1 | /*
2 | * Project: MoleCuilder
3 | * Description: creates and alters molecular systems
4 | * Copyright (C) 2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved.
5 | * Please see the LICENSE file or "Copyright notice" in builder.cpp for details.
6 | */
7 |
8 | /*
9 | * LinkedCell_Controller.cpp
10 | *
11 | * Created on: Nov 15, 2011
12 | * Author: heber
13 | */
14 |
15 | // include config.h
16 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 | #include <config.h>
18 | #endif
19 |
20 | #include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp"
21 |
22 | #include <set>
23 |
24 | #include "Box.hpp"
25 | #include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp"
26 | #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
27 | #include "CodePatterns/Observer/Notification.hpp"
28 | #include "CodePatterns/Range.hpp"
29 | #include "LinkedCell_Controller.hpp"
30 | #include "LinkedCell_Model.hpp"
31 | #include "LinkedCell_View.hpp"
32 | #include "LinkedCell_View_ModelWrapper.hpp"
33 | #include "IPointCloud.hpp"
34 |
35 |
36 | using namespace LinkedCell;
37 |
38 | double LinkedCell_Controller::lower_threshold = 1.;
39 | double LinkedCell_Controller::upper_threshold = 20.;
40 |
41 | /** Constructor of class LinkedCell_Controller.
42 | *
43 | */
44 | LinkedCell_Controller::LinkedCell_Controller(const Box &_domain) :
45 | Observer("LinkedCell_Controller"),
46 | domain(_domain)
47 | {
48 | /// Check that upper_threshold fits within half the box.
49 | Vector diagonal(1.,1.,1.);
50 | diagonal.Scale(upper_threshold);
51 | Vector diagonal_transformed = domain.getMinv() * diagonal;
52 | double max_factor = 1.;
53 | for (size_t i=0; i<NDIM; ++i)
54 | if (diagonal_transformed.at(i) > 1./max_factor)
55 | max_factor = 1./diagonal_transformed.at(i);
56 | upper_threshold *= max_factor;
57 |
58 | /// Check that lower_threshold is still lower, if not set to half times upper_threshold.
59 | if (lower_threshold > upper_threshold)
60 | lower_threshold = 0.5*upper_threshold;
61 | }
62 |
63 | /** Destructor of class LinkedCell_Controller.
64 | *
65 | * Here, we free all LinkedCell_Model instances again.
66 | *
67 | */
68 | LinkedCell_Controller::~LinkedCell_Controller()
69 | {
70 | /// we free all LinkedCell_Model instances again.
71 | for(MapEdgelengthModel::iterator iter = ModelsMap.begin();
72 | !ModelsMap.empty(); iter = ModelsMap.begin()) {
73 | delete iter->second;
74 | ModelsMap.erase(iter);
75 | }
76 | }
77 |
78 | /** Internal function to obtain the range within which an model is suitable.
79 | *
80 | * \note We use statics lower_threshold and upper_threshold as min and max
81 | * boundaries.
82 | *
83 | * @param distance desired egde length
84 | * @return range within which model edge length is acceptable
85 | */
86 | const range<double> LinkedCell_Controller::getHeuristicRange(const double distance) const
87 | {
88 | const double lower = 0.5*distance < lower_threshold ? lower_threshold : 0.5*distance;
89 | const double upper = 2.*distance > upper_threshold ? upper_threshold : 2.*distance;
90 | range<double> HeuristicInterval(lower, upper);
91 | return HeuristicInterval;
92 | }
93 |
94 | /** Internal function to decide whether a suitable model is present or not.
95 | *
96 | * Here, the heuristic for deciding whether a new linked cell structure has to
97 | * be constructed or not is implemented. The current heuristic is as follows:
98 | * -# the best model should have at least half the desired length (such
99 | * that most we have to look two neighbor shells wide and not one).
100 | * -# the best model should have at most twice the desired length but
101 | * no less than 1 angstroem.
102 | *
103 | * \note Dealing out a pointer is here (hopefully) safe because the function is
104 | * internal and we - inside this class - know what we are doing.
105 | *
106 | * @param distance edge length of the requested linked cell structure
107 | * @return NULL - there is no fitting LinkedCell_Model, else - pointer to instance
108 | */
109 | const LinkedCell_Model *LinkedCell_Controller::getBestModel(double distance) const
110 | {
111 | /// Bound distance to be within [lower_threshold, upper_threshold).
112 | /// Note that we need to stay away from upper boundary a bit,
113 | /// otherwise the distance will end up outside of the interval.
114 | if (distance < lower_threshold)
115 | distance = lower_threshold;
116 | if (distance > upper_threshold)
117 | distance = upper_threshold - std::numeric_limits<double>::round_error();
118 |
119 | /// Look for all models within [0.5 distance, 2. distance).
