1 | /*
2 | * MatrixContent.cpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Nov 14, 2010
5 | * Author: heber
6 | */
7 |
8 |
9 | // include config.h
10 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
11 | #include <config.h>
12 | #endif
13 |
14 | #include "Helpers/MemDebug.hpp"
15 |
16 | #include "LinearAlgebra/RealSpaceMatrix.hpp"
17 | #include "Exceptions/NotInvertibleException.hpp"
18 | #include "Helpers/Assert.hpp"
19 | #include "Helpers/defs.hpp"
20 | #include "Helpers/fast_functions.hpp"
21 | #include "LinearAlgebra/Vector.hpp"
22 | #include "LinearAlgebra/VectorContent.hpp"
23 | #include "LinearAlgebra/MatrixContent.hpp"
24 |
25 | #include <gsl/gsl_blas.h>
26 | #include <gsl/gsl_eigen.h>
27 | #include <gsl/gsl_linalg.h>
28 | #include <gsl/gsl_matrix.h>
29 | #include <gsl/gsl_multimin.h>
30 | #include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>
31 | #include <cmath>
32 | #include <cassert>
33 | #include <iostream>
34 | #include <set>
35 |
36 | using namespace std;
37 |
38 |
39 | /** Constructor for class MatrixContent.
40 | * \param rows number of rows
41 | * \param columns number of columns
42 | */
43 | MatrixContent::MatrixContent(size_t _rows, size_t _columns) :
44 | rows(_rows),
45 | columns(_columns)
46 | {
47 | content = gsl_matrix_calloc(rows, columns);
48 | }
49 |
50 | /** Constructor of class VectorContent.
51 | * We need this MatrixBaseCase for the VectorContentView class.
52 | * There no content should be allocated, as it is just a view with an internal
53 | * gsl_vector_view. Hence, MatrixBaseCase is just dummy class to give the
54 | * constructor a unique signature.
55 | * \param MatrixBaseCase
56 | */
57 | MatrixContent::MatrixContent(size_t _rows, size_t _columns, MatrixBaseCase) :
58 | rows(_rows),
59 | columns(_columns)
60 | {}
61 |
62 | /** Constructor for class MatrixContent.
63 | * \param rows number of rows
64 | * \param columns number of columns
65 | * \param *src array with components to initialize matrix with
66 | */
67 | MatrixContent::MatrixContent(size_t _rows, size_t _columns, const double *src) :
68 | rows(_rows),
69 | columns(_columns)
70 | {
71 | content = gsl_matrix_calloc(rows, columns);
72 | set(0,0, src[0]);
73 | set(1,0, src[1]);
74 | set(2,0, src[2]);
75 |
76 | set(0,1, src[3]);
77 | set(1,1, src[4]);
78 | set(2,1, src[5]);
79 |
80 | set(0,2, src[6]);
81 | set(1,2, src[7]);
82 | set(2,2, src[8]);
83 | }
84 |
85 | /** Constructor for class MatrixContent.
86 | * We embed the given gls_matrix pointer within this class and set it to NULL
87 | * afterwards.
88 | * \param *src source gsl_matrix vector to embed within this class
89 | */
90 | MatrixContent::MatrixContent(gsl_matrix *&src) :
91 | rows(src->size1),
92 | columns(src->size2)
93 | {
94 | content = gsl_matrix_alloc(src->size1, src->size2);
95 | gsl_matrix_memcpy(content,src);
96 | // content = src;
97 | // src = NULL;
98 | }
99 |
100 | /** Copy constructor for class MatrixContent.
101 | * \param &src reference to source MatrixContent
102 | */
103 | MatrixContent::MatrixContent(const MatrixContent &src) :
104 | rows(src.rows),
105 | columns(src.columns)
106 | {
107 | content = gsl_matrix_alloc(src.rows, src.columns);
108 | gsl_matrix_memcpy(content,src.content);
109 | }
110 |
111 | /** Copy constructor for class MatrixContent.
