/* * Project: MoleCuilder * Description: creates and alters molecular systems * Copyright (C) 2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2013 Frederik Heber. All rights reserved. * * * This file is part of MoleCuilder. * * MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MoleCuilder. If not, see . */ /* * Fragment.cpp * * Created on: Aug 8, 2012 * Author: heber */ // include config.h #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif // include headers that implement a archive in simple text format // otherwise BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_IMPLEMENT has no effect #include #include #include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp" #include "Fragment.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp" Fragment::Fragment() {} Fragment::Fragment(const positions_t &_positions, const charges_t &_charges) { ASSERT( _positions.size() == _charges.size(), "Fragment::Fragment() - given charges and positions don't match in size."); positions_t::const_iterator piter = _positions.begin(); charges_t::const_iterator citer = _charges.begin(); for (;piter != _positions.end(); ++piter, ++citer) nuclei.push_back( make_pair( *piter, *citer) ); } Fragment& Fragment::operator+=(const Fragment &other) { for (nuclei_t::const_iterator iter = other.nuclei.begin(); iter != other.nuclei.end(); ++iter) { if (!containsNuclei(*iter)) { nuclei.push_back(*iter); } } return *this; } Fragment& Fragment::operator=(const Fragment &other) { if (this != &other) { nuclei.clear(); nuclei = other.nuclei; } return *this; } Fragment& Fragment::operator-=(const Fragment &other) { for (nuclei_t::const_iterator iter = other.nuclei.begin(); iter != other.nuclei.end(); ++iter) removeNuclei(*iter); return *this; } bool Fragment::containsNuclei(const nucleus_t &n) const { for (nuclei_t::const_iterator iter = nuclei.begin(); iter != nuclei.end(); ++iter) if (Fragment::isPositionEqual(iter->first, n.first)) return true; return false; } void Fragment::removeNuclei(const nucleus_t &n) { for (nuclei_t::iterator iter = nuclei.begin(); iter != nuclei.end(); ++iter) if (Fragment::isPositionEqual(iter->first, n.first)) { nuclei.erase(iter); break; } } Fragment::positions_t Fragment::getPositions() const { positions_t positions; for (nuclei_t::const_iterator iter = nuclei.begin(); iter != nuclei.end(); ++iter) positions.push_back(iter->first); return positions; } Fragment::charges_t Fragment::getCharges() const { charges_t charges; for (nuclei_t::const_iterator iter = nuclei.begin(); iter != nuclei.end(); ++iter) charges.push_back(iter->second); return charges; } Fragment::nucleus_t Fragment::createNucleus(const position_t &position, const double charge) { return nucleus_t( make_pair( position, charge ) ); } bool Fragment::isPositionEqual(const position_t &a, const position_t &b) { bool status = true; for (size_t i=0;i<3;++i) status &= fabs(a[i] - b[i]) < std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); return status; } bool Fragment::operator==(const Fragment& other) const { bool status = true; // compare sizes if (nuclei.size() != other.nuclei.size()) { return false; } else { // if equal, sort, and compare each nuclei Fragment::nuclei_t thisnuclei(nuclei); Fragment::nuclei_t othernuclei(other.nuclei); std::sort(thisnuclei.begin(), thisnuclei.end()); std::sort(othernuclei.begin(), othernuclei.end()); Fragment::nuclei_t::const_iterator iter = thisnuclei.begin(); Fragment::nuclei_t::const_iterator oiter = othernuclei.begin(); for (; iter != thisnuclei.end(); ++iter,++oiter) status &= (*iter == *oiter); } return status; } std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &ost, const Fragment &f) { size_t NucleiCounter = 1; for (Fragment::nuclei_t::const_iterator iter = f.nuclei.begin(); iter != f.nuclei.end(); ++iter) ost << "[" << NucleiCounter++ << "]:" << *iter << ", "; return ost; } std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &ost, const Fragment::nucleus_t &n) { ost << n.first << " with charge " << n.second; return ost; } bool operator==(const Fragment::nucleus_t &a, const Fragment::nucleus_t &b) { bool status = true; // check positions status &= Fragment::isPositionEqual(a.first, b.first); status &= fabs(a.second - b.second) < std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); return status; } template<> Fragment ZeroInstance() { Fragment::positions_t positions; Fragment::charges_t charges; Fragment returnvalue(positions, charges); return returnvalue; } // we need to explicitly instantiate the serialization functions BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_IMPLEMENT(Fragment)