* Project: MoleCuilder
* Description: creates and alters molecular systems
* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2013 Frederik Heber. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of MoleCuilder.
* MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MoleCuilder. If not, see .
* DepthFirstSearchAnalysis.cpp
* Created on: Feb 16, 2011
* Author: heber
// include config.h
#include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp"
#include "DepthFirstSearchAnalysis.hpp"
#include "Atom/atom.hpp"
#include "Bond/bond.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/Info.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/Verbose.hpp"
#include "Descriptors/AtomDescriptor.hpp"
#include "Descriptors/MoleculeDescriptor.hpp"
#include "Graph/ListOfLocalAtoms.hpp"
#include "molecule.hpp"
#include "MoleculeLeafClass.hpp"
#include "MoleculeListClass.hpp"
#include "World.hpp"
DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::DepthFirstSearchAnalysis() :
void DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::Init()
CurrentGraphNr = 0;
ComponentNumber = 0;
BackStepping = false;
bond::ptr DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::FindNextUnused(atom *vertex) const
const BondList& ListOfBonds = vertex->getListOfBonds();
for (BondList::const_iterator Runner = ListOfBonds.begin();
Runner != ListOfBonds.end();
if ((*Runner)->IsUsed() == GraphEdge::white)
return ((*Runner));
return bond::ptr();
void DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::ResetAllBondsToUnused() const
World::AtomComposite allatoms = World::getInstance().getAllAtoms();
for(World::AtomComposite::const_iterator AtomRunner = allatoms.begin();
AtomRunner != allatoms.end();
++AtomRunner) {
const BondList& ListOfBonds = (*AtomRunner)->getListOfBonds();
for(BondList::const_iterator BondRunner = ListOfBonds.begin();
BondRunner != ListOfBonds.end();
if ((*BondRunner)->leftatom == *AtomRunner)
void DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::SetNextComponentNumber(atom *vertex, int nr) const
size_t i = 0;
ASSERT(vertex != NULL,
"DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::SetNextComponentNumber() - Given vertex is NULL!");
const BondList& ListOfBonds = vertex->getListOfBonds();
for (; i < ListOfBonds.size(); i++) {
if (vertex->ComponentNr[i] == -1) { // check if not yet used
vertex->ComponentNr[i] = nr;
} else if (vertex->ComponentNr[i] == nr) // if number is already present, don't add another time
break; // breaking here will not cause error!
ASSERT(i < ListOfBonds.size(),
"DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::SetNextComponentNumber() - All Component entries are already occupied!");
bool DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::PickLocalBackEdges(const ListOfLocalAtoms_t &ListOfLocalAtoms, std::deque *&LocalStack) const
bool status = true;
if (BackEdgeStack.empty()) {
ELOG(1, "Reference BackEdgeStack is empty!");
return false;
bond::ptr Binder = BackEdgeStack.front();
bond::ptr FirstBond = Binder; // mark the first bond, so that we don't loop through the stack indefinitely
atom *Walker = NULL, *OtherAtom = NULL;
do { // go through all bonds and push local ones
const ListOfLocalAtoms_t::const_iterator leftiter = ListOfLocalAtoms.find(Binder->leftatom->getNr());
ASSERT( leftiter != ListOfLocalAtoms.end(),
"DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::PickLocalBackEdges() - could not find atom id "
+toString(Binder->leftatom->getNr())+" in ListOfLocalAtoms.");
Walker = leftiter->second; // get one atom in the reference molecule
if (Walker != NULL) { // if this Walker exists in the subgraph ...