112 | * \param *src pointer to source MatrixContent
113 | */
114 | MatrixContent::MatrixContent(const MatrixContent *src) :
115 | rows(src->rows),
116 | columns(src->columns)
117 | {
118 | ASSERT(src != NULL, "MatrixContent::MatrixContent - pointer to source matrix is NULL!");
119 | content = gsl_matrix_alloc(src->rows, src->columns);
120 | gsl_matrix_memcpy(content,src->content);
121 | }
122 |
123 | /** Destructor for class MatrixContent.
124 | */
125 | MatrixContent::~MatrixContent()
126 | {
127 | gsl_matrix_free(content);
128 | }
129 |
130 | /** Getter for MatrixContent::rows.
131 | * \return MatrixContent::rows
132 | */
133 | const size_t MatrixContent::getRows()
134 | {
135 | return rows;
136 | }
137 |
138 | /** Getter for MatrixContent::columns.
139 | * \return MatrixContent::columns
140 | */
141 | const size_t MatrixContent::getColumns()
142 | {
143 | return columns;
144 | }
145 |
146 | /** Return a VectorViewContent of the \a column -th column vector.
147 | *
148 | * @param column index of column
149 | * @return column of matrix as VectorContent
150 | */
151 | VectorContent *MatrixContent::getColumnVector(size_t column) const
152 | {
153 | ASSERT(column < columns,
154 | "MatrixContent::getColumnVector() - requested column "+toString(column)
155 | +" greater than dimension "+toString(columns));
156 | return (new VectorViewContent(gsl_matrix_row(content,column)));
157 | }
158 |
159 | /** Returns a VectorViewContent of the \a row -th row vector.
160 | * @param row row index
161 | * @return VectorContent of row vector
162 | */
163 | VectorContent *MatrixContent::getRowVector(size_t row) const
164 | {
165 | ASSERT(row < rows,
166 | "MatrixContent::getColumnVector() - requested row "+toString(row)
167 | +" greater than dimension "+toString(rows));
168 | return (new VectorViewContent(gsl_matrix_column(content,row)));
169 | }
170 |
171 | /** Returns the main diagonal of the matrix as VectorContent.
172 | * @return diagonal as VectorContent.
173 | */
174 | VectorContent *MatrixContent::getDiagonalVector() const
175 | {
176 | return (new VectorViewContent(gsl_matrix_diagonal(content)));
177 | }
178 |
179 | /** Set matrix to identity.
180 | */
181 | void MatrixContent::setIdentity()
182 | {
183 | for(int i=rows;i--;){
184 | for(int j=columns;j--;){
185 | set(i,j,i==j);
186 | }
187 | }
188 | }
189 |
190 | /** Set all matrix components to zero.
191 | */
192 | void MatrixContent::setZero()
193 | {
194 | for(int i=rows;i--;){
195 | for(int j=columns;j--;){
196 | set(i,j,0.);
197 | }
198 | }
199 | }
200 |
201 | /** Set all matrix components to a given value.
202 | * \param _value value to set each component to
203 | */
204 | void MatrixContent::setValue(double _value)
205 | {
206 | for(int i=rows;i--;){
207 | for(int j=columns;j--;){
208 | set(i,j,_value);
209 | }
210 | }
211 | }
212 |
213 | /** Copy operator for MatrixContent with self-assignment check.
214 | * \param &src matrix to compare to
215 | * \return reference to this
216 | */
217 | MatrixContent &MatrixContent::operator=(const MatrixContent &src)
218 | {
219 | if(&src!=this){
220 | gsl_matrix_memcpy(content,src.content);
221 | }
222 | return *this;
223 | }
224 |
225 | /** Addition operator.
226 | * \param &rhs matrix to add
227 | * \return reference to this
228 | */
229 | const MatrixContent &MatrixContent::operator+=(const MatrixContent &rhs)
230 | {
231 | gsl_matrix_add(content, rhs.content);
232 | return *this;
233 | }
234 |
235 | /** Subtraction operator.
