/* * Project: MoleCuilder * Description: creates and alters molecular systems * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved. * * * This file is part of MoleCuilder. * * MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MoleCuilder. If not, see . */ /* * Psi3Parser.cpp * * Created on: Oct 04, 2011 * Author: heber */ // include config.h #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp" #include "Psi3Parser.hpp" #include "Psi3Parser_Parameters.hpp" #include "Atom/atom.hpp" #include "Bond/bond.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/toString.hpp" #include "Element/element.hpp" #include "Element/periodentafel.hpp" #include "LinearAlgebra/Vector.hpp" #include "molecule.hpp" #include "MoleculeListClass.hpp" #include "World.hpp" // declare specialized static variables const std::string FormatParserTrait::name = "psi3"; const std::string FormatParserTrait::suffix = "psi"; const ParserTypes FormatParserTrait::type = psi3; // a converter we often need ConvertTo FormatParser::Converter; /** Constructor of Psi3Parser. * */ FormatParser< psi3 >::FormatParser() : FormatParser_common(new Psi3Parser_Parameters()) {} /** Destructor of Psi3Parser. * */ FormatParser< psi3 >::~FormatParser() {} /** Load an PSI3 config file into the World. * \param *file input stream */ void FormatParser< psi3 >::load(istream *file) { bool Psi3Section = false; bool GeometrySection = false; char line[MAXSTRINGSIZE]; typedef boost::tokenizer > tokenizer; boost::char_separator sep("()"); boost::char_separator angularsep("<>"); boost::char_separator equalitysep(" ="); boost::char_separator whitesep(" \t"); ConvertTo toDouble; molecule *newmol = World::getInstance().createMolecule(); newmol->ActiveFlag = true; // TODO: Remove the insertion into molecule when saving does not depend on them anymore. Also, remove molecule.hpp include World::getInstance().getMolecules()->insert(newmol); while (file->good()) { file->getline(line, MAXSTRINGSIZE-1); std::string linestring(line); LOG(3, "INFO: Current line is: " << line); if ((linestring.find(")") != string::npos) && (linestring.find("(") == string::npos)) { LOG(3, "INFO: Line contains ')' and no '(' (end of section): " << line); // ends a section which do not overlap if (GeometrySection) GeometrySection = false; else Psi3Section = false; } if (GeometrySection) { // we have an atom tokenizer tokens(linestring, sep); // if (tokens.size() != 2) // throw Psi3ParseException; tokenizer::iterator tok_iter = tokens.begin(); ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(), "FormatParser< psi3 >::load() - missing token for MoleculeSection in line "+linestring+"!"); std::stringstream whitespacefilter(*++tok_iter); std::string element; whitespacefilter >> ws >> element; LOG(2, "INFO: element of atom is " << element); ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(), "FormatParser< psi3 >::load() - missing token for MoleculeSection in line "+linestring+"!"); std::string vector = *tok_iter; tokenizer vectorcomponents(vector, whitesep); Vector X; // if (vectorcomponents.size() != NDIM) // throw Psi3ParseException; tok_iter = vectorcomponents.begin(); ++tok_iter; for (int i=0; isetType(World::getInstance().getPeriode()->FindElement(element)); newAtom->setPosition(X); newmol->AddAtom(newAtom); LOG(1, "Adding atom " << *newAtom); } if ((Psi3Section) && (!GeometrySection)) { if (linestring.find("=") != string::npos) { // get param value tokenizer tokens(linestring, equalitysep); tokenizer::iterator tok_iter = tokens.begin(); ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(), "FormatParser< psi3 >::load() - missing token before '=' for Psi3Section in line "+linestring+"!"); std::stringstream whitespacefilter(*tok_iter); std::string key; whitespacefilter >> ws >> key; //LOG(2, "INFO: key to check is: " << key); if (getParams().haveParameter(key)) { //LOG(2, "INFO: Line submitted to parameter is: " << linestring); std::stringstream linestream(linestring); linestream >> getParams(); } else { // unknown keys are simply ignored as long as parser is incomplete LOG(3, "INFO: '"+key+"' is unknown and ignored."); } } } if ((linestring.find("geometry") != string::npos) && (linestring.find("(") != string::npos)) { LOG(3, "INFO: Line contains geometry and '(': " << line); GeometrySection = true; } if ((linestring.find("psi:") != string::npos) && (linestring.find("(") != string::npos)) { LOG(3, "INFO: Line contains psi: and '(': " << line); Psi3Section = true; } } // refresh atom::nr and atom::name newmol->getAtomCount(); } void FormatParser< psi3 >::OutputPsi3Line(ostream * const out, const atom &_atom, const Vector *center) const { Vector recentered(_atom.getPosition()); recentered -= *center; *out << "\t( " << _atom.getType()->getSymbol() << "\t" << recentered[0] << "\t" << recentered[1] << "\t" << recentered[2] << " )" << endl; }; /** Saves all atoms and data into a PSI3 config file. * \param *file output stream * \param atoms atoms to store */ void FormatParser< psi3 >::save(ostream *file, const std::vector &atoms) { Vector center; // vector allatoms = World::getInstance().getAllAtoms(); // calculate center for (std::vector::const_iterator runner = atoms.begin();runner != atoms.end(); ++runner) center += (*runner)->getPosition(); center.Scale(1./(double)atoms.size()); // first