* Project: MoleCuilder
* Description: creates and alters molecular systems
* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2013 Frederik Heber. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of MoleCuilder.
* MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MoleCuilder. If not, see .
* MpqcParser.cpp
* Created on: 12.06.2010
* Author: heber
// include config.h
#include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp"
#include "MpqcParser.hpp"
#include "MpqcParser_Parameters.hpp"
#include "Atom/atom.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/toString.hpp"
#include "config.hpp"
#include "Element/element.hpp"
#include "Element/periodentafel.hpp"
#include "LinearAlgebra/Vector.hpp"
#include "molecule.hpp"
#include "Parser/Exceptions.hpp"
#include "World.hpp"
// declare specialized static variables
const std::string FormatParserTrait::name = "mpqc";
const std::string FormatParserTrait::suffix = "in";
const ParserTypes FormatParserTrait::type = mpqc;
// a converter we often need
ConvertTo FormatParser::Converter;
/** Constructor of MpqcParser.
FormatParser< mpqc >::FormatParser() :
FormatParser_common(new MpqcParser_Parameters())
/** Destructor of MpqcParser.
FormatParser< mpqc >::~FormatParser()
/** Load an MPQC config file into the World.
* \param *file input stream
void FormatParser< mpqc >::load(istream *file)
bool MpqcSection = false;
bool MoleculeSection = false;
bool GeometrySection = false;
bool GeometrySection_n = false;
bool BasisSection = false;
bool AuxBasisSection = false;
typedef boost::tokenizer > tokenizer;
boost::char_separator sep("[]");
boost::char_separator angularsep("<>");
boost::char_separator equalitysep(" =");
boost::char_separator whitesep(" \t");
ConvertTo toDouble;
int old_n = -1; // note down the last parsed "n" to ascertain it's ascending
molecule *newmol = World::getInstance().createMolecule();
newmol->ActiveFlag = true;
while (file->good()) {
file->getline(line, MAXSTRINGSIZE-1);
std::string linestring(line);
if (((linestring.find("atoms") == string::npos)
|| (linestring.find("geometry") == string::npos))
&& (linestring.find("}") != string::npos)) {
GeometrySection = false;
if ((linestring.find(")") != string::npos)) { // ends a section which do not overlap
MpqcSection = false;
MoleculeSection = false;
BasisSection = false;
AuxBasisSection = false;
if (MoleculeSection) {
if (GeometrySection) { // we have an atom
// LOG(2, "DEBUG: Full line is '" << linestring << "'.");
// separate off [..] part
tokenizer tokens(linestring, sep);
// split part prior to [..] into tokens
std::string prior_part(*tokens.begin());
tokenizer prefixtokens(prior_part, whitesep);
tokenizer::iterator tok_iter = prefixtokens.begin();
// LOG(2, "DEBUG: Current tok_iter is " << *tok_iter << ".");
if (GeometrySection_n) {
ASSERT(tok_iter != prefixtokens.end(),
"FormatParser< mpqc >::load() - missing n entry for MoleculeSection in line "
// if additional n is given, parse and check but discard eventually
int n;
std::stringstream whitespacefilter(*tok_iter++);
whitespacefilter >> ws >> n;
if ((old_n != -1) && ((n-1) != old_n))
ELOG(2, "n index is not simply ascending by one but "
<< n-old_n << ", specific ids are lost!");
if (old_n >= n) {
ELOG(1, "n index is not simply ascending, coordinates might get mixed!");
throw ParserException();
old_n = n;
ASSERT(tok_iter != prefixtokens.end(),
"FormatParser< mpqc >::load() - missing atoms entry for MoleculeSection in line "
// LOG(2, "DEBUG: Current tok_iter is " << *tok_iter << ".");
std::string element;
std::stringstream whitespacefilter(*tok_iter++);
whitespacefilter >> ws >> element;
// split [..] part and parse
tok_iter = (++tokens.begin());
ASSERT (tok_iter != tokens.end(),
"FormatParser< mpqc >::load() - missing geometry entry for MoleculeSection in line "
// LOG(2, "DEBUG: Current tok_iter is " << *tok_iter << ".");
std::string vector(*tok_iter);
tokenizer vectorcomponents(vector, whitesep);
Vector X;
// if (vectorcomponents.size() != NDIM)
// throw ParserException();
tok_iter = vectorcomponents.begin();
for (int i=0; isetType(World::getInstance().getPeriode()->FindElement(element));
LOG(1, "Adding atom " << *newAtom);