236 | * \param &rhs matrix to subtract
237 | * \return reference to this
238 | */
239 | const MatrixContent &MatrixContent::operator-=(const MatrixContent &rhs)
240 | {
241 | gsl_matrix_sub(content, rhs.content);
242 | return *this;
243 | }
244 |
245 | /** Multiplication operator.
246 | * Note that here matrix have to have same dimensions.
247 | * \param &rhs matrix to multiply with
248 | * \return reference to this
249 | */
250 | const MatrixContent &MatrixContent::operator*=(const MatrixContent &rhs)
251 | {
252 | ASSERT(rows == rhs.rows,
253 | "MatrixContent::operator*=() - row dimension differ: "+toString(rows)+" != "+toString(rhs.rows)+".");
254 | ASSERT(columns == rhs.columns,
255 | "MatrixContent::operator*=() - columns dimension differ: "+toString(columns)+" != "+toString(rhs.columns)+".");
256 | (*this) = (*this)*rhs;
257 | return *this;
258 | }
259 |
260 | /** Multiplication with copy operator.
261 | * \param &rhs matrix to multiply with
262 | * \return reference to newly allocated MatrixContent
263 | */
264 | const MatrixContent MatrixContent::operator*(const MatrixContent &rhs) const
265 | {
266 | ASSERT (columns == rhs.rows,
267 | "MatrixContent::operator*() - dimensions not match for matrix product (a,b)*(b,c) = (a,c):"
268 | "("+toString(rows)+","+toString(columns)+")*("+toString(rhs.rows)+","+toString(rhs.columns)+")");
269 | gsl_matrix *res = gsl_matrix_alloc(rows, rhs.columns);
270 | gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, content, rhs.content, 0.0, res);
271 | // gsl_matrix is taken over by constructor, hence no free
272 | MatrixContent tmp(res);
273 | gsl_matrix_free(res);
274 | return tmp;
275 | }
276 |
277 | /** Hadamard multiplication with copy operator.
278 | * The Hadamard product is component-wise matrix product.
279 | * \param &rhs matrix to hadamard-multiply with
280 | * \return reference to newly allocated MatrixContent
281 | */
282 | const MatrixContent MatrixContent::operator&(const MatrixContent &rhs) const
283 | {
284 | ASSERT ((rows == rhs.rows) && (columns == rhs.columns),
285 | "MatrixContent::operator&() - dimensions not match for matrix product (a,b) != (b,c):"
286 | "("+toString(rows)+","+toString(columns)+") != ("+toString(rhs.rows)+","+toString(rhs.columns)+")");
287 | gsl_matrix *res = gsl_matrix_alloc(rows, rhs.columns);
288 | for (size_t i=0;i<rows;++i)
289 | for (size_t j=0;j<columns;++j)
290 | gsl_matrix_set(res, i,j, gsl_matrix_get(content, i,j)*gsl_matrix_get(rhs.content, i,j));
291 | // gsl_matrix is taken over by constructor, hence no free
292 | MatrixContent tmp(res);
293 | gsl_matrix_free(res);
294 | return tmp;
295 | }
296 |
297 | /** Hadamard multiplication with copy operator.
298 | * The Hadamard product is component-wise matrix product.
299 | * Note that Hadamard product can easily be done on top of \a *this matrix.
300 | * Hence, we don't need to use the multiply and copy operator as in the case of
301 | * MatrixContent::operator*=().
302 | * \param &rhs matrix to hadamard-multiply with
303 | * \return reference to newly allocated MatrixContent
304 | */
305 | const MatrixContent &MatrixContent::operator&=(const MatrixContent &rhs)
306 | {
307 | ASSERT ((rows == rhs.rows) && (columns == rhs.columns),
308 | "MatrixContent::operator&() - dimensions not match for matrix product (a,b) != (b,c):"
309 | "("+toString(rows)+","+toString(columns)+") != ("+toString(rhs.rows)+","+toString(rhs.columns)+")");
310 | for (size_t i=0;i<rows;++i)
311 | for (size_t j=0;j<columns;++j)
312 | gsl_matrix_set(content, i,j, gsl_matrix_get(content, i,j)*gsl_matrix_get(rhs.content, i,j));
313 | return *this;
314 | }
315 |
316 | /* ========================== Accessing =============================== */
317 |
318 | /** Accessor for manipulating component (i,j).
