/* * Project: MoleCuilder * Description: creates and alters molecular systems * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved. * * * This file is part of MoleCuilder. * * MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MoleCuilder. If not, see . */ /* * PowerSetGenerator.cpp * * Created on: Oct 18, 2011 * Author: heber */ // include config.h #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp" #include "PowerSetGenerator.hpp" #include #include "CodePatterns/Info.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp" #include "Atom/atom.hpp" #include "Bond/bond.hpp" #include "Fragmentation/KeySet.hpp" #include "Fragmentation/UniqueFragments.hpp" /** Constructor of class PowerSetGenerator. * */ PowerSetGenerator::PowerSetGenerator(class UniqueFragments *_FragmentSearch, int Order) : BondsPerSPList(Order), FragmentSearch(_FragmentSearch) {} /** Destructor of class PowerSetGenerator. * */ PowerSetGenerator::~PowerSetGenerator() { FragmentSearch = NULL; } /** Clears the touched list * \param verbosity verbosity level * \param *&TouchedList touched list * \param SubOrder current suborder * \param TouchedIndex currently touched */ void PowerSetGenerator::ClearingTouched(int verbosity, int *&TouchedList, int SubOrder, int &TouchedIndex) { LOG(1+verbosity, "Clearing touched list."); for (TouchedIndex=SubOrder+1;TouchedIndex--;) // empty touched list TouchedList[TouchedIndex] = -1; TouchedIndex = 0; } /** Adds the current combination of the power set to the snake stack. * \param verbosity verbosity level * \param CurrentCombination * \param SetDimension maximum number of bits in power set * \param *FragmentSet snake stack to remove from * \param &BondsSet set of bonds * \param *&TouchedList touched list * \param TouchedIndex currently touched * \return number of set bits */ int PowerSetGenerator::AddPowersetToSnakeStack(int verbosity, int CurrentCombination, int SetDimension, KeySet *FragmentSet, std::vector &BondsSet, int *&TouchedList, int &TouchedIndex) { atom *OtherWalker = NULL; bool bit = false; KeySetTestPair TestKeySetInsert; int Added = 0; for (int j=0;jrightatom; // rightatom is always the one more distant, i.e. the one to add //LOG(1+verbosity, "Current Bond is " << BondsSet[j] << ", checking on " << *OtherWalker << "."); LOG(2+verbosity, "Adding " << *OtherWalker << " with nr " << OtherWalker->getNr() << "."); TestKeySetInsert = FragmentSet->insert(OtherWalker->getNr()); if (TestKeySetInsert.second) { TouchedList[TouchedIndex++] = OtherWalker->getNr(); // note as added Added++; } else { LOG(2+verbosity, "This was item was already present in the keyset."); } } else { LOG(2+verbosity, "Not adding."); } } return Added; }; /** Counts the number of elements in a power set. * \param SetFirst begin iterator first bond * \param SetLast end iterator * \param *&TouchedList touched list * \param TouchedIndex currently touched * \return number of elements */ int PowerSetGenerator::CountSetMembers(std::list::const_iterator SetFirst, std::list::const_iterator SetLast, int *&TouchedList, int TouchedIndex) { int SetDimension = 0; for( std::list::const_iterator Binder = SetFirst; Binder != SetLast; ++Binder) { for (int k=TouchedIndex;k--;) { if ((*Binder)->Contains(TouchedList[k])) // if we added this very endpiece SetDimension++; } } return SetDimension; }; /** Fills a list of bonds from another * \param *BondsList bonds array/vector to fill * \param SetFirst begin iterator first bond * \param SetLast end iterator * \param *&TouchedList touched list * \param TouchedIndex currently touched * \return number of elements */ int PowerSetGenerator::FillBondsList(std::vector &BondsList, std::list::const_iterator SetFirst, std::list::const_iterator SetLast, int *&TouchedList, int TouchedIndex) { int SetDimension = 0; for( std::list::const_iterator Binder = SetFirst; Binder != SetLast; ++Binder) { for (int k=0;kleftatom->getNr() == TouchedList[k]) // leftatom is always the closer one BondsList[SetDimension++] = (*Binder); } } return SetDimension; }; /** Remove all items that were added on this SP level. * \param