const BondList& ListOfBonds = Walker->getListOfBonds();
for (BondList::const_iterator Runner = ListOfBonds.begin();
Runner != ListOfBonds.end();
++Runner) {
OtherAtom = (*Runner)->GetOtherAtom(Walker);
const ListOfLocalAtoms_t::const_iterator rightiter = ListOfLocalAtoms.find((*Runner)->rightatom->getNr());
if (OtherAtom == rightiter->second) { // found the bond
LOG(3, "INFO: Found local edge " << *(*Runner) << ".");
ASSERT(!BackEdgeStack.empty(), "DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::PickLocalBackEdges() - ReferenceStack is empty!");
Binder = BackEdgeStack.front(); // loop the stack for next item
LOG(3, "Current candidate edge " << Binder << ".");
} while (FirstBond != Binder);
return status;
void DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::OutputGraphInfoPerAtom() const
LOG(1, "Final graph info for each atom is:");
World::AtomComposite allatoms = World::getInstance().getAllAtoms();
void DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::OutputGraphInfoPerBond() const
LOG(1, "Final graph info for each bond is:");
World::AtomComposite allatoms = World::getInstance().getAllAtoms();
for(World::AtomComposite::const_iterator AtomRunner = allatoms.begin();
AtomRunner != allatoms.end();
++AtomRunner) {
const BondList& ListOfBonds = (*AtomRunner)->getListOfBonds();
for(BondList::const_iterator BondRunner = ListOfBonds.begin();
BondRunner != ListOfBonds.end();
if ((*BondRunner)->leftatom == *AtomRunner) {
const bond::ptr Binder = *BondRunner;
if (DoLog(2)) {
std::stringstream output;
output << ((Binder->Type == GraphEdge::TreeEdge) ? "TreeEdge " : "BackEdge ") << *Binder << ": <";
output << ((Binder->leftatom->SeparationVertex) ? "SP," : "") << "L" << Binder->leftatom->LowpointNr << " G" << Binder->leftatom->GraphNr << " Comp.";
output << " === ";
output << ((Binder->rightatom->SeparationVertex) ? "SP," : "") << "L" << Binder->rightatom->LowpointNr << " G" << Binder->rightatom->GraphNr << " Comp.";
output << ">.";
LOG(2, output.str());
if (Binder->Cyclic) // cyclic ??
LOG(3, "Lowpoint at each side are equal: CYCLIC!");
unsigned int DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::CyclicBondAnalysis() const
unsigned int NoCyclicBonds = 0;
World::AtomComposite allatoms = World::getInstance().getAllAtoms();
for(World::AtomComposite::const_iterator AtomRunner = allatoms.begin();
AtomRunner != allatoms.end();
++AtomRunner) {
const BondList& ListOfBonds = (*AtomRunner)->getListOfBonds();
for(BondList::const_iterator BondRunner = ListOfBonds.begin();
BondRunner != ListOfBonds.end();
if ((*BondRunner)->leftatom == *AtomRunner)
if ((*BondRunner)->rightatom->LowpointNr == (*BondRunner)->leftatom->LowpointNr) { // cyclic ??
(*BondRunner)->Cyclic = true;
return NoCyclicBonds;
void DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::SetWalkersGraphNr(atom *&Walker)
if (!BackStepping) { // if we don't just return from (8)
Walker->GraphNr = CurrentGraphNr;
Walker->LowpointNr = CurrentGraphNr;
LOG(1, "Setting Walker[" << Walker->getName() << "]'s number to " << Walker->GraphNr << " with Lowpoint " << Walker->LowpointNr << ".");
void DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::ProbeAlongUnusedBond(atom *&Walker, bond::ptr &Binder)
atom *OtherAtom = NULL;
do { // (3) if Walker has no unused egdes, go to (5)
BackStepping = false; // reset backstepping flag for (8)
if (Binder == NULL) // if we don't just return from (11), Binder is already set to next unused
Binder = FindNextUnused(Walker);
if (Binder == NULL)
LOG(2, "Current Unused Bond is " << *Binder << ".");
// (4) Mark Binder used, ...