120 | MapEdgelengthModel::const_iterator bestmatch = ModelsMap.end();
121 | if (!ModelsMap.empty()) {
122 | for(MapEdgelengthModel::const_iterator iter = ModelsMap.begin();
123 | iter != ModelsMap.end(); ++iter) {
124 | // check that we are truely within range
125 | range<double> HeuristicInterval(getHeuristicRange(iter->first));
126 | if (HeuristicInterval.isInRange(distance)) {
127 | // if it's the first match or a closer one, pick
128 | if ((bestmatch == ModelsMap.end())
129 | || (fabs(bestmatch->first - distance) > fabs(iter->first - distance)))
130 | bestmatch = iter;
131 | }
132 | }
133 | }
134 |
135 | /// Return best match or NULL if none found.
136 | if (bestmatch != ModelsMap.end())
137 | return bestmatch->second;
138 | else
139 | return NULL;
140 | }
141 |
142 | /** Internal function to insert a new model and check for valid insertion.
143 | *
144 | * @param distance edge length of new model
145 | * @param instance pointer to model
146 | */
147 | void LinkedCell_Controller::insertNewModel(const double edgelength, const LinkedCell_Model* instance)
148 | {
149 | std::pair< MapEdgelengthModel::iterator, bool> inserter =
150 | ModelsMap.insert( std::make_pair(edgelength, instance) );
151 | ASSERT(inserter.second,
152 | "LinkedCell_Controller::getView() - LinkedCell_Model instance with distance "
153 | +toString(edgelength)+" already present.");
154 | }
155 |
156 | /** Returns the a suitable LinkedCell_Model contained in a LinkedCell_View
157 | * for the requested \a distance.
158 | *
159 | * \sa getBestModel()
160 | *
161 | * @param distance edge length of the requested linked cell structure
162 | * @param set of initial points to insert when new model is created (not always), should be World's
163 | * @return LinkedCell_View wrapping the best LinkedCell_Model
164 | */
165 | LinkedCell_View LinkedCell_Controller::getView(const double distance, IPointCloud &set)
166 | {
167 | /// Look for best instance.
168 | const LinkedCell_Model * const LCModel_best = getBestModel(distance);
169 |
170 | /// Construct new instance if none found,
171 | if (LCModel_best == NULL) {
172 | LinkedCell_Model * const LCModel_new = new LinkedCell_Model(distance, domain);
173 | LCModel_new->insertPointCloud(set);
174 | insertNewModel(distance, LCModel_new);
175 | LinkedCell_View view(*LCModel_new);
176 | return view;
177 | } else {
178 | /// else construct interface and return.
179 | LinkedCell_View view(*LCModel_best);
180 | return view;
181 | }
182 | }
183 |
184 | /** Internal function to re-create all present and used models for the new Box.
185 | *
186 | * The main problem are the views currently in use.
187 | *
188 | * We make use of LinkedCell:LinkedCell_View::RAIIMap as there all present are
189 | * listed. We go through the list, create a map with old model ref as keys to
190 | * just newly created ones, and finally go again through each view and exchange
191 | * the model against the new ones via a simple map lookup.
192 | *
193 | */
194 | void LinkedCell_Controller::updateModelsForNewBoxMatrix()
195 | {
196 | LOG(1, "INFO: Updating all models.");
197 |
198 | typedef std::map<const LinkedCell_Model *, LinkedCell_Model *> ModelLookup;
199 | ModelLookup models;
200 |
201 | // set up map, for now with NULL pointers
202 | for (LinkedCell_View::ModelInstanceMap::const_iterator iter = LinkedCell_View::RAIIMap.begin();
203 | iter != LinkedCell_View::RAIIMap.end(); ++iter) {
204 | #ifndef NDEBUG
205 | std::pair< ModelLookup::iterator, bool > inserter =
206 | #endif
207 | models.insert( std::pair<const LinkedCell_Model *, LinkedCell_Model *>( (*iter)->LC->getModel(), NULL) );
208 | LOG(2, "INFO: Added " << (*iter)->LC->getModel() << " to list of models to replace.");
209 | ASSERT( inserter.second,
210 | "LinkedCell_Controller::updateModelsForNewBoxMatrix() - failed to insert old model "
211 | +toString( (*iter)->LC->getModel() )+","+toString(NULL)+" into models, is already present");
212 | }
213 |
214 | // invert MapEdgelengthModel
215 | LOG(2, "INFO: ModelsMap is " << ModelsMap << ".");
216 | typedef std::map<const LinkedCell_Model*, double > MapEdgelengthModel_inverted;
