on first occurence for (usedFields_t::const_iterator iter = usedfields.begin(); iter != usedfields.end(); ++iter) { usedFields_t::iterator uniqueiter = std::find(temp_fields.begin(), temp_fields.end(), *iter); if (uniqueiter != temp_fields.end()) { fields.push_back(*iter); // add only once to ATOMDATA temp_fields.erase(uniqueiter); } } ASSERT( temp_fields.empty(), "FormatParser< tremolo >::save() - still unique entries left in temp_fields after unique?"); } /** Resets and distributes the indices continuously. * * \param atoms atoms to store */ void FormatParser< tremolo >::distributeContinuousIds( const std::vector &AtomList) { resetIdAssociations(); atomId_t lastid = 0; for (std::vector::const_iterator atomIt = AtomList.begin(); atomIt != AtomList.end(); ++atomIt) associateLocaltoGlobalId(++lastid, (*atomIt)->getId()); } /** Store Atomdata line to \a file. * * @param file output stream */ void FormatParser< tremolo >::save_AtomDataLine(std::ostream* file) const { *file << "# ATOMDATA"; for (usedFields_t::const_iterator it=usedFields_save.begin(); it != usedFields_save.end(); ++it) *file << "\t" << *it; *file << std::endl; } /** Store Box info to \a file * * @param file output stream */ void FormatParser< tremolo >::save_BoxLine(std::ostream* file) const { *file << "# Box"; const RealSpaceMatrix &M = World::getInstance().getDomain().getM(); for (size_t i=0; i::AtomInserted(atomId_t id) { std::map::iterator iter = additionalAtomData.find(id); ASSERT(iter == additionalAtomData.end(), "FormatParser< tremolo >::AtomInserted() - additionalAtomData already present for newly added atom " +toString(id)+"."); // don't add entry, as this gives a default resSeq of 0 not the molecule id // additionalAtomData.insert( std::make_pair(id, TremoloAtomInfoContainer()) ); } /** Remove additional AtomData info, when atom has been removed from World. * * @param id of atom */ void FormatParser< tremolo >::AtomRemoved(atomId_t id) { std::map::iterator iter = additionalAtomData.find(id); // as we do not insert AtomData on AtomInserted, we cannot be assured of its presence // ASSERT(iter != additionalAtomData.end(), // "FormatParser< tremolo >::AtomRemoved() - additionalAtomData is not present for atom " // +toString(id)+" to remove."); if (iter != additionalAtomData.end()) additionalAtomData.erase(iter); } template T NoOp(const atom * const) { return T(); } template void writeEntryFromAdditionalAtomData_ifpresent( std::map &_additionalAtomData, std::map &_knownKeyNames, std::ostream* _file, const atom * const _currentAtom, const TremoloKey::atomDataKey _currentField, const typename boost::function _getter) { if (_additionalAtomData.count(_currentAtom->getId())) { LOG(3, "Writing for type " << _knownKeyNames[_currentField] << ": " << _additionalAtomData[_currentAtom->getId()].get(_currentField)); *_file << _additionalAtomData[_currentAtom->getId()].get(_currentField); } else if (_additionalAtomData.count(_currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getId())) { LOG(3, "Writing for type " << _knownKeyNames[_currentField] << " stuff from father: " << _additionalAtomData[_currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getId()].get(_currentField)); *_file << _additionalAtomData[_currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getId()].get(_currentField); } else { LOG(3, "Writing for type " << _knownKeyNames[_currentField] << " its default value: " << _getter(_currentAtom)); *_file << _getter(_currentAtom); } *_file << "\t"; } template void writeAdditionalAtomDataEntry( std::map &_additionalAtomData, std::map &_knownKeyNames, TremoloAtomInfoContainer &_defaultAdditionalData, std::ostream* _file, const atom * const _currentAtom, const TremoloKey::atomDataKey _currentField) { if (_additionalAtomData.count(_currentAtom->getId())) { LOG(3, "Writing for type " << _knownKeyNames[_currentField] << ": " << _additionalAtomData[_currentAtom->getId()].get(_currentField)); *_file << _additionalAtomData[_currentAtom->getId()].get(_currentField); } else if (_additionalAtomData.count(_currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getId())) { LOG(3, "Writing for type " << _knownKeyNames[_currentField] << " stuff from father: " << _additionalAtomData[_currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getId()].get(_currentField)); *_file << _additionalAtomData[_currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getId()].get(_currentField); } else { LOG(3, "Writing for type " << _knownKeyNames[_currentField] << " its default value: " << _defaultAdditionalData.get(_currentField)); *_file << _defaultAdditionalData.get(_currentField); } *_file << "\t"; } template void writeEntryFromAdditionalAtomData_ifnotempty( std::map &_additionalAtomData, std::map &_knownKeyNames, TremoloAtomInfoContainer &_defaultAdditionalData, std::ostream* _file, const atom * const _currentAtom, const TremoloKey::atomDataKey _currentField, const typename boost::function _getter) { if (_additionalAtomData.count(_currentAtom->getId())) { if (_additionalAtomData[_currentAtom->getId()].get(_currentField) != "-") { LOG(3, "Writing for type " << _knownKeyNames[_currentField] << ": " << _additionalAtomData[_currentAtom->getId()].get(_currentField)); *_file << _additionalAtomData[_currentAtom->getId()].get(_currentField); } else { LOG(3, "Writing for type " << _knownKeyNames[_currentField] << " default value: " << _getter(_currentAtom)); *_file << _getter(_currentAtom); } } else if (_additionalAtomData.count(_currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getId())) { if (_additionalAtomData[_currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getId()].get(_currentField) != "-") { LOG(3, "Writing for type " << _knownKeyNames[_currentField] << " stuff from father: " << _additionalAtomData[_currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getId()].get(_currentField)); *_file << _additionalAtomData[_currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getId()].get(_currentField); } else { LOG(3, "Writing for type " << _knownKeyNames[_currentField] << " default value from father: " << _getter(_currentAtom->GetTrueFather())); *_file << _getter(_currentAtom->GetTrueFather()); } } else { LOG(3, "Writing for type " << _knownKeyNames[_currentField] << " its default value: " << _getter(_currentAtom)); *_file << _getter(_currentAtom); } *_file << "\t"; } /** * Writes one line of tremolo-formatted data to the provided stream. * * \param stream where to write the line to * \param reference to the atom of which information should be written */ void FormatParser< tremolo >::saveLine( std::ostream* file, const atom * const currentAtom) { TremoloKey::atomDataKey currentField; LOG(4, "INFO: Saving atom " << *currentAtom << ", its father id is " << currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getId()); for (usedFields_t::iterator it = usedFields_save.begin(); it != usedFields_save.end(); it++) { currentField = knownKeys[it->substr(0, it->find("="))]; switch (currentField) { case TremoloKey::x : // for the moment, assume there are always three dimensions LOG(3, "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << ": " << currentAtom->getPosition()); *file << currentAtom->at(0) << "\t"; *file << currentAtom->at(1) << "\t"; *file << currentAtom->at(2) << "\t"; break; case TremoloKey::u : // for the moment, assume there are always three dimensions LOG(3, "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << ": " << currentAtom->getAtomicVelocity()); *file << currentAtom->getAtomicVelocity()[0] << "\t"; *file << currentAtom->getAtomicVelocity()[1] << "\t"; *file << currentAtom->getAtomicVelocity()[2] << "\t"; break; case TremoloKey::F : // for the moment, assume there are always three dimensions LOG(3, "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << ": " << currentAtom->getAtomicForce()); *file << currentAtom->getAtomicForce()[0] << "\t"; *file << currentAtom->getAtomicForce()[1] << "\t"; *file << currentAtom->getAtomicForce()[2] << "\t"; break; case TremoloKey::type : writeEntryFromAdditionalAtomData_ifnotempty( additionalAtomData, knownKeyNames, defaultAdditionalData, file, currentAtom, currentField, boost::bind(&element::getSymbol, boost::bind(&AtomInfo::getType, _1))); break; case TremoloKey::Id : LOG(3, "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << ": " << currentAtom->getId()+1); *file << getLocalId(currentAtom->getId()) << "\t"; break; case TremoloKey::neighbors : LOG(3, "Writing type " << knownKeyNames[currentField]); writeNeighbors(file, atoi(it->substr(it->find("=") + 1, 1).c_str()), currentAtom); break; case TremoloKey::imprData : case TremoloKey::torsion : LOG(3, "Writing type " << knownKeyNames[currentField]); *file << adaptIdDependentDataString( additionalAtomData[currentAtom->getId()].get(currentField), idlocalizer) << "\t"; break; case TremoloKey::resSeq : if (additionalAtomData.count(currentAtom->getId())) { LOG(3, "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << ": " << additionalAtomData[currentAtom->getId()].get(currentField)); *file << additionalAtomData[currentAtom->getId()].get(currentField); } else if (currentAtom->getMolecule() != NULL) { LOG(3, "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << " its own id: " << currentAtom->getMolecule()->getId()+1); *file << setw(4) << currentAtom->getMolecule()->getId(); } else { LOG(3, "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << " default value: " << defaultAdditionalData.get(currentField)); *file << defaultAdditionalData.get(currentField); } *file << "\t"; break; case TremoloKey::charge : if (currentAtom->getCharge() == 0.) { writeEntryFromAdditionalAtomData_ifpresent( additionalAtomData, knownKeyNames, file, currentAtom, currentField, boost::bind(&AtomInfo::getCharge, _1)); } else { LOG(3, "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << " AtomInfo::charge : " << currentAtom->getCharge()); *file << currentAtom->getCharge() << "\t"; } break; default : writeAdditionalAtomDataEntry( additionalAtomData, knownKeyNames, defaultAdditionalData, file, currentAtom, currentField); break; } } *file << std::endl; } /** * Writes the neighbor information of one atom to the provided stream. * * Note that ListOfBonds of WorldTime::CurrentTime is used. * * \param stream where to write neighbor information to * \param number of neighbors * \param reference to the atom of which to take the neighbor information */ void FormatParser< tremolo >::writeNeighbors( std::ostream* file, const int numberOfNeighbors, const atom * const currentAtom) { const BondList& ListOfBonds = currentAtom->getListOfBonds(); // sort bonded indices typedef std::set sortedIndices; sortedIndices sortedBonds; for (BondList::const_iterator iter = ListOfBonds.begin(); iter != ListOfBonds.end(); ++iter) sortedBonds.insert(getLocalId((*iter)->GetOtherAtom(currentAtom)->getId())); // print indices sortedIndices::const_iterator currentBond = sortedBonds.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNeighbors; i++) { *file << (currentBond != sortedBonds.end() ? (*currentBond) : 0) << "\t"; if (currentBond != sortedBonds.end()) ++currentBond; } } /** * Stores keys from the ATOMDATA line in \a fields. * * \param line to parse the keys from * \param offset with which offset the keys begin within the line * \param fields which usedFields to use */ void FormatParser< tremolo >::parseAtomDataKeysLine( const std::string &line, const int offset, usedFields_t &fields) { std::string keyword; std::stringstream lineStream; lineStream << line.substr(offset); lineStream >> ws; while (lineStream.good()) { lineStream >> keyword; if (knownKeys[keyword.substr(0, keyword.find("="))] == TremoloKey::noKey) { // TODO: throw exception about unknown key cout << "Unknown key: " << keyword.substr(0, keyword.find("=")) << " is not part of the tremolo format specification." << endl; throw IllegalParserKeyException(); break; } fields.push_back(keyword); lineStream >> ws; } LOG(2, "INFO: " << fields); } /** * Tests whether the keys from the ATOMDATA line can be read correctly. * * \param line to parse the keys from */ bool FormatParser< tremolo >::testParseAtomDataKeysLine( const std::string &line) { std::string keyword; std::stringstream lineStream; // check string after ATOMDATA const std::string AtomData("ATOMDATA"); const size_t AtomDataOffset = line.find(AtomData, 0); if (AtomDataOffset == std::string::npos) lineStream << line; else lineStream << line.substr(AtomDataOffset + AtomData.length()); while (lineStream.good()) { lineStream >> keyword; //LOG(2, "DEBUG: Checking key " << keyword.substr(0, keyword.find("=")) << "."); if (knownKeys[keyword.substr(0, keyword.find("="))] == TremoloKey::noKey) return false; } //LOG(1, "INFO: " << fields); return