1 | /*
2 | * bondgraph.hpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Oct 29, 2009
5 | * Author: heber
6 | */
7 |
8 | #ifndef BONDGRAPH_HPP_
9 | #define BONDGRAPH_HPP_
10 |
11 | using namespace std;
12 |
13 | /*********************************************** includes ***********************************/
14 |
15 | // include config.h
16 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 | #include <config.h>
18 | #endif
19 |
20 | #include <iosfwd>
21 |
22 | #include <boost/serialization/array.hpp>
23 |
24 | #include "AtomSet.hpp"
25 | #include "Bond/bond.hpp"
26 | #include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp"
27 | #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
28 | #include "CodePatterns/Range.hpp"
29 | #include "CodePatterns/Verbose.hpp"
30 | #include "Element/element.hpp"
31 | #include "Fragmentation/MatrixContainer.hpp"
32 | #include "linkedcell.hpp"
33 | #include "IPointCloud.hpp"
34 | #include "PointCloudAdaptor.hpp"
35 | #include "WorldTime.hpp"
36 |
37 | /****************************************** forward declarations *****************************/
38 |
39 | class molecule;
40 | class BondedParticle;
41 | class MatrixContainer;
42 |
43 | /********************************************** definitions *********************************/
44 |
45 | /********************************************** declarations *******************************/
46 |
47 |
48 | class BondGraph {
49 | //!> analysis bonds unit test should be friend to access private parts.
50 | friend class AnalysisBondsTest;
51 | //!> own bond graph unit test should be friend to access private parts.
52 | friend class BondGraphTest;
53 | public:
54 | /** Constructor of class BondGraph.
55 | * This classes contains typical bond lengths and thus may be used to construct a bond graph for a given molecule.
56 | */
57 | BondGraph(bool IsA);
58 |
59 | /** Destructor of class BondGraph.
60 | */
61 | ~BondGraph();
62 |
63 | /** Parses the bond lengths in a given file and puts them int a matrix form.
64 | * Allocates \a MatrixContainer for BondGraph::BondLengthMatrix, using MatrixContainer::ParseMatrix(),
65 | * but only if parsing is successful. Otherwise variable is left as NULL.
66 | * \param &input input stream to parse table from
67 | * \return true - success in parsing file, false - failed to parse the file
68 | */
69 | bool LoadBondLengthTable(std::istream &input);
70 |
71 | /** Removes allocated bond length table.
72 | *
73 | */
74 | void CleanupBondLengthTable();
75 |
76 | /** Determines the maximum of all element::CovalentRadius for elements present in \a &Set.
77 | *
78 | * I.e. the function returns a sensible cutoff criteria for bond recognition,
79 | * e.g. to be used for LinkedCell or others.
80 | *
81 | * \param &Set AtomSetMixin with all particles to consider
82 | */
83 | template <class container_type,
84 | class iterator_type,
85 | class const_iterator_type>
86 | double getMaxPossibleBondDistance(
87 | const AtomSetMixin<container_type,iterator_type,const_iterator_type> &Set) const
88 | {
89 | double max_distance = 0.;
90 | // get all elements
91 | std::set< const element *> PresentElements;
92 | for(const_iterator_type AtomRunner = Set.begin(); AtomRunner != Set.end(); ++AtomRunner) {
93 | PresentElements.insert( (*AtomRunner)->getType() );
94 | }
95 | // create all element combinations
96 | for (std::set< const element *>::const_iterator iter = PresentElements.begin();
97 | iter != PresentElements.end();
98 | ++iter) {
99 | for (std::set< const element *>::const_iterator otheriter = iter;
100 | otheriter != PresentElements.end();
101 | ++otheriter) {
102 | const range<double> MinMaxDistance(getMinMaxDistance((*iter),(*otheriter)));
103 | if (MinMaxDistance.last > max_distance)
104 | max_distance = MinMaxDistance.last;
105 | }
106 | }
107 | return max_distance;
108 | }
109 |
110 | /** Returns bond criterion for given pair based on a bond length matrix.
111 | * This calls element-version of getMinMaxDistance().
112 | * \param *Walker first BondedParticle
113 | * \param *OtherWalker second BondedParticle
114 | * \return Range with bond interval
115 | */
116 | range<double> getMinMaxDistance(
117 | const BondedParticle * const Walker,
118 | const BondedParticle * const OtherWalker) const;
119 |
120 | /** Returns SQUARED bond criterion for given pair based on a bond length matrix.
