* Project: MoleCuilder
* Description: creates and alters molecular systems
* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of MoleCuilder.
* MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MoleCuilder. If not, see .
* CyclicStructureAnalysis.cpp
* Created on: Feb 16, 2011
* Author: heber
// include config.h
//#include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp"
#include "CyclicStructureAnalysis.hpp"
#include "Atom/atom.hpp"
#include "Bond/bond.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/Info.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/Verbose.hpp"
#include "Element/element.hpp"
#include "molecule.hpp"
CyclicStructureAnalysis::CyclicStructureAnalysis(const enum HydrogenTreatment _treatment) :
/** Initialise vertex as white with no predecessor, no shortest path(-1), color white.
* \param atom_id id of atom whose node we address
void CyclicStructureAnalysis::InitNode(atomId_t atom_id)
ShortestPathList[atom_id] = -1;
PredecessorList[atom_id] = 0;
ColorList[atom_id] = GraphEdge::white;
void CyclicStructureAnalysis::Reset()
// clear what's present
/** Clean the accounting structure for all nodes touched so far.
void CyclicStructureAnalysis::CleanAllTouched()
atom *Walker = NULL;
while (!TouchedStack.empty()) {
Walker = TouchedStack.front();
PredecessorList[Walker->getNr()] = NULL;
ShortestPathList[Walker->getNr()] = -1;
ColorList[Walker->getNr()] = GraphEdge::white;
/** Resets shortest path list and BFSStack.
* \param *&Walker current node, pushed onto BFSStack and TouchedStack
void CyclicStructureAnalysis::InitializeToRoot(atom *&Root)
ShortestPathList[Root->getNr()] = 0;
BFSStack.clear(); // start with empty BFS stack
/** Performs a BFS from \a *Root, trying to find the same node and hence all cycles.
* We exclude the back edge, hence the direct way is prohibited. But as it is a back edge,
* there must be at least one more way to \a *Root. This leads us to all cycles for this
* back edge.
* \param OtherAtom pointing to Root on return indicating found cycle
* \param *&BackEdge the edge from root that we don't want to move along
* \param MinRingSize set to minimum over all cycles encountered
void CyclicStructureAnalysis::findAllCyclesforBackEdge(
atom *&OtherAtom,
bond::ptr &BackEdge,
int &MinRingSize)
size_t MaximumHorizon = (size_t)-1; // will overflow to largest number
atom *Walker = NULL;
do { // look for Root
ASSERT(!BFSStack.empty(), "CyclicStructureAnalysis_CyclicBFSFromRootToRoot() - BFSStack is empty!");
Walker = BFSStack.back();
LOG(2, "INFO: Current Walker is " << *Walker << ", we look for SP to Root " << *Root << ".");
// check all edges/bonds from current Walker
if (MaximumHorizon >= (size_t)ShortestPathList[Walker->getNr()]) {
const BondList& ListOfBonds = Walker->getListOfBonds();
for (BondList::const_iterator Runner = ListOfBonds.begin();
Runner != ListOfBonds.end();
++Runner) {
if ((*Runner) != BackEdge) { // only walk along DFS spanning tree (otherwise we always find SP of one being backedge Binder)
OtherAtom = (*Runner)->GetOtherAtom(Walker);
if ((treatment == IncludeHydrogen) || (OtherAtom->getType()->getAtomicNumber() != 1)) {
LOG(2, "INFO: Current OtherAtom is: " << OtherAtom->getName() << " for bond " << *(*Runner) << ".");
if (ColorList[OtherAtom->getNr()] == GraphEdge::white) {
// we discovered a new node/atom
ColorList[OtherAtom->getNr()] = GraphEdge::lightgray;
PredecessorList[OtherAtom->getNr()] = Walker; // Walker is the predecessor
ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->getNr()] = ShortestPathList[Walker->getNr()] + 1;
LOG(2, "INFO: Coloring OtherAtom " << OtherAtom->getName() << " lightgray, its predecessor is " << Walker->getName() << " and its Shortest Path is " << ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->getNr()] << " egde(s) long.");
//if (ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->getNr()] < MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->getNr()]) { // Check for maximum distance
LOG(3, "ACCEPT: Putting OtherAtom " << OtherAtom->getName() << " into queue.");
} else {
LOG(3, "REJECT: Not Adding, has already been visited.");
if (OtherAtom == Root)
} else {
LOG(2, "INFO: Skipping hydrogen atom " << *OtherAtom << ".");
ColorList[OtherAtom->getNr()] = GraphEdge::black;
} else {
LOG(2, "REJECT: Bond " << *(*Runner) << " not Visiting, is the back edge.");
ColorList[Walker->getNr()] = GraphEdge::black;
LOG(1, "INFO: Coloring Walker " << Walker->getName() << " " << GraphEdge::getColorName(ColorList[Walker->getNr()]) << ".");
} else {
LOG(1, "INFO: Skipping bonds for " << Walker->getName() << " as it resides on the horizon.");
// have we closed the cycle, i.e. stumbled upon Root by another mean than
// the back edge?