217 | MapEdgelengthModel_inverted ModelsMap_inverted;
218 | for (MapEdgelengthModel::const_iterator iter = ModelsMap.begin();
219 | iter != ModelsMap.end(); ++iter) {
220 | #ifndef NDEBUG
221 | MapEdgelengthModel_inverted::const_iterator assertiter = ModelsMap_inverted.find(iter->second);
222 | ASSERT( assertiter == ModelsMap_inverted.end(),
223 | "LinkedCell_Controller::updateModelsForNewBoxMatrix() - ModelsMap is not invertible, value "
224 | +toString(iter->second)+" is already present.");
225 | #endif
226 | ModelsMap_inverted.insert( std::make_pair(iter->second, iter->first) );
227 | }
228 | LOG(2, "INFO: Inverted ModelsMap is " << ModelsMap_inverted << ".");
229 |
230 | // go through map and re-create models
231 | for (ModelLookup::iterator iter = models.begin(); iter != models.end(); ++iter) {
232 | // delete old model
233 | const LinkedCell_Model * const oldref = iter->first;
234 | #ifndef NDEBUG
235 | MapEdgelengthModel_inverted::const_iterator assertiter = ModelsMap_inverted.find(oldref);
236 | ASSERT( assertiter != ModelsMap_inverted.end(),
237 | "LinkedCell_Controller::updateModelsForNewBoxMatrix() - ModelsMap_inverted does not contain old model "
238 | +toString(oldref)+".");
239 | #endif
240 | const double distance = ModelsMap_inverted[oldref];
241 | // create new one
242 | LinkedCell_Model * const newref = new LinkedCell_Model(distance, domain);
243 | // delete old one (this way to make sure, unit test notices different pointer addresses)
244 | delete oldref;
245 | ModelsMap.erase(distance);
246 | LOG(2, "INFO: oldref is " << oldref << ", newref is " << newref << ".");
247 | iter->second = newref;
248 | // replace in ModelsMap
249 | #ifndef NDEBUG
250 | std::pair< MapEdgelengthModel::iterator, bool > inserter =
251 | #endif
252 | ModelsMap.insert( std::make_pair(distance, newref) );
253 | ASSERT( inserter.second,
254 | "LinkedCell_Controller::updateModelsForNewBoxMatrix() - failed to insert new model "
255 | +toString(distance)+","+toString(newref)+" into ModelsMap, is already present");
256 | }
257 |
258 | // delete inverted map for safety (values are gone)
259 | ModelsMap_inverted.clear();
260 |
261 | // go through views and exchange the models
262 | for (LinkedCell_View::ModelInstanceMap::const_iterator iter = LinkedCell_View::RAIIMap.begin();
263 | iter != LinkedCell_View::RAIIMap.end(); ++iter) {
264 | ModelLookup::const_iterator modeliter = models.find((*iter)->LC->getModel());
265 | ASSERT( modeliter != models.end(),
266 | "LinkedCell_Controller::updateModelsForNewBoxMatrix() - we miss a model "
267 | +toString((*iter)->LC->getModel())+" in ModelLookup.");
268 | // this is ugly but the only place where we have to set ourselves over the constness of the member variable
269 | if (modeliter != models.end()) {
270 | LOG(2, "INFO: Setting model to " << modeliter->second << " in view " << *iter << ".");
271 | (*iter)->LC->setModel(modeliter->second);
272 | }
273 | }
274 | }
275 |
276 | /** Callback function for Observer mechanism.
277 | *
278 | * @param publisher reference to the Observable that calls
279 | */
280 | void LinkedCell_Controller::update(Observable *publisher)
281 | {
282 | ELOG(2, "LinkedCell_Model received inconclusive general update from "
283 | << publisher << ".");
284 | }
285 |
286 | /** Callback function for the Notifications mechanism.
287 | *
288 | * @param publisher reference to the Observable that calls
289 | * @param notification specific notification as cause of the call
290 | */
291 | void LinkedCell_Controller::recieveNotification(Observable *publisher, Notification_ptr notification)
292 | {
293 | switch(notification->getChannelNo()) {
294 | case Box::MatrixChanged:
295 | updateModelsForNewBoxMatrix();
296 | break;
297 | default:
298 | ASSERT(0,
299 | "LinkedCell_Controller::recieveNotification() - unwanted notification "
300 | +toString(notification->getChannelNo())+" received.");
301 | break;
302 | }
303 | }
304 |
305 | /** Callback function when an Observer dies.
306 | *
307 | * @param publisher reference to the Observable that calls
308 | */
309 | void LinkedCell_Controller::subjectKilled(Observable *publisher)
310 | {}
311 |