OtherAtom = Binder->GetOtherAtom(Walker);
LOG(2, "(4) OtherAtom is " << OtherAtom->getName() << ".");
if (OtherAtom->GraphNr != -1) {
// (4a) ... if "other" atom has been visited (GraphNr != 0), set lowpoint to minimum of both, go to (3)
Binder->Type = GraphEdge::BackEdge;
Walker->LowpointNr = (Walker->LowpointNr < OtherAtom->GraphNr) ? Walker->LowpointNr : OtherAtom->GraphNr;
LOG(3, "(4a) Visited: Setting Lowpoint of Walker[" << Walker->getName() << "] to " << Walker->LowpointNr << ".");
} else {
// (4b) ... otherwise set OtherAtom as Ancestor of Walker and Walker as OtherAtom, go to (2)
Binder->Type = GraphEdge::TreeEdge;
OtherAtom->Ancestor = Walker;
Walker = OtherAtom;
LOG(3, "(4b) Not Visited: OtherAtom[" << OtherAtom->getName() << "]'s Ancestor is now " << OtherAtom->Ancestor->getName() << ", Walker is OtherAtom " << OtherAtom->getName() << ".");
} while (1); // (3)
void DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::CheckForaNewComponent(atom *&Walker, ConnectedSubgraph &Subgraph)
atom *OtherAtom = NULL;
// (5) if Ancestor of Walker is ...
LOG(1, "(5) Number of Walker[" << Walker->getName() << "]'s Ancestor[" << Walker->Ancestor->getName() << "] is " << Walker->Ancestor->GraphNr << ".");
if (Walker->Ancestor->GraphNr != Root->GraphNr) {
// (6) (Ancestor of Walker is not Root)
if (Walker->LowpointNr < Walker->Ancestor->GraphNr) {
// (6a) set Ancestor's Lowpoint number to minimum of of its Ancestor and itself, go to Step(8)
Walker->Ancestor->LowpointNr = (Walker->Ancestor->LowpointNr < Walker->LowpointNr) ? Walker->Ancestor->LowpointNr : Walker->LowpointNr;
LOG(2, "(6) Setting Walker[" << Walker->getName() << "]'s Ancestor[" << Walker->Ancestor->getName() << "]'s Lowpoint to " << Walker->Ancestor->LowpointNr << ".");
} else {
// (7) (Ancestor of Walker is a separating vertex, remove all from stack till Walker (including), these and Ancestor form a component
Walker->Ancestor->SeparationVertex = true;
LOG(2, "(7) Walker[" << Walker->getName() << "]'s Ancestor[" << Walker->Ancestor->getName() << "]'s is a separating vertex, creating component.");
SetNextComponentNumber(Walker->Ancestor, ComponentNumber);
LOG(3, "(7) Walker[" << Walker->getName() << "]'s Ancestor's Compont is " << ComponentNumber << ".");
SetNextComponentNumber(Walker, ComponentNumber);
LOG(3, "(7) Walker[" << Walker->getName() << "]'s Compont is " << ComponentNumber << ".");
do {
ASSERT(!AtomStack.empty(), "DepthFirstSearchAnalysis_CheckForaNewComponent() - AtomStack is empty!");
OtherAtom = AtomStack.front();
SetNextComponentNumber(OtherAtom, ComponentNumber);
LOG(3, "(7) Other[" << OtherAtom->getName() << "]'s Compont is " << ComponentNumber << ".");
} while (OtherAtom != Walker);
// (8) Walker becomes its Ancestor, go to (3)
LOG(2, "(8) Walker[" << Walker->getName() << "] is now its Ancestor " << Walker->Ancestor->getName() << ", backstepping. ");
Walker = Walker->Ancestor;
BackStepping = true;
void DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::CleanRootStackDownTillWalker(atom *&Walker, bond::ptr &Binder, ConnectedSubgraph &Subgraph)
atom *OtherAtom = NULL;
if (!BackStepping) { // coming from (8) want to go to (3)
// (9) remove all from stack till Walker (including), these and Root form a component
SetNextComponentNumber(Root, ComponentNumber);
LOG(3, "(9) Root[" << Root->getName() << "]'s Component is " << ComponentNumber << ".");
SetNextComponentNumber(Walker, ComponentNumber);
LOG(3, "(9) Walker[" << Walker->getName() << "]'s Component is " << ComponentNumber << ".");
do {
ASSERT(!AtomStack.empty(), "DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::CleanRootStackDownTillWalker() - AtomStack is empty!");
OtherAtom = AtomStack.front();
SetNextComponentNumber(OtherAtom, ComponentNumber);