if (OtherAtom == Root) {
// check whether this cycle wasn't already found beforehand by stepping
// through predecessor list
int RingSize = RetrieveCycleMembers(OtherAtom, BackEdge, MinRingSize);
MaximumHorizon = std::min( MaximumHorizon, (size_t)RingSize );
LOG(2, "INFO: Maximum horizon is set to " << MaximumHorizon);
// remove last step and prepare for a possible yet another path to Root
do {
ASSERT(!TouchedStack.empty(), "CyclicStructureAnalysis_CyclicBFSFromRootToRoot() - TouchedStack is empty!");
OtherAtom = TouchedStack.front();
if (PredecessorList[OtherAtom->getNr()] == Walker) {
LOG(4, "INFO: Removing " << *OtherAtom << " from lists and stacks.");
PredecessorList[OtherAtom->getNr()] = NULL;
ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->getNr()] = -1;
ColorList[OtherAtom->getNr()] = GraphEdge::white;
// rats ... deque has no find()
std::deque::iterator iter = find(
ASSERT(iter != BFSStack.end(),
"CyclicStructureAnalysis_CyclicBFSFromRootToRoot() - can't find "+toString(*OtherAtom)+" on stack!");
} while ((!TouchedStack.empty()) && (PredecessorList[OtherAtom->getNr()] == NULL));
TouchedStack.push_front(OtherAtom); // last was wrongly popped
OtherAtom = BackEdge->rightatom; // set to not Root
} while ((!BFSStack.empty()) && (OtherAtom != Root) && (OtherAtom != NULL)); // || (ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->getNr()] < MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->getNr()])));
/** Extracts cycle from BFSAccounting::PredecessorList with given \a BackEdge and current \a Root.
* \param BackEdge back edge of this cycle
CyclicStructureAnalysis::cycle_t CyclicStructureAnalysis::extractCurrentCycle(
bond::ptr &BackEdge)
CyclicStructureAnalysis::cycle_t currentcycle;
atom *Walker = Root;
std::stringstream output;
while (Walker != BackEdge->rightatom) { // leftatom is root
Walker = PredecessorList[Walker->getNr()];
Walker->GetTrueFather()->IsCyclic = true;
output << Walker->getName() << " <-> ";
#ifndef NDEBUG
std::pair< cycle_t::iterator, bool > inserter =
ASSERT( inserter.second,
"CyclicStructureAnalysis::RetrieveCycleMembers() - we already inserted "
+toString(Walker->GetTrueFather()->getId())+" into currentcycle.");
LOG(3, "INFO: " << output.str() << Root->getName());
return currentcycle;
/** Climb back the BFSAccounting::PredecessorList and find cycle members.