true; } std::string FormatParser< tremolo >::getAtomData() const { std::stringstream output; std::for_each(usedFields_save.begin(), usedFields_save.end(), output << boost::lambda::_1 << " "); const std::string returnstring(output.str()); return returnstring.substr(0, returnstring.find_last_of(" ")); } /** Appends the properties per atom to print to .data file by parsing line from * \a atomdata_string. * * We just call \sa FormatParser< tremolo >::parseAtomDataKeysLine(). * * @param atomdata_string line to parse with space-separated values */ void FormatParser< tremolo >::setAtomData(const std::string &atomdata_string) { parseAtomDataKeysLine(atomdata_string, 0, usedFields_save); } /** Sets the properties per atom to print to .data file by parsing line from * \a atomdata_string. * * We just call \sa FormatParser< tremolo >::parseAtomDataKeysLine(), however * we clear FormatParser< tremolo >::usedFields_save. * * @param atomdata_string line to parse with space-separated values */ void FormatParser< tremolo >::resetAtomData(const std::string &atomdata_string) { usedFields_save.clear(); parseAtomDataKeysLine(atomdata_string, 0, usedFields_save); } /** * Reads one data line of a tremolo file and interprets it according to the keys * obtained from the ATOMDATA line. * * \param line to parse as an atom * \param *newmol molecule to add atom to * \param _timestep time step to parse to * \param _addedatom ref to added atom */ void FormatParser< tremolo >::readAtomDataLine( const std::string &line, molecule *newmol, const size_t _timestep, atom *&_addedatoms) { std::stringstream lineStream; atom* newAtom = NULL; atomId_t atomid = -1; if (_timestep == 0) { newAtom = World::getInstance().createAtom(); _addedatoms = newAtom; atomid = newAtom->getId(); additionalAtomData[atomid] = TremoloAtomInfoContainer(); // fill with default values } else { newAtom = _addedatoms; atomid = newAtom->getId(); } TremoloAtomInfoContainer *atomInfo = &additionalAtomData[atomid]; TremoloKey::atomDataKey currentField; ConvertTo toDouble; ConvertTo toInt; Vector tempVector; const ParticleRegistry& registry = ParticleRegistry::getConstInstance(); const periodentafel& periode = *World::getInstance().getPeriode(); // setup tokenizer, splitting up white-spaced entries typedef boost::tokenizer > tokenizer; boost::char_separator whitespacesep(" \t"); tokenizer tokens(line, whitespacesep); ASSERT(tokens.begin() != tokens.end(), "FormatParser< tremolo >::readAtomDataLine - empty string, need at least ' '!"); tokenizer::const_iterator tok_iter = tokens.begin(); // then associate each token to each file for (usedFields_t::const_iterator it = usedFields_load.begin(); it != usedFields_load.end(); it++) { const std::string keyName = it->substr(0, it->find("=")); currentField = knownKeys[keyName]; ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(), "FormatParser< tremolo >::readAtomDataLine - too few entries in line '"+line+"'!"); const std::string &word = *tok_iter; LOG(4, "INFO: Parsing key " << keyName << " with remaining data " << word); switch (currentField) { case TremoloKey::x : // for the moment, assume there are always three dimensions for (int i=0;i::readAtomDataLine() - no value for x["+toString(i)+"]!"); LOG(4, "INFO: Parsing key " << keyName << " with next token " << word << " on step " << _timestep); newAtom->setAtStep(i, _timestep, toDouble(word)); tok_iter++; } break; case TremoloKey::u : // for the moment, assume there are always three dimensions for (int i=0;i::readAtomDataLine() - no value for u["+toString(i)+"]!"); LOG(4, "INFO: Parsing key " << keyName << " with next token " << word << " on step " << _timestep); tempVector[i] = toDouble(word); tok_iter++; } newAtom->setAtomicVelocityAtStep(_timestep, tempVector); break; case TremoloKey::F : // for the moment, assume there are always three dimensions for (int i=0;i::readAtomDataLine() - no value for F["+toString(i)+"]!"); LOG(4, "INFO: Parsing key " << keyName << " with next token " << word << " on step " << _timestep); tempVector[i] = toDouble(word); tok_iter++; } newAtom->setAtomicForceAtStep(_timestep, tempVector); break; case TremoloKey::type : { ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(), "FormatParser< tremolo >::readAtomDataLine() - no