if (MpqcSection) {
if (linestring.find("mole<") != string::npos) { // get theory
tokenizer tokens(linestring, angularsep);
tokenizer::iterator tok_iter = tokens.begin();
ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(),
"FormatParser< mpqc >::load() - missing token in brackets<> for mole< in line "+linestring+"!");
std::string value(*tok_iter);
std::stringstream linestream("theory = "+value);
linestream >> getParams();
} else if (linestring.find("integrals<") != string::npos) { // get theory
tokenizer tokens(linestring, angularsep);
tokenizer::iterator tok_iter = tokens.begin();
ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(),
"FormatParser< mpqc >::load() - missing token in brackets<> for integrals< in line "+linestring+"!");
std::string value(*tok_iter);
std::stringstream linestream("integration = "+value);
linestream >> getParams();
} else if ((linestring.find("molecule") == string::npos) && (linestring.find("basis") == string::npos)){
// molecule and basis must not be parsed in this section
tokenizer tokens(linestring, equalitysep);
tokenizer::iterator tok_iter = tokens.begin();
ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(),
"FormatParser< mpqc >::load() - missing token before '=' for MpqcSection in line "+linestring+"!");
std::stringstream whitespacefilter(*tok_iter);
std::string key;
whitespacefilter >> ws >> key;
if (getParams().haveParameter(key)) {
std::stringstream linestream(linestring);
linestream >> getParams();
} else { // unknown keys are simply ignored as long as parser is incomplete
LOG(2, "INFO: '"+key+"' is unknown and ignored.");
if (BasisSection) {
tokenizer tokens(linestring, equalitysep);
tokenizer::iterator tok_iter = tokens.begin();
ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(),
"FormatParser< mpqc >::load() - missing token for BasisSection in line "+linestring+"!");
std::string key(*tok_iter++);
ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(),
"FormatParser< mpqc >::load() - missing value for BasisSection after key "+key+" in line "+linestring+"!");
std::string value(*tok_iter);
// TODO: use exception instead of ASSERT
ASSERT(tok_iter == tokens.end(),
"FormatParser< mpqc >::load() - more than (key = value) on line "+linestring+".");
if (key == "name") {
std::stringstream linestream("basis = "+value);
linestream >> getParams();
if (AuxBasisSection) {
tokenizer tokens(linestring, equalitysep);
tokenizer::iterator tok_iter = tokens.begin();
ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(),
"FormatParser< mpqc >::load() - missing token for AuxBasisSection in line "+linestring+"!");
std::string key(*tok_iter++);
ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(),
"FormatParser< mpqc >::load() - missing value for BasisSection after key "+key+" in line "+linestring+"!");
std::string value(*tok_iter);
// TODO: use exception instead of ASSERT
ASSERT(tok_iter == tokens.end(),
"FormatParser< mpqc >::load() - more than (key = value) on line "+linestring+".");
if (key == "name") {
std::stringstream linestream("aux_basis = "+value);
linestream >> getParams();
// set some scan flags
if (linestring.find("mpqc:") != string::npos) {
MpqcSection = true;
if (linestring.find("molecule:") != string::npos) {
MoleculeSection = true;
if ((linestring.find("atoms") != string::npos)
&& (linestring.find("geometry") != string::npos)) {
GeometrySection = true;
if (linestring.find("n") != string::npos) // neither atoms nor geometry contains a letter n
GeometrySection_n = true;
if ((linestring.find("basis:") != string::npos) && ((linestring.find("abasis<") == string::npos))) {
BasisSection = true;
if (linestring.find("abasis<") != string::npos) {
AuxBasisSection = true;
// refresh atom::nr and atom::name
void FormatParser< mpqc >::OutputMPQCLine(ostream * const out, const atom &_atom, const Vector *center) const
Vector recentered(_atom.getPosition());
recentered -= *center;
*out << "\t\t" << _atom.getType()->getSymbol() << " [ ";
std::stringstream posstream;
posstream << std::setprecision(12) << recentered[0] << "\t" << recentered[1] << "\t" << recentered[2];
*out << posstream.str();
*out << " ]" << std::endl;
/** Saves all atoms and data into a MPQC config file.
