/* * SamplingGridProperties.hpp * * Created on: 25.07.2012 * Author: heber */ #ifndef SAMPLINGGRIDPROPERTIES_HPP_ #define SAMPLINGGRIDPROPERTIES_HPP_ // include config.h #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "boost/serialization/export.hpp" #include "boost/serialization/array.hpp" /** This class stores a sample function on a three-dimensional grid. * */ class SamplingGridProperties { public: /** Constructor for class SamplingGridProperties. * * \param _begin offset of grid * \param _end edge length per axis * \param _level number of gridpoints as \f$2^{\mathrm{level}}\f$ per unit(!) length */ SamplingGridProperties( const double _begin[3], const double _end[3], const int _level); /** Copy constructor for class SamplingGridProperties. * * \param _props instance to copy from */ SamplingGridProperties(const SamplingGridProperties &_props); /** Default constructor. */ SamplingGridProperties(); virtual ~SamplingGridProperties(); /** Checks whether another instance is compatible with this one. * * \note Compatibility implies only that both grids have same grid spacing. * * \param _props other properties to check against * \return true - are compatible, false - else */ bool isCompatible(const SamplingGridProperties &_props) const { return level == _props.level; } /** Assignment operator. * * \param other other instance to assign ourselves to */ SamplingGridProperties& operator=(const SamplingGridProperties& other); /** Equality operator for class SamplingGridProperties. * * \param _props other object to compare to */ bool operator==(const SamplingGridProperties &_props) const; /** Inequality operator for class SamplingGridProperties. * * \param _props other object to compare to */ bool operator!=(const SamplingGridProperties &_props) const { return (!(*this == _props)); } /** Returns the volume of the domain for this sampled function. * * @return volume */ const double getVolume() const; /** Returns the total number of gridpoints of the discrete mesh covering the volume. * * @return number of gridpoints sampled_values should have */ const size_t getTotalGridPoints() const; /** Returns the number of grid points per axis. * * @return number of grid points per unit length */ const size_t getGridPointsPerAxis() const; /** Returns the length of the domain for the given \a axis. * * \param axis axis for which to get step length * \return domain length for the given axis, i.e. end - begin */ const double getTotalLengthPerAxis(const size_t axis) const; /** Returns the real step length from one discrete grid point to the next. * * \param axis axis for which to get step length * \return step length for the given axis, as domain length over getGridPointsPerAxis() */ const double getDeltaPerAxis(const size_t axis) const; public: //!> offset of grid double begin[3]; //!> size of grid, i.e. edge length per axis of domain double end[3]; //!> level, i.e. \f$2^{\mathrm{level}}\f$ grid points per axis per unit(!) length int level; private: friend class boost::serialization::access; // serialization template void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version) { int i; for (i=0; i<3; ++i) ar & begin[i]; for (i=0; i<3; ++i) ar & end[i]; ar & level; } }; // we need to give this class a unique key for serialization // its is only serialized through its base class FragmentJob BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_KEY(SamplingGridProperties) // define inline functions #include "SamplingGridProperties_inline.hpp" #endif /* SAMPLINGGRIDPROPERTIES_HPP_ */