121 | * This calls element-version of getMinMaxDistance() and squares the values
122 | * of either interval end.
123 | * \param *Walker first BondedParticle
124 | * \param *OtherWalker second BondedParticle
125 | * \return Range with bond interval
126 | */
127 | range<double> getMinMaxDistanceSquared(
128 | const BondedParticle * const Walker,
129 | const BondedParticle * const OtherWalker) const;
130 |
131 | /** Creates the adjacency list for a given \a Range of iterable atoms.
132 | *
133 | * @param Set Range with begin and end iterator
134 | */
135 | template <class container_type,
136 | class iterator_type,
137 | class const_iterator_type>
138 | void CreateAdjacency(
139 | AtomSetMixin<container_type,iterator_type,const_iterator_type> &Set) const
140 | {
141 | LOG(1, "STATUS: Removing all present bonds.");
142 | cleanAdjacencyList(Set);
143 |
144 | // count atoms in molecule = dimension of matrix (also give each unique name and continuous numbering)
145 | const unsigned int counter = Set.size();
146 | if (counter > 1) {
147 | LOG(1, "STATUS: Setting max bond distance.");
148 | const double max_distance = getMaxPossibleBondDistance(Set);
149 |
150 | LOG(1, "STATUS: Creating LinkedCell structure for given " << counter << " atoms.");
151 | PointCloudAdaptor< AtomSetMixin<container_type,iterator_type> > cloud(&Set, "SetOfAtoms");
152 | LinkedCell *LC = new LinkedCell(cloud, max_distance);
153 |
154 | CreateAdjacency(*LC);
155 | delete (LC);
156 |
157 | // correct bond degree by comparing valence and bond degree
158 | LOG(1, "STATUS: Correcting bond degree.");
159 | CorrectBondDegree(Set);
160 |
161 | // output bonds for debugging (if bond chain list was correctly installed)
162 | LOG(2, "STATUS: Printing list of created bonds.");
163 | std::stringstream output;
164 | for(const_iterator_type AtomRunner = Set.begin(); AtomRunner != Set.end(); ++AtomRunner) {
165 | (*AtomRunner)->OutputBondOfAtom(output);
166 | output << std::endl << "\t\t";
167 | }
168 | LOG(2, output.str());
169 | } else {
170 | LOG(1, "REJECT: AtomCount is " << counter << ", thus no bonds, no connections.");
171 | }
172 | }
173 |
174 | /** Creates an adjacency list of the given \a Set of atoms.
175 | *
176 | * Note that the input stream is required to refer to the same number of
177 | * atoms also contained in \a Set.
178 | *
179 | * \param &Set container with atoms
180 | * \param *input input stream to parse
181 | * \param skiplines how many header lines to skip
182 | * \param id_offset is base id compared to World startin at 0
183 | */
184 | template <class container_type,
185 | class iterator_type,
186 | class const_iterator_type>
187 | void CreateAdjacencyListFromDbondFile(
188 | AtomSetMixin<container_type,iterator_type,const_iterator_type> &Set,
189 | ifstream *input,
190 | unsigned int skiplines,
191 | int id_offset) const
192 | {
193 | char line[MAXSTRINGSIZE];
194 |
195 | // check input stream
196 | if (input->fail()) {
197 | ELOG(0, "Opening of bond file failed \n");
198 | return;
199 | };
200 | // skip headers
201 | unsigned int bondcount = 0;
202 | for (unsigned int i=0;i<skiplines;i++)
203 | input->getline(line,MAXSTRINGSIZE);
204 |
205 | // create lookup map
206 | LOG(1, "STATUS: Creating lookup map.");
207 | std::map< unsigned int, atom *> AtomLookup;
208 | unsigned int counter = id_offset; // if ids do not start at 0
209 | for (iterator_type iter = Set.begin(); iter != Set.end(); ++iter) {
210 | AtomLookup.insert( make_pair( counter++, *iter) );
211 | }
212 | LOG(2, "INFO: There are " << counter << " atoms in the given set.");
213 |
214 | LOG(1, "STATUS: Scanning file.");
215 | unsigned int atom1, atom2;
216 | unsigned int bondcounter = 0;
217 | while (!input->eof()) // Check whether we read everything already
218 | {
219 | input->getline(line,MAXSTRINGSIZE);
220 | stringstream zeile(line);
221 | if (zeile.str().empty())
222 | continue;
223 | zeile >> atom1;
224 | zeile >> atom2;
225 |
226 | LOG(4, "INFO: Looking for atoms " << atom1 << " and " << atom2 << ".");
227 | if (atom2 < atom1) //Sort indices of atoms in order
228 | std::swap(atom1, atom2);
229 | ASSERT(atom2 < counter,
230 | "BondGraph::CreateAdjacencyListFromDbondFile() - ID "
231 | +toString(atom2)+" exceeds number of present atoms "+toString(counter)+".");
232 | ASSERT(AtomLookup.count(atom1),
233 | "BondGraph::CreateAdjacencyListFromDbondFile() - Could not find an atom with the ID given in dbond file");
234 | ASSERT(AtomLookup.count(atom2),
235 | "BondGraph::CreateAdjacencyListFromDbondFile() - Could not find an atom with the ID given in dbond file");
236 | atom * const Walker = AtomLookup[atom1];
237 | atom * const OtherWalker = AtomLookup[atom2];
238 |
239 | LOG(3, "INFO: Creating bond between atoms " << atom1 << " and " << atom2 << ".");
240 | //const bond * Binder =
241 | Walker->addBond(WorldTime::getTime(), OtherWalker);
242 | bondcounter++;
243 | }
244 | LOG(1, "STATUS: "<< bondcounter << " bonds have been parsed.");
245 | }
246 |
247 | /** Creates an adjacency list of the molecule.