value for "+keyName+"!"); LOG(4, "INFO: Parsing key " << keyName << " with next token " << word << " on step " << _timestep); std::string elementname; const element * elem = NULL; if (!registry.isPresentByName(word)) { std::string lowercase_word(word); std::transform(word.begin()+1, word.end(), lowercase_word.begin()+1, ::tolower); elem = periode.FindElement(lowercase_word); if (elem == NULL) { // clean up World::getInstance().destroyAtom(newAtom); // give an error ELOG(0, "TremoloParser: tokens " << word << "/" << lowercase_word << " is unknown to neither ParticleRegistry nor Periodentafel."); return; } else { elementname = elem->getSymbol(); } } else { const Particle * const p = registry.getByName(word); elementname = p->getElement(); elem = periode.FindElement(elementname); } // put type name into container for later use atomInfo->set(currentField, word); LOG(4, "INFO: Parsing element " << (word) << " as " << elementname << " according to KnownTypes."); tok_iter++; newAtom->setType(elem); ASSERT(newAtom->getType(), "Type was not set for this atom"); break; } case TremoloKey::Id : ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(), "FormatParser< tremolo >::readAtomDataLine() - no value for "+keyName+"!"); LOG(4, "INFO: Parsing key " << keyName << " with next token " << word << " on step " << _timestep); if (_timestep == 0) { associateLocaltoGlobalId(toInt(word), atomid); } else { // check association is the same ASSERT( (atomId_t)getGlobalId(toInt(word)) == atomid, "FormatParser< tremolo >::readAtomDataLine() - differing global id "+toString(atomid) +" on timestep "+toString(_timestep)); ASSERT( getLocalId(atomid) == toInt(word), "FormatParser< tremolo >::readAtomDataLine() - differing local id "+toString(toInt(word)) +" on timestep "+toString(_timestep)); } tok_iter++; break; case TremoloKey::neighbors : for (int i=0;isubstr(it->find("=") + 1, 1).c_str());i++) { ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(), "FormatParser< tremolo >::readAtomDataLine() - no value for "+keyName+"!"); if (_timestep == 0) LOG(4, "INFO: Parsing key " << keyName << " with next token " << word << " on step " << _timestep); lineStream << word << "\t"; tok_iter++; } if (_timestep == 0) { readNeighbors(&lineStream, atoi(it->substr(it->find("=") + 1, 1).c_str()), atomid); } break; case TremoloKey::charge : ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(), "FormatParser< tremolo >::readAtomDataLine() - no value for "+keyName+"!"); if (_timestep == 0) { LOG(4, "INFO: Parsing key " << keyName << " with next token " << word << " on step " << _timestep); atomInfo->set(currentField, word); newAtom->setCharge(boost::lexical_cast(word)); } tok_iter++; break; default : ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(), "FormatParser< tremolo >::readAtomDataLine() - no value for "+keyName+"!"); if (_timestep == 0) { LOG(4, "INFO: Parsing key " << keyName << " with next token " << word << " on step " << _timestep); atomInfo->set(currentField, word); } tok_iter++; break; } } LOG(3, "INFO: Parsed atom " << atomid << "."); if (newmol != NULL) newmol->AddAtom(newAtom); } bool FormatParser< tremolo >::saveAtomsInExttypes( std::ostream &output, const std::vector &atoms, const int id) const { bool status = true; // parse the file for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = atoms.begin(); iter != atoms.end(); ++iter) { const int atomicid = getLocalId((*iter)->getId()); if (atomicid == -1) status = false; output << atomicid << "\t" << id << std::endl; } return status; } /** * Reads neighbor information for one atom from the input. * * \param line stream where to read the information from * \param numberOfNeighbors number of neighbors to read * \param atomid world id of the atom the information belongs to */ void FormatParser< tremolo >::readNeighbors( std::stringstream* line, const int numberOfNeighbors, const int atomId) { int neighborId = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNeighbors; i++) { *line >> neighborId; // 0 is used to fill empty neighbor positions in the tremolo file. if (neighborId > 0) { LOG(4, "INFO: Atom with global id " << atomId << " has neighbour with serial " << neighborId); additionalAtomData[atomId].neighbors.push_back(neighborId); } } } /** * Checks