LOG(3, "(7) Other[" << OtherAtom->getName() << "]'s Component is " << ComponentNumber << ".");
} while (OtherAtom != Walker);
// (11) Root is separation vertex, set Walker to Root and go to (4)
Walker = Root;
Binder = FindNextUnused(Walker);
if (Binder != NULL) { // Root is separation vertex
LOG(1, "(10) Walker is Root[" << Root->getName() << "], next Unused Bond is " << *Binder << ".");
LOG(1, "(11) Root is a separation vertex.");
Walker->SeparationVertex = true;
} else {
LOG(1, "(10) Walker is Root[" << Root->getName() << "], no next Unused Bond.");
const std::deque& DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::getBackEdgeStack() const
return BackEdgeStack;
void DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::operator()()
Info FunctionInfo("DepthFirstSearchAnalysis");
int OldGraphNr = 0;
atom *Walker = NULL;
bond::ptr Binder;
if (World::getInstance().numAtoms() == 0)
LOG(0, "STATUS: Start walking the bond graph.");
for(World::AtomIterator iter = World::getInstance().getAtomIter();
iter != World::getInstance().atomEnd();) { // don't advance, is done at the end
Root = *iter;
// (1) mark all edges unused, empty stack, set atom->GraphNr = -1 for all
// put into new subgraph molecule and add this to list of subgraphs
ConnectedSubgraph CurrentSubgraph;
OldGraphNr = CurrentGraphNr;
Walker = Root;
do { // (10)
do { // (2) set number and Lowpoint of Atom to i, increase i, push current atom
ProbeAlongUnusedBond(Walker, Binder);
if (Binder == NULL) {
LOG(2, "No more Unused Bonds.");
} else
} while (1); // (2)
// if we came from backstepping, yet there were no more unused bonds, we end up here with no Ancestor, because Walker is Root! Then we are finished!
if ((Walker == Root) && (Binder == NULL))
CheckForaNewComponent( Walker, CurrentSubgraph);
CleanRootStackDownTillWalker(Walker, Binder, CurrentSubgraph);
} while ((BackStepping) || (Binder != NULL)); // (10) halt only if Root has no unused edges
// From OldGraphNr to CurrentGraphNr ranges an disconnected subgraph
std::stringstream output;
output << CurrentSubgraph;
LOG(1, "INFO: Disconnected subgraph ranges from " << OldGraphNr << " to "
<< CurrentGraphNr-1 << ": " << output.str());
// step on to next root
while (iter != World::getInstance().atomEnd()) {
if ((*iter)->GraphNr != -1) { // if already discovered, step on
} else {
LOG(1,"Current next subgraph root candidate is " << (*iter)->getName()
<< " with GraphNr " << (*iter)->GraphNr << ".");
LOG(0, "STATUS: Done walking the bond graph.");
// set cyclic bond criterium on "same LP" basis
void DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::UpdateMoleculeStructure() const
// remove all of World's molecules
for (World::MoleculeIterator iter = World::getInstance().getMoleculeIter();
World::getInstance().getMoleculeIter() != World::getInstance().moleculeEnd();
iter = World::getInstance().getMoleculeIter()) {
// instantiate new molecules
molecule *newmol = NULL;
for (ConnectedSubgraphList::const_iterator iter = ListOfConnectedSubgraphs.begin();
iter != ListOfConnectedSubgraphs.end();
++iter) {
newmol = (*iter).getMolecule();
if (DoLog(2)) {
LOG(2, "STATUS: Creating new molecule:");
std::stringstream output;
std::stringstream outstream(output.str());
std::string line;
while (getline(outstream, line)) {
LOG(2, "\t"+line);
MoleculeLeafClass *DepthFirstSearchAnalysis::getMoleculeStructure() const
MoleculeLeafClass *Subgraphs = new MoleculeLeafClass(NULL);
MoleculeLeafClass *MolecularWalker = Subgraphs;
for (World::MoleculeIterator iter = World::getInstance().getMoleculeIter();
iter != World::getInstance().moleculeEnd();
++iter) {
// TODO: Remove the insertion into molecule when saving does not depend on them anymore. Also, remove molecule.hpp include
MolecularWalker = new MoleculeLeafClass(MolecularWalker);
MolecularWalker->Leaf = (*iter);
return Subgraphs;