248 | * Generally, we use the CSD approach to bond recognition, that is the the distance
249 | * between two atoms A and B must be within [Rcov(A)+Rcov(B)-t,Rcov(A)+Rcov(B)+t] with
250 | * a threshold t = 0.4 Angstroem.
251 | * To make it O(N log N) the function uses the linked-cell technique as follows:
252 | * The procedure is step-wise:
253 | * -# Remove every bond in list
254 | * -# Count the atoms in the molecule with CountAtoms()
255 | * -# partition cell into smaller linked cells of size \a bonddistance
256 | * -# put each atom into its corresponding cell
257 | * -# go through every cell, check the atoms therein against all possible bond partners in the 27 adjacent cells, add bond if true
258 | * -# correct the bond degree iteratively (single->double->triple bond)
259 | * -# finally print the bond list to \a *out if desired
260 | * \param &LC Linked Cell Container with all atoms
261 | */
262 | void CreateAdjacency(LinkedCell &LC) const;
263 |
264 | /** Removes all bonds within the given set of iterable atoms.
265 | *
266 | * @param Set Range with atoms
267 | */
268 | template <class container_type,
269 | class iterator_type,
270 | class const_iterator_type>
271 | void cleanAdjacencyList(
272 | AtomSetMixin<container_type,iterator_type,const_iterator_type> &Set) const
273 | {
274 | // remove every bond from the list
275 | for(iterator_type AtomRunner = Set.begin(); AtomRunner != Set.end(); ++AtomRunner) {
276 | (*AtomRunner)->removeAllBonds();
277 | // BondList& ListOfBonds = (*AtomRunner)->getListOfBonds();
278 | // for(BondList::iterator BondRunner = ListOfBonds.begin();
279 | // !ListOfBonds.empty();
280 | // BondRunner = ListOfBonds.begin()) {
281 | // ASSERT((*BondRunner)->Contains(*AtomRunner),
282 | // "BondGraph::cleanAdjacencyList() - "+
283 | // toString(*BondRunner)+" does not contain "+
284 | // toString(*AtomRunner)+".");
285 | // delete((*BondRunner));
286 | // }
287 | }
288 | }
289 |
290 | /** correct bond degree by comparing valence and bond degree.
291 | * correct Bond degree of each bond by checking both bond partners for a mismatch between valence and current sum of bond degrees,
292 | * iteratively increase the one first where the other bond partner has the fewest number of bonds (i.e. in general bonds oxygene
293 | * preferred over carbon bonds). Beforehand, we had picked the first mismatching partner, which lead to oxygenes with single instead of
294 | * double bonds as was expected.
295 | * @param Set Range with atoms
296 | * \return number of bonds that could not be corrected
297 | */
298 | template <class container_type,
299 | class iterator_type,
300 | class const_iterator_type>
301 | int CorrectBondDegree(
302 | AtomSetMixin<container_type,iterator_type,const_iterator_type> &Set) const
303 | {
304 | // reset
305 | resetBondDegree(Set);
306 | // re-calculate
307 | return calculateBondDegree(Set);
308 | }
309 |
310 | /** Equality comparator for class BondGraph.