* \param *file output stream
* \param atoms atoms to store
void FormatParser< mpqc >::save(ostream *file, const std::vector &atoms)
Vector center;
// vector allatoms = const_cast(World::getInstance()).
// getAllAtoms();
// calculate center
// for (std::vector::const_iterator runner = atoms.begin();runner != atoms.end(); ++runner)
// center += (*runner)->getPosition();
// center.Scale(1./(double)atoms.size());
// first without hessian
if (file->fail()) {
ELOG(1, "Cannot open mpqc output file.");
} else {
*file << "% Created by MoleCuilder" << endl;
*file << "mpqc: (" << endl;
*file << "\tcheckpoint = no" << endl;
*file << "\trestart = no" << endl;
*file << "\tsavestate = " << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::savestateParam) << endl;
*file << "\tdo_gradient = " << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::do_gradientParam) << endl;
if (Converter(getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::hessianParam))) {
*file << "\tfreq: (" << endl;
*file << "\t\tmolecule=$:molecule" << endl;
*file << "\t)" << endl;
const std::string theory = getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::theoryParam);
if (theory == getParams().getTheoryName(MpqcParser_Parameters::CLHF)) {
*file << "\tmole<" << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::theoryParam) << ">: (" << endl;
*file << "\t\tmolecule = $:molecule" << endl;
*file << "\t\t" << getParams().getParameterName(MpqcParser_Parameters::basisParam) << " = $:basis" << endl;
*file << "\t\t" << getParams().getParameterName(MpqcParser_Parameters::maxiterParam)
<< " = " << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::maxiterParam)<< endl;
*file << "\t\t" << getParams().getParameterName(MpqcParser_Parameters::memoryParam)
<< " = " << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::memoryParam) << endl;
*file << "\t)" << endl;
} else if (theory == getParams().getTheoryName(MpqcParser_Parameters::CLKS)) {
*file << "\tmole<" << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::theoryParam) << ">: (" << endl;
*file << "\t\tfunctional:(name=B3LYP)" << endl;
*file << "\t\tmolecule = $:molecule" << endl;
*file << "\t\t" << getParams().getParameterName(MpqcParser_Parameters::basisParam) << " = $:basis" << endl;
*file << "\t\t" << getParams().getParameterName(MpqcParser_Parameters::maxiterParam)
<< " = " << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::maxiterParam)<< endl;
*file << "\t\t" << getParams().getParameterName(MpqcParser_Parameters::memoryParam)
<< " = " << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::memoryParam) << endl;
*file << "\t)" << endl;
} else if (theory == getParams().getTheoryName(MpqcParser_Parameters::MBPT2)) {
*file << "\tmole<" << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::theoryParam) << ">: (" << endl;
*file << "\t\t" << getParams().getParameterName(MpqcParser_Parameters::basisParam) << " = $:basis" << endl;
*file << "\t\tmolecule = $:molecule" << endl;
*file << "\t\t" << getParams().getParameterName(MpqcParser_Parameters::memoryParam)
<< " = " << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::memoryParam) << endl;
*file << "\t\treference: (" << endl;
*file << "\t\t\t" << getParams().getParameterName(MpqcParser_Parameters::maxiterParam)
<< " = " << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::maxiterParam)<< endl;
*file << "\t\t\t" << getParams().getParameterName(MpqcParser_Parameters::basisParam) << " = $:basis" << endl;