319 | * \param i row number
320 | * \param j column number
321 | * \return reference to component (i,j)
322 | */
323 | double &MatrixContent::at(size_t i, size_t j)
324 | {
325 | ASSERT((i>=0) && (i<rows),
326 | "MatrixContent::at() - Index i="+toString(i)+" for Matrix access out of range [0,"+toString(rows)+"]");
327 | ASSERT((j>=0) && (j<columns),
328 | "MatrixContent::at() - Index j="+toString(j)+" for Matrix access out of range [0,"+toString(columns)+"]");
329 | return *gsl_matrix_ptr (content, i, j);
330 | }
331 |
332 | /** Constant accessor for (value of) component (i,j).
333 | * \param i row number
334 | * \param j column number
335 | * \return const component (i,j)
336 | */
337 | const double MatrixContent::at(size_t i, size_t j) const
338 | {
339 | ASSERT((i>=0) && (i<rows),
340 | "MatrixContent::at() - Index i="+toString(i)+" for Matrix access out of range [0,"+toString(rows)+"]");
341 | ASSERT((j>=0) && (j<columns),
342 | "MatrixContent::at() - Index j="+toString(j)+" for Matrix access out of range [0,"+toString(columns)+"]");
343 | return gsl_matrix_get(content, i, j);
344 | }
345 |
346 | /** These functions return a pointer to the \a m-th element of a matrix.
347 | * If \a m or \a n lies outside the allowed range of 0 to MatrixContent::dimension-1 then the error handler is invoked and a null pointer is returned.
348 | * \param m index
349 | * \return pointer to \a m-th element
350 | */
351 | double *MatrixContent::Pointer(size_t m, size_t n)
352 | {
353 | return gsl_matrix_ptr (content, m, n);
354 | };
355 |
356 | /** These functions return a constant pointer to the \a m-th element of a matrix.
357 | * If \a m or \a n lies outside the allowed range of 0 to MatrixContent::dimension-1 then the error handler is invoked and a null pointer is returned.
358 | * \param m index
359 | * \return const pointer to \a m-th element
360 | */
361 | const double *MatrixContent::const_Pointer(size_t m, size_t n) const
362 | {
363 | return gsl_matrix_const_ptr (content, m, n);
364 | };
365 |
366 | /* ========================== Initializing =============================== */
367 |
368 | /** Setter for component (i,j).
369 | * \param i row numbr
370 | * \param j column numnber
371 | * \param value value to set componnt (i,j) to
372 | */
373 | void MatrixContent::set(size_t i, size_t j, const double value)
374 | {
375 | ASSERT((i>=0) && (i<rows),
376 | "MatrixContent::set() - Index i="+toString(i)+" for Matrix access out of range [0,"+toString(rows)+"]");
377 | ASSERT((j>=0) && (j<columns),
378 | "MatrixContent::set() - Index j="+toString(j)+" for Matrix access out of range [0,"+toString(columns)+"]");
379 | gsl_matrix_set(content,i,j,value);
380 | }
381 |
382 | /** This function sets the matrix from a double array.
383 | * Creates a matrix view of the array and performs a memcopy.
384 | * \param *x array of values (no dimension check is performed)
385 | */
386 | void MatrixContent::setFromDoubleArray(double * x)
387 | {
388 | gsl_matrix_view m = gsl_matrix_view_array (x, rows, columns);
389 | gsl_matrix_memcpy (content, &m.matrix);
390 | };
391 |
392 | /* ====================== Exchanging elements ============================ */
393 | /** This function exchanges the \a i-th and \a j-th row of the matrix in-place.
394 | * \param i i-th row to swap with ...