311 | *
312 | * @param other other instance to compare to
313 | * @return true - if equal in every member variable, except static
314 | * \a BondGraph::BondThreshold.
315 | */
316 | bool operator==(const BondGraph &other) const;
317 |
318 | /** Unequality comparator for class BondGraph.
319 | *
320 | * @param other other instance to compare to
321 | * @return false - if equal in every member variable, except static
322 | * \a BondGraph::BondThreshold.
323 | */
324 | bool operator!=(const BondGraph &other) const {
325 | return !(*this == other);
326 | }
327 |
328 | private:
329 |
330 | /** Returns the BondLengthMatrix entry for a given index pair.
331 | * \param firstelement index/atom number of first element (row index)
332 | * \param secondelement index/atom number of second element (column index)
333 | * \note matrix is of course symmetric.
334 | */
335 | double GetBondLength(
336 | int firstelement,
337 | int secondelement) const;
338 |
339 | /** Returns bond criterion for given pair based on a bond length matrix.
340 | * This calls either the covalent or the bond matrix criterion.
341 | * \param *Walker first BondedParticle
342 | * \param *OtherWalker second BondedParticle
343 | * \return Range with bond interval
344 | */
345 | range<double> getMinMaxDistance(
346 | const element * const Walker,
347 | const element * const OtherWalker) const;
348 |
349 | /** Returns bond criterion for given pair of elements based on a bond length matrix.
350 | * The matrix should be contained in \a this BondGraph and contain an element-
351 | * to-element length.
352 | * \param *Walker first element
353 | * \param *OtherWalker second element
354 | * \return Range with bond interval
355 | */
356 | range<double> BondLengthMatrixMinMaxDistance(
357 | const element * const Walker,
358 | const element * const OtherWalker) const;
359 |
360 | /** Returns bond criterion for given pair of elements based on covalent radius.
361 | * \param *Walker first element
362 | * \param *OtherWalker second element
363 | * \return Range with bond interval
364 | */
365 | range<double> CovalentMinMaxDistance(
366 | const element * const Walker,
367 | const element * const OtherWalker) const;
368 |
369 |
370 | /** Resets the bond::BondDegree of all atoms in the set to 1.
371 | *
372 | * @param Set Range with atoms
373 | */
374 | template <class container_type,
375 | class iterator_type,
376 | class const_iterator_type>
377 | void resetBondDegree(
378 | AtomSetMixin<container_type,iterator_type,const_iterator_type> &Set) const
379 | {
380 | // reset bond degrees
381 | for(iterator_type AtomRunner = Set.begin(); AtomRunner != Set.end(); ++AtomRunner) {
382 | (*AtomRunner)->resetBondDegree();
383 | }
384 | }
385 |
386 | /** Calculates the bond degree for each atom on the set.
387 | *
388 | * @param Set Range with atoms
389 | * @return number of non-matching bonds
390 | */
391 | template <class container_type,
392 | class iterator_type,
393 | class const_iterator_type>
394 | int calculateBondDegree(
395 | AtomSetMixin<container_type,iterator_type,const_iterator_type> &Set) const
396 | {
397 | //DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Correcting Bond degree of each bond ... " << endl);
398 | int No = 0, OldNo = -1;
399 | do {
400 | OldNo = No;
401 | No=0;
402 | for(iterator_type AtomRunner = Set.begin(); AtomRunner != Set.end(); ++AtomRunner) {
403 | No+=(*AtomRunner)->CorrectBondDegree();
404 | }
405 | } while (OldNo != No);
406 | //DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << " done." << endl);
407 | return No;
408 | }
409 |
410 | bool operator==(const periodentafel &other) const;
411 |
412 | bool operator!=(const periodentafel &other) const {
413 | return !(*this == other);
414 | }
415 |
416 | private:
417 | // default constructor for serialization
418 | BondGraph();
419 |
420 | friend class boost::serialization::access;
421 | // serialization
422 | template<class Archive>
423 | void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
424 | {
425 | //ar & const_cast<double &>(BondThreshold);
426 | ar & BondLengthMatrix;
427 | ar & IsAngstroem;
428 | }
429 |
430 | //!> half width of the interval for allowed bond distances
431 | static const double BondThreshold;
432 | //!> Matrix with bond lenth per two elements
433 | MatrixContainer *BondLengthMatrix;
434 | //!> distance units are angstroem (true), bohr radii (false)
435 | bool IsAngstroem;
436 | };
437 |
438 | #endif /* BONDGRAPH_HPP_ */