whether the provided name is within \a fields. * * \param fields which usedFields to use * \param fieldName name to check * \return true if the field name is used */ bool FormatParser< tremolo >::isUsedField( const usedFields_t &fields, const std::string &fieldName) const { bool fieldNameExists = false; for (usedFields_t::const_iterator usedField = fields.begin(); usedField != fields.end(); usedField++) { if (usedField->substr(0, usedField->find("=")) == fieldName) fieldNameExists = true; } return fieldNameExists; } /** * Adds the collected neighbor information to the atoms in the world. The atoms * are found by their current ID and mapped to the corresponding atoms with the * Id found in the parsed file. * * @param atoms vector with all newly added (global) atomic ids */ void FormatParser< tremolo >::processNeighborInformation( const std::vector &atoms) { if (!isUsedField(usedFields_load, "neighbors")) { return; } for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = atoms.begin(); iter != atoms.end(); ++iter) { ASSERT(additionalAtomData.count(*iter) != 0, "FormatParser< tremolo >::processNeighborInformation() - global id " +toString(*iter)+" unknown in additionalAtomData."); TremoloAtomInfoContainer ¤tInfo = additionalAtomData[*iter]; ASSERT (!currentInfo.neighbors_processed, "FormatParser< tremolo >::processNeighborInformation() - neighbors of new atom " +toString(*iter)+" are already processed."); for(std::vector::const_iterator neighbor = currentInfo.neighbors.begin(); neighbor != currentInfo.neighbors.end(); neighbor++ ) { LOG(3, "INFO: Creating bond between (" << *iter << ") and (" << getGlobalId(*neighbor) << "|" << *neighbor << ")"); ASSERT(getGlobalId(*neighbor) != -1, "FormatParser< tremolo >::processNeighborInformation() - global id to local id " +toString(*neighbor)+" is unknown."); World::getInstance().getAtom(AtomById(*iter)) ->addBond(WorldTime::getTime(), World::getInstance().getAtom(AtomById(getGlobalId(*neighbor)))); } currentInfo.neighbors_processed = true; } } /** * Replaces atom IDs read from the file by the corresponding world IDs. All IDs * IDs of the input string will be replaced; expected separating characters are * "-" and ",". * * \param string in which atom IDs should be adapted * \param idgetter function pointer to change the id * * \return input string with modified atom IDs */ std::string FormatParser< tremolo >::adaptIdDependentDataString( const std::string &data, const boost::function &idgetter ) { // there might be no IDs if (data == "-") { return "-"; } char separator; int id; std::stringstream line, result; line << data; line >> id; result << idgetter(id); while (line.good()) { line >> separator >> id; result << separator << idgetter(id); } return result.str(); } /** Corrects the atom IDs in each imprData entry to the corresponding world IDs * as they might differ from the originally read IDs. * * \param atoms currently parsed in atoms */ void FormatParser< tremolo >::adaptImprData(const std::vector &atoms) { if (!isUsedField(usedFields_load, "imprData")) { return; } for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = atoms.begin(); iter != atoms.end(); ++iter) { ASSERT(additionalAtomData.count(*iter) != 0, "FormatParser< tremolo >::processNeighborInformation() - global id " +toString(*iter)+" unknown in additionalAtomData."); TremoloAtomInfoContainer ¤tInfo = additionalAtomData[*iter]; currentInfo.imprData = adaptIdDependentDataString(currentInfo.imprData, idglobalizer); } } /** Corrects the atom IDs in each torsion entry to the corresponding world IDs * as they might differ from the originally read IDs. * * \param atoms currently parsed in atoms */ void FormatParser< tremolo >::adaptTorsion(const std::vector &atoms) { if (!isUsedField(usedFields_load, "torsion")) { return; } for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = atoms.begin(); iter != atoms.end(); ++iter) { ASSERT(additionalAtomData.count(*iter) != 0, "FormatParser< tremolo >::processNeighborInformation() - global id " +toString(*iter)+" unknown in additionalAtomData."); TremoloAtomInfoContainer ¤tInfo = additionalAtomData[*iter]; currentInfo.torsion = adaptIdDependentDataString(currentInfo.torsion, idglobalizer); } }