without hessian if (file->fail()) { ELOG(1, "Cannot open psi3 output file."); } else { *file << "% Created by MoleCuilder" << std::endl; *file << "psi: (" << std::endl; *file << "\t" << getParams().getParameterName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::labelParam) << " = \"" << getParams().getParameter(Psi3Parser_Parameters::labelParam) << "\"" << std::endl; *file << "\t" << getParams().getParameterName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::jobtypeParam) << " = " << getParams().getParameter(Psi3Parser_Parameters::jobtypeParam) << std::endl; *file << "\t" << getParams().getParameterName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::wavefunctionParam) << " = " << getParams().getParameter(Psi3Parser_Parameters::wavefunctionParam) << std::endl; *file << "\t" << getParams().getParameterName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::maxiterParam) << " = " << getParams().getParameter(Psi3Parser_Parameters::maxiterParam) << std::endl; *file << "\t" << getParams().getParameterName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::referenceParam) << " = " << getParams().getParameter(Psi3Parser_Parameters::referenceParam) << std::endl; *file << "\t" << getParams().getParameterName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::basisParam) << " = \"" << getParams().getParameter(Psi3Parser_Parameters::basisParam) << "\"" << std::endl; const std::string reference = getParams().getParameter(Psi3Parser_Parameters::referenceParam); // if (reference == getParams().getReferenceName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::RHF)) { // } // if (reference == getParams().getReferenceName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::ROHF)) { // } if ((reference == getParams().getReferenceName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::UHF)) || (reference == getParams().getReferenceName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::TWOCON))) { const unsigned int multiplicity = calculateMultiplicity(atoms); *file << "\t" << getParams().getParameterName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::multiplicityParam) << " = " << multiplicity << std::endl; // << " = " << getParams().getParameter(Psi3Parser_Parameters::multiplicityParam) << std::endl; *file << "\t" << getParams().getParameterName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::chargeParam) << " = " << getParams().getParameter(Psi3Parser_Parameters::chargeParam) << std::endl; } if (reference == getParams().getReferenceName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::TWOCON)) { *file << "\t" << getParams().getParameterName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::soccParam) << " = " << getParams().getParameter(Psi3Parser_Parameters::soccParam) << std::endl; *file << "\t" << getParams().getParameterName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::doccParam) << " = " << getParams().getParameter(Psi3Parser_Parameters::doccParam) << std::endl; *file << "\t" << getParams().getParameterName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::subgroupParam) << " = " << getParams().getParameter(Psi3Parser_Parameters::subgroupParam) << std::endl; *file << "\t" << getParams().getParameterName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::unique_axisParam) << " = " << getParams().getParameter(Psi3Parser_Parameters::unique_axisParam) << std::endl; } if ((reference != getParams().getReferenceName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::RHF)) && (reference != getParams().getReferenceName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::ROHF)) && (reference != getParams().getReferenceName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::UHF)) && (reference != getParams().getReferenceName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::TWOCON))) { ELOG(0, "Unknown level of reference requested for Psi3 output file."); } *file << "\t" << getParams().getParameterName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::freeze_coreParam) << " = " << getParams().getParameter(Psi3Parser_Parameters::freeze_coreParam) << std::endl; *file << "\t" << getParams().getParameterName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::unitsParam) << " = " << getParams().getParameter(Psi3Parser_Parameters::unitsParam) << std::endl; *file << "\tgeometry = (" << std::endl; // output of atoms BOOST_FOREACH(const atom *_atom, atoms) { OutputPsi3Line(file, *_atom, ¢er); } *file << "\t)" << std::endl; *file << "\t" << getParams().getParameterName(Psi3Parser_Parameters::originParam) << " = " << getParams().getParameter(Psi3Parser_Parameters::originParam) << std::endl; *file << ")" << std::endl; } } unsigned int FormatParser< psi3 >::calculateMultiplicity(const std::vector &atoms) const { // add up the number of electrons double valencies = 0.; BOOST_FOREACH(atom *_atom, atoms) { valencies += _atom->getType()->getAtomicNumber(); } // add doubly up all bond degrees (two electrons per bond) unsigned int degrees = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(atom *_atom, atoms) { BOOST_FOREACH(bond::ptr _bond, _atom->getListOfBonds()) { degrees += 2*_bond->BondDegree; } } // return difference+1 as multiplicity return (int)fabs(valencies-degrees)+1; }