*file << "\t\t\tmolecule = $:molecule" << endl;
*file << "\t\t\t" << getParams().getParameterName(MpqcParser_Parameters::memoryParam)
<< " = " << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::memoryParam) << endl;
*file << "\t\t)" << endl;
*file << "\t)" << endl;
} else if (theory == getParams().getTheoryName(MpqcParser_Parameters::MBPT2_R12)) {
*file << "\tmole<" << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::theoryParam) << ">: (" << endl;
*file << "\t\tmolecule = $:molecule" << endl;
*file << "\t\t" << getParams().getParameterName(MpqcParser_Parameters::basisParam) << " = $:basis" << endl;
*file << "\t\t" << getParams().getParameterName(MpqcParser_Parameters::aux_basisParam) << " = $:abasis" << endl;
*file << "\t\t" << getParams().getParameterName(MpqcParser_Parameters::stdapproxParam)
<< " = \"" << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::stdapproxParam) << "\"" << endl;
*file << "\t\t" << getParams().getParameterName(MpqcParser_Parameters::nfzcParam)
<< " = " << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::nfzcParam) << endl;
*file << "\t\t" << getParams().getParameterName(MpqcParser_Parameters::memoryParam)
<< " = " << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::memoryParam) << endl;
*file << "\t\tintegrals:()" << endl;
*file << "\t\treference: (" << endl;
*file << "\t\t\tmolecule = $:molecule" << endl;
*file << "\t\t\t" << getParams().getParameterName(MpqcParser_Parameters::basisParam) << " = $:basis" << endl;
*file << "\t\t\tmaxiter = " << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::maxiterParam) << endl;
*file << "\t\t\tmemory = " << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::memoryParam) << endl;
*file << "\t\t\tintegrals<" << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::integrationParam) << ">:()" << endl;
*file << "\t\t)" << endl;
*file << "\t)" << endl;
} else {
ELOG(0, "Unknown level of theory requested for MPQC output file.");
const std::string jobtype = getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::jobtypeParam);
if (jobtype == getParams().getJobtypeName(MpqcParser_Parameters::Optimization)) {
*file << "\t% optimizer object for the molecular geometry" << endl;
*file << "\topt: (" << endl;
*file << "\t\tfunction = $..:mole" << endl;
*file << "\t\tupdate: ()" << endl;
*file << "\t\tconvergence: (" << endl;
*file << "\t\t\tcartesian = yes" << endl;
*file << "\t\t\tenergy = $..:..:mole" << endl;
*file << "\t\t)" << endl;
*file << "\t)" << endl;
*file << ")" << endl;
*file << "molecule: (" << endl;
*file << "\tunit = " << (World::getInstance().getConfig()->GetIsAngstroem() ? "angstrom" : "bohr" ) << endl;
*file << "\t{ atoms geometry } = {" << endl;
// output of atoms
BOOST_FOREACH(const atom *_atom, atoms) {
OutputMPQCLine(file, *_atom, ¢er);
*file << "\t}" << endl;
*file << ")" << endl;
*file << "basis: (" << endl;
*file << "\tname = \"" << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::basisParam) << "\"" << endl;
*file << "\tmolecule = $:molecule" << endl;
*file << ")" << endl;
if (theory == getParams().getTheoryName(MpqcParser_Parameters::MBPT2_R12)) {
*file << "% auxiliary basis set specification" << endl;
*file << "\tabasis: (" << endl;
*file << "\tname = \"" << getParams().getParameter(MpqcParser_Parameters::aux_basisParam) << "\"" << endl;
*file << "\tmolecule = $:molecule" << endl;
*file << ")" << endl;