395 | * \param j ... j-th row to swap against
396 | */
397 | bool MatrixContent::SwapRows(size_t i, size_t j)
398 | {
399 | return (gsl_matrix_swap_rows (content, i, j) == GSL_SUCCESS);
400 | };
401 |
402 | /** This function exchanges the \a i-th and \a j-th column of the matrix in-place.
403 | * \param i i-th column to swap with ...
404 | * \param j ... j-th column to swap against
405 | */
406 | bool MatrixContent::SwapColumns(size_t i, size_t j)
407 | {
408 | return (gsl_matrix_swap_columns (content, i, j) == GSL_SUCCESS);
409 | };
410 |
411 | /** This function exchanges the \a i-th row and \a j-th column of the matrix in-place.
412 | * The matrix must be square for this operation to be possible.
413 | * \param i i-th row to swap with ...
414 | * \param j ... j-th column to swap against
415 | */
416 | bool MatrixContent::SwapRowColumn(size_t i, size_t j)
417 | {
418 | assert (rows == columns && "The matrix must be square for swapping row against column to be possible.");
419 | return (gsl_matrix_swap_rowcol (content, i, j) == GSL_SUCCESS);
420 | };
421 |
422 | /** Return transposed matrix.
423 | * \return new matrix that is transposed of this.
424 | */
425 | MatrixContent MatrixContent::transpose() const
426 | {
427 | gsl_matrix *res = gsl_matrix_alloc(columns, rows); // column and row dimensions exchanged!
428 | gsl_matrix_transpose_memcpy(res, content);
429 | MatrixContent newContent(res);
430 | gsl_matrix_free(res);
431 | return newContent;
432 | }
433 |
434 | /** Turn this matrix into its transposed.
435 | * Note that this is only possible if rows == columns.
436 | */
437 | MatrixContent &MatrixContent::transpose()
438 | {
439 | ASSERT( rows == columns,
440 | "MatrixContent::transpose() - cannot transpose onto itself as matrix not square: "+toString(rows)+"!="+toString(columns)+"!");
441 | double tmp;
442 | for (size_t i=0;i<rows;i++)
443 | for (size_t j=i+1;j<rows;j++) {
444 | tmp = at(j,i);
445 | at(j,i) = at(i,j);
446 | at(i,j) = tmp;
447 | }
448 | return *this;
449 | }
450 |
451 | /** Transform the matrix to its eigenbasis and return resulting eigenvalues.
452 | * Note that we only return real-space part in case of non-symmetric matrix.
453 | * \warn return vector has to be freed'd
454 | * TODO: encapsulate return value in boost::shared_ptr or in VectorContent.
455 | * \return gsl_vector pointer to vector of eigenvalues
456 | */
457 | gsl_vector* MatrixContent::transformToEigenbasis()
458 | {
459 | if (rows == columns) { // symmetric
460 | gsl_eigen_symmv_workspace *T = gsl_eigen_symmv_alloc(rows);
461 | gsl_vector *eval = gsl_vector_alloc(rows);
462 | gsl_matrix *evec = gsl_matrix_alloc(rows, rows);
463 | gsl_eigen_symmv(content, eval, evec, T);
464 | gsl_eigen_symmv_free(T);
465 | gsl_matrix_memcpy(content, evec);
466 | gsl_matrix_free(evec);
467 | return eval;
468 | } else { // non-symmetric
469 | // blow up gsl_matrix in content to square matrix, fill other components with zero
470 | const size_t greaterDimension = rows > columns ? rows : columns;
471 | gsl_matrix *content_square = gsl_matrix_alloc(greaterDimension, greaterDimension);
472 | for (size_t i=0; i<greaterDimension; i++) {
473 | for (size_t j=0; j<greaterDimension; j++) {
474 | const double value = ((i < rows) && (j < columns)) ? gsl_matrix_get(content,i,j) : 0.;
475 | gsl_matrix_set(content_square, i,j, value);
476 | }
477 | }
478 |
479 | // show squared matrix by putting it into a MatrixViewContent
480 | MatrixContent *ContentSquare = new MatrixViewContent(gsl_matrix_submatrix(content_square,0,0,content_square->size1, content_square->size2));
481 | std::cout << "The squared matrix is " << *ContentSquare << std::endl;
482 |
483 | // solve eigenvalue problem
484 | gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_workspace *T = gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_alloc(rows);
485 | gsl_vector_complex *eval = gsl_vector_complex_alloc(greaterDimension);
486 | gsl_matrix_complex *evec = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(greaterDimension, greaterDimension);
487 | gsl_eigen_nonsymmv(content_square, eval, evec, T);
488 | gsl_eigen_nonsymmv_free(T);
489 |
490 | // copy eigenvectors real-parts into content_square and ...
