1 | /*
2 | * Assert.cpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Mar 18, 2010
5 | * Author: crueger
6 | */
7 |
8 | #include "Helpers/MemDebug.hpp"
9 |
10 | #include "Helpers/Assert.hpp"
11 | #include <iostream>
12 |
13 | using namespace std;
14 |
15 | namespace Assert{
16 | AssertionFailure::AssertionFailure(std::string _condition,
17 | std::string _file,
18 | int _line,
19 | std::string _message) :
20 | condition(_condition),
21 | file(_file),
22 | line(_line),
23 | message(_message)
24 | {}
25 |
26 | std::string AssertionFailure::getFile(){
27 | return file;
28 | }
29 |
30 | int AssertionFailure::getLine(){
31 | return line;
32 | }
33 |
34 | std::string AssertionFailure::getMessage(){
35 | return message;
36 | }
37 |
38 | std::ostream& AssertionFailure::operator<<(std::ostream& out){
39 | out << "Assertion \"" << condition << "\" failed in file " << file << " at line " << line << endl;
40 | out << "Assertion Message: " << message << std::endl;
41 | return out;
42 | }
43 |
44 | const char ActionKeys[] = {'\0','a','t','i'};
45 | const char* ActionNames[] = {"Ask","Abort","Throw","Ignore"};
46 | }
47 |
48 | #ifndef NDEBUG
49 |
50 | Assert::Action Assert::_my_assert::defaultAction = Ask;
51 | std::vector<Assert::hook_t> Assert::_my_assert::hooks;
52 |
53 | std::map<std::string,bool> Assert::_wrapper::ignores;
54 | const char* Assert::_wrapper::message_ptr = "source pointer did not point to object of desired type";
55 | const char* Assert::_wrapper::message_ref = "source reference did not contain object of desired type";
56 |
57 |
58 | bool Assert::_my_assert::check(const bool res,
59 | const char* condition,
60 | const char* message,
61 | const char* filename,
62 | const int line,
63 | bool& ignore)
64 | {
65 | if(!res){
66 | cout << "Assertion \"" << condition << "\" failed in file " << filename << " at line " << line << endl;
67 | cout << "Assertion Message: " << message << std::endl;
68 | while(true){
69 | char choice;
70 | if(defaultAction==Assert::Ask) {
71 | cout << "Please choose: (a)bort, (t)hrow execption, (i)gnore, al(w)ays ignore" << endl;
72 | cin >> choice;
73 | }
74 | else{
75 | choice = ActionKeys[defaultAction];
76 | }
77 | switch(choice){
78 | case 'a':
79 | return true;
80 | break;
81 | case 't':
82 | throw AssertionFailure(condition,filename,line,message);
83 | break;
84 | case 'w':
85 | ignore = true;
86 | // fallthrough
87 | case 'i':
88 | return false;
89 | break;
90 | }
91 | }
92 | }
93 | return false;
94 | }
95 |
96 | void Assert::_my_assert::doHooks(){
97 | for(vector<hook_t>::reverse_iterator iter = hooks.rbegin(); iter!=hooks.rend(); ++iter ){
98 | (*iter)();
99 | }
100 | }
101 |
102 | void Assert::_my_assert::addHook(hook_t hook){
103 | hooks.push_back(hook);
104 | }
105 |
106 | void Assert::_my_assert::removeHook(Assert::hook_t hook){
107 | for(vector<hook_t>::iterator iter = hooks.begin(); iter!=hooks.end();){
108 | if((*iter)==hook){
109 | iter = hooks.erase(iter);
110 | }
111 | else{
112 | ++iter;
113 | }
114 | }
115 | }
116 |
117 | void Assert::_my_assert::setDefault(Assert::Action action){
118 | defaultAction = action;
119 | }
120 | Assert::Action Assert::_my_assert::getDefault(){
121 | return defaultAction;
122 | }
123 | std::string Assert::_my_assert::printDefault(){
124 | return ActionNames[defaultAction];
125 | }
126 |
127 | #endif
128 |