* \param *&OtherAtom
* \param *&BackEdge denotes the edge we did not want to travel along when doing CyclicBFSFromRootToRoot()
* \param &BFS accounting structure
* \param &MinRingSize global minimum distance from one node without encountering oneself, set on return
* \return size of found cycle, -1 - nothing found, something went wrong
int CyclicStructureAnalysis::RetrieveCycleMembers(
atom *&OtherAtom,
bond::ptr &BackEdge,
int &MinRingSize)
int RingSize = -1;
bool newcycle = false;
if (OtherAtom == Root) {
// now climb back the predecessor list and thus find the cycle members
Root->GetTrueFather()->IsCyclic = true;
// check whether cycle is present already
atom *Walker = Root;
LOG(4, "DEBUG: Checking whether all predecessors are already marked cyclic ...");
while (Walker != BackEdge->rightatom) { // Note that leftatom is Root itself
if (!Walker->GetTrueFather()->IsCyclic) { // if one bond in the loop is not marked as cyclic, we haven't found this cycle yet
LOG(4, "\tDEBUG: Walker " << *Walker << " is not cyclic, breaking.");
} else
Walker = PredecessorList[Walker->getNr()];
LOG(4, "DEBUG: Checking done.");
// if each atom in found cycle is cyclic, loop's been found before already
// exctract cycle
const cycle_t currentcycle = extractCurrentCycle(BackEdge);
if (Walker != BackEdge->rightatom) { // loop got round completely
newcycle = true;
} else {
LOG(3, "INFO: All bonds are marked cyclic already, checking allcycles whether cycle is already present.");
const cycles_t::const_iterator iter =
std::find(allcycles.begin(), allcycles.end(), currentcycle);
if (iter == allcycles.end()) { // not found
newcycle = true;
RingSize = currentcycle.size();
if (newcycle) {
LOG(0, "INFO: " << "Found ring contains: " << currentcycle << " with a length of " << RingSize);
} else {
LOG(1, "INFO: cycle " << currentcycle << " is already present.");
if (newcycle) {
// walk through all and set MinimumRingSize
atom *Walker = Root;
if ((MinimumRingSize.count(Walker->GetTrueFather()->getNr()) == 0)
|| (RingSize < MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->getNr()])) {
MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->getNr()] = RingSize;
} else {
LOG(3, "INFO: Not setting MinimumRingSize of "<< *(Walker->GetTrueFather())
<< " to " << RingSize << " which is already set to "
<< MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->getNr()] << ".");
while (Walker != BackEdge->rightatom) { // note that Root is leftatom
Walker = PredecessorList[Walker->getNr()];
if ((MinimumRingSize.count(Walker->GetTrueFather()->getNr()) == 0)
|| (RingSize < MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->getNr()]))
MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->getNr()] = RingSize;
if ((RingSize < MinRingSize) || (MinRingSize == -1))
MinRingSize = RingSize;
} else {
LOG(1, "INFO: No ring containing " << *Root << " with length equal to or smaller than " << MinimumRingSize[Root->GetTrueFather()->getNr()] << " found.");
return RingSize;
/** From a given node performs a BFS to touch the next cycle, for whose nodes \a MinimumRingSize is set and set it accordingly.
* \param *&Walker node to look for closest cycle from, i.e. \a MinimumRingSize is set for this node
* \param AtomCount number of nodes in graph
void CyclicStructureAnalysis::BFSToNextCycle(atom *Walker)
atom *Root = Walker;
atom *OtherAtom = Walker;
while (OtherAtom != NULL) { // look for Root
ASSERT(!BFSStack.empty(), "CyclicStructureAnalysis_BFSToNextCycle() - BFSStack is empty!");
Walker = BFSStack.front();
LOG(2, "INFO: Current Walker is " << *Walker << ", BFS-stepping away from Root " << *Root << ".");
const BondList& ListOfBonds = Walker->getListOfBonds();
for (BondList::const_iterator Runner = ListOfBonds.begin();
Runner != ListOfBonds.end();
++Runner) {
// "removed (*Runner) != BackEdge) || " from next if, is u
// only walk along DFS spanning tree (otherwise we always find SP of 1
// being backedge Binder), but terminal hydrogens may be connected via
// backedge, hence extra check
// if ((ListOfBonds.size() != 1)) {
OtherAtom = (*Runner)->GetOtherAtom(Walker);
if ((treatment == IncludeHydrogen) || (OtherAtom->getType()->getAtomicNumber() != 1)) {
LOG(2, "INFO: Current OtherAtom is: " << OtherAtom->getName() << " for bond " << *(*Runner) << ".");
if (ColorList[OtherAtom->getNr()] == GraphEdge::white) {
ColorList[OtherAtom->getNr()] = GraphEdge::lightgray;
PredecessorList[OtherAtom->getNr()] = Walker; // Walker is the predecessor
ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->getNr()] = ShortestPathList[Walker->getNr()] + 1;
LOG(2, "ACCEPT: Coloring OtherAtom "
<< OtherAtom->getName() << " lightgray, its predecessor is "
<< Walker->getName() << " and its Shortest Path is "
<< ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->getNr()] << " egde(s) long.");
// distance is a locally optimal criterion (we have eliminated all
// cycles already). Hence, we may assume that all set MinimumRingSize
// correspond to shortest distances to cycles. I.e., as soon as we reach
// as set MinimumRingSize we may use it and the current shortest path
// distance to it
if (MinimumRingSize.count(OtherAtom->GetTrueFather()->getNr())) {
LOG(2, "SUCCESS: Found set MinimumRingSize at " << *OtherAtom
<< ", walking back to Root " << *Root << ".");
// set all predecessors
const unsigned int shorttestpath = ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->getNr()];
atom *Backwalker = OtherAtom;
while (Backwalker != Root) {
Backwalker = PredecessorList[Backwalker->getNr()];
MinimumRingSize[Backwalker->GetTrueFather()->getNr()] =
(shorttestpath - ShortestPathList[Backwalker->getNr()])
+ MinimumRingSize[OtherAtom->GetTrueFather()->getNr()];
LOG(2, "Setting MinimumRingSize of " << *Backwalker << " to "
<< MinimumRingSize[Backwalker->GetTrueFather()->getNr()] << ".");
OtherAtom = NULL; //break;
} else
} else {
LOG(3, "REJECT: Not Adding, has already been visited.");
} else {
LOG(3, "REJECT: Not Visiting, is a back edge to hydrogen.");
// }
ColorList[Walker->getNr()] = GraphEdge::black;
LOG(1, "INFO: Coloring Walker " << Walker->getName() << " " << GraphEdge::getColorName(ColorList[Walker->getNr()]) << ".");
/** All nodes that are not in cycles get assigned a \a *&MinimumRingSize by BFS to next cycle.