491 | for (size_t i=0; i<greaterDimension; i++)
492 | for (size_t j=0; j<greaterDimension; j++)
493 | gsl_matrix_set(content_square, i,j, GSL_REAL(gsl_matrix_complex_get(evec,i,j)));
494 |
495 | // ... show complex-valued eigenvector matrix
496 | std::cout << "The real-value eigenvector matrix is " << *ContentSquare << std::endl;
497 | // std::cout << "Resulting eigenvector matrix is [";
498 | // for (size_t i=0; i<greaterDimension; i++) {
499 | // for (size_t j=0; j<greaterDimension; j++) {
500 | // std::cout << "(" << GSL_REAL(gsl_matrix_complex_get(evec,i,j))
501 | // << "," << GSL_IMAG(gsl_matrix_complex_get(evec,i,j)) << ")";
502 | // if (j < greaterDimension-1)
503 | // std::cout << " ";
504 | // }
505 | // if (i < greaterDimension-1)
506 | // std::cout << "; ";
507 | // }
508 | // std::cout << "]" << std::endl;
509 |
510 | // copy real-parts of complex eigenvalues and eigenvectors (column-wise orientation)
511 | gsl_vector *eval_real = gsl_vector_alloc(columns);
512 | size_t I=0;
513 | for (size_t i=0; i<greaterDimension; i++) { // only copy real space part
514 | if (fabs(GSL_REAL(gsl_vector_complex_get(eval,i))) > MYEPSILON) { // only take eigenvectors with value > 0
515 | std::cout << i << "th eigenvalue is (" << GSL_REAL(gsl_vector_complex_get(eval,i)) << "," << GSL_IMAG(gsl_vector_complex_get(eval,i)) << ")" << std::endl;
516 | for (size_t j=0; j<greaterDimension; j++) {
517 | if (fabs(GSL_IMAG(gsl_matrix_complex_get(evec,j,i))) > MYEPSILON)
518 | std::cerr << "MatrixContent::transformToEigenbasis() - WARNING: eigenvectors are complex-valued!" << std::endl;
519 | gsl_matrix_set(content, j,I, GSL_REAL(gsl_matrix_complex_get(evec,j,i)));
520 | }
521 | if (fabs(GSL_IMAG(gsl_vector_complex_get(eval,I))) > MYEPSILON)
522 | std::cerr << "MatrixContent::transformToEigenbasis() - WARNING: eigenvectors are complex-valued!" << std::endl;
523 | gsl_vector_set(eval_real, I, GSL_REAL(gsl_vector_complex_get(eval, i)));
524 | I++;
525 | }
526 | }
527 | gsl_matrix_complex_free(evec);
528 | gsl_vector_complex_free(eval);
529 | delete ContentSquare;
530 |
531 | return eval_real;
532 | }
533 | }
534 |
535 | /* ============================ Properties ============================== */
536 | /** Checks whether matrix' elements are strictly null.
537 | * \return true - is null, false - else
538 | */
539 | bool MatrixContent::IsNull() const
540 | {
541 | return gsl_matrix_isnull (content);
542 | };
543 |
544 | /** Checks whether matrix' elements are strictly positive.
545 | * \return true - is positive, false - else
546 | */
547 | bool MatrixContent::IsPositive() const
548 | {
549 | return gsl_matrix_ispos (content);
550 | };
551 |
552 | /** Checks whether matrix' elements are strictly negative.
553 | * \return true - is negative, false - else
554 | */
555 | bool MatrixContent::IsNegative() const
556 | {
557 | return gsl_matrix_isneg (content);
558 | };
559 |
560 | /** Checks whether matrix' elements are strictly non-negative.
561 | * \return true - is non-negative, false - else
562 | */
563 | bool MatrixContent::IsNonNegative() const
564 | {
565 | return gsl_matrix_isnonneg (content);
566 | };
567 |
568 | /** This function performs a Cholesky decomposition to determine whether matrix is positive definite.
569 | * We check whether GSL returns GSL_EDOM as error, indicating that decomposition failed due to matrix not being positive-definite.
570 | * \return true - matrix is positive-definite, false - else
571 | */
572 | bool MatrixContent::IsPositiveDefinite() const
573 | {
574 | if (rows != columns) // only possible for square matrices.
575 | return false;
576 | else
577 | return (gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp (content) != GSL_EDOM);
578 | };
579 |
580 |
581 | /** Calculates the determinant of the matrix.
582 | * if matrix is square, uses LU decomposition.
583 | */
584 | double MatrixContent::Determinant() const
585 | {
586 | int signum = 0;
587 | assert (rows == columns && "Determinant can only be calculated for square matrices.");
588 | gsl_permutation *p = gsl_permutation_alloc(rows);
589 | gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(content, p, &signum);
590 | gsl_permutation_free(p);
591 | return gsl_linalg_LU_det(content, signum);
592 | };
593 |
594 | /* ============================= Operators =============================== */
595 |
596 | /** Scalar multiplication operator.
597 | * \param factor factor to scale with
598 | */
599 | const MatrixContent &MatrixContent::operator*=(const double factor)
600 | {
601 | gsl_matrix_scale(content, factor);
602 | return *this;
603 | }
604 |
605 | /** Scalar multiplication and copy operator.
606 | * \param factor factor to scale with
607 | * \param &mat MatrixContent to scale
608 | * \return copied and scaled MatrixContent
609 | */
610 | const MatrixContent operator*(const double factor,const MatrixContent& mat)
611 | {
612 | MatrixContent tmp = mat;
613 | tmp*=factor;
614 | return tmp;
615 | }
616 |
617 | /** Scalar multiplication and copy operator (with operands exchanged).
618 | * \param &mat MatrixContent to scale
619 | * \param factor factor to scale with
620 | * \return copied and scaled MatrixContent
621 | */
622 | const MatrixContent operator*(const MatrixContent &mat,const double factor)
623 | {
624 | return factor*mat;
625 | }
626 |
627 | /** Equality operator.
628 | * Note that we use numerical sensible checking, i.e. with threshold MYEPSILON.
629 | * \param &rhs MatrixContent to checks against
630 | */
631 | bool MatrixContent::operator==(const MatrixContent &rhs) const
632 | {
633 | if ((rows == rhs.rows) && (columns == rhs.columns)) {
634 | for(int i=rows;i--;){
635 | for(int j=columns;j--;){
636 | if(fabs(at(i,j)-rhs.at(i,j))>MYEPSILON){
637 | return false;
638 | }
639 | }
640 | }
641 | return true;
642 | }
643 | return false;
644 | }
645 |
646 | Vector operator*(const MatrixContent &mat,const Vector &vec)
647 | {
648 | Vector result;
649 | gsl_blas_dgemv( CblasNoTrans, 1.0, mat.content, vec.content->content, 0.0, result.content->content);
650 | return result;
651 | }
652 |
653 | std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &ost, const MatrixContent &mat)
654 | {
655 | ost << "[";
656 | for (size_t i=0;i<mat.rows;i++) {
657 | for (size_t j=0;j<mat.columns;j++) {
658 | ost << mat.at(i,j);
659 | if (j != mat.columns-1)
660 | ost << " ";
661 | }
662 | if (i != mat.rows-1)
663 | ost << "; ";
664 | }
665 | ost << "]";
666 | return ost;
667 | }