* \param *&MinimumRingSize array with minimum distance without encountering oneself for each atom
* \param MinRingSize global minium distance
void CyclicStructureAnalysis::AssignRingSizetoNonCycleMembers(const int MinRingSize)
atom *Walker = NULL;
if (MinRingSize != -1) { // if rings are present
// go over all atoms
World::AtomComposite allatoms = World::getInstance().getAllAtoms();
for (World::AtomComposite::const_iterator iter = allatoms.begin();
iter != allatoms.end();
++iter) {
Walker = *iter;
if (MinimumRingSize.find(Walker->GetTrueFather()->getNr()) == MinimumRingSize.end()) { // check whether MinimumRingSize is set, if not BFS to next where it is
LOG(1, "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
ASSERT(MinimumRingSize.find(Walker->GetTrueFather()->getNr()) != MinimumRingSize.end(),
"CyclicStructureAnalysis::AssignRingSizetoNonCycleMembers() - BFSToNextCycle did not set MinimumRingSize of "
LOG(1, "INFO: Minimum ring size of " << *Walker << " is " << MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->getNr()] << ".");
LOG(1, "INFO: Minimum ring size is " << MinRingSize << ", over " << allcycles.size() << " cycle(s) total.");
} else
LOG(1, "INFO: No rings were detected in the molecular structure.");
/** Analyses the cycles found and returns minimum of all cycle lengths.
* We begin with a list of Back edges found during DepthFirstSearchAnalysis(). We go through this list - one end is the Root,
* the other our initial Walker - and do a Breadth First Search for the Root. We mark down each Predecessor and as soon as
* we have found the Root via BFS, we may climb back the closed cycle via the Predecessors. Thereby we mark atoms and bonds
* as cyclic and print out the cycles.
* \param *BackEdgeStack stack with all back edges found during DFS scan. Beware: This stack contains the bonds from the total molecule, not from the subgraph!
* \todo BFS from the not-same-LP to find back to starting point of tributary cycle over more than one bond
void CyclicStructureAnalysis::operator()(std::deque * BackEdgeStack)
Info FunctionInfo("CyclicStructureAnalysis");
atom *Walker = NULL;
atom *OtherAtom = NULL;
bond::ptr BackEdge;
int MinRingSize = -1;
// clear cycle container
std::stringstream output;
output << "Back edge list - ";
for (std::deque::const_iterator iter = BackEdgeStack->begin();
iter != BackEdgeStack->end(); ++iter)
output << **iter << " ";
LOG(0, output.str());
LOG(1, "STATUS: Analysing cycles ... ");
while (!BackEdgeStack->empty()) {
BackEdge = BackEdgeStack->front();
// this is the target
Root = BackEdge->leftatom;
// this is the source point
Walker = BackEdge->rightatom;
LOG(1, "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
OtherAtom = NULL;
// find all cycles for current BackEdge
findAllCyclesforBackEdge(OtherAtom, BackEdge, MinRingSize);
/** Output a list of flags, stating whether the bond was visited or not.
* \param *list list to print
void CyclicStructureAnalysis::OutputAlreadyVisited(int *list)
std::stringstream output;
output << "Already Visited Bonds:\t";
for (int i = 1; i <= list[0]; i++)
output << list[i] << " ";
LOG(0, output.str());
const std::map& CyclicStructureAnalysis::getMinimumRingSize() const
return MinimumRingSize;