verbosity verbosity level * \param *FragmentSet snake stack to remove from * \param *&TouchedList touched list * \param TouchedIndex currently touched */ void PowerSetGenerator::RemoveAllTouchedFromSnakeStack(int verbosity, KeySet *FragmentSet, int *&TouchedList, int &TouchedIndex) { int Removal = 0; for(int j=0;jerase(Removal); TouchedList[j] = -1; } std::stringstream output; output << "Remaining local nr.s on snake stack are: "; for(KeySet::iterator runner = FragmentSet->begin(); runner != FragmentSet->end(); runner++) output << (*runner) << " "; LOG(2, output.str()); TouchedIndex = 0; // set Index to 0 for list of atoms added on this level }; /** Creates a list of all unique fragments of certain vertex size from a given graph \a Fragment for a given root vertex in the context of \a this molecule. * -# initialises UniqueFragments structure * -# fills edge list via BFS * -# creates the fragment by calling recursive function SPFragmentGenerator with UniqueFragments structure, 0 as root distance, the edge set, its dimension and the current suborder * -# Free'ing structure * Note that we may use the fact that the atoms are SP-ordered on the atomstack. I.e. when popping always the last, we first get all * with SP of 2, then those with SP of 3, then those with SP of 4 and so on. * \param RestrictedKeySet Restricted vertex set to use in context of molecule * \param saturation whether to treat hydrogen special or not * \return number of inserted fragments * \note ShortestPathList in FragmentSearch structure is probably due to NumberOfAtomsSPLevel and SP not needed anymore */ int PowerSetGenerator::operator()(KeySet &RestrictedKeySet, const enum HydrogenSaturation saturation) { int Counter = FragmentSearch->FragmentCounter; // mark current value of counter LOG(0, std::endl); LOG(0, "Begin of PowerSetGenerator with order " << BondsPerSPList.getOrder() << " at Root " << *FragmentSearch->getRoot() << "."); BondsPerSPList.SetSPList(FragmentSearch->getRoot()); // do a BFS search to fill the SP lists and label the found vertices BondsPerSPList.FillSPListandLabelVertices(FragmentSearch->getRoot()->GetTrueFather()->getNr(), RestrictedKeySet, saturation); // outputting all list for debugging BondsPerSPList.OutputSPList(); // creating fragments with the found edge sets (may be done in reverse order, faster) int SP = BondsPerSPList.CountNumbersInBondsList(); LOG(0, "Total number of edges is " << SP << "."); if (SP >= (BondsPerSPList.getOrder()-1)) { // start with root (push on fragment stack) LOG(0, "Starting fragment generation with " << *FragmentSearch->getRoot() << ", local nr is " << FragmentSearch->getRoot()->getNr() << "."); FragmentSearch->FragmentSet->clear(); LOG(0, "Preparing subset for this root and calling generator."); // prepare the subset and call the generator std::vector BondsList; BondsList.resize(BondsPerSPList.BondsPerSPCount[0]); ASSERT(BondsPerSPList.BondsPerSPList[0].size() != 0, "molecule::PowerSetGenerator() - BondsPerSPList.BondsPerSPList[0] contains no root bond."); BondsList[0] = (*BondsPerSPList.BondsPerSPList[0].begin()); // on SP level 0 there's only the root bond SPFragmentGenerator(0, BondsList, BondsPerSPList.BondsPerSPCount[0], BondsPerSPList.getOrder()); } else { LOG(0, "Not enough total number of edges to build " << BondsPerSPList.getOrder() << "-body fragments."); } // as FragmentSearch structure is used only once, we don't have to clean it anymore // remove root from stack LOG(0, "Removing root again from stack."); FragmentSearch->FragmentSet->erase(FragmentSearch->getRoot()->getNr()); // free'ing the bonds lists BondsPerSPList.ResetSPList(); // return list LOG(0, "End of PowerSetGenerator."); return (FragmentSearch->FragmentCounter - Counter); }; /** From a given set of Bond sorted by Shortest Path distance, create all possible fragments of size \a SetDimension. * -# loops over every possible combination (2^dimension of edge set) * -# inserts current set, if there's still space left * -# yes: calls SPFragmentGenerator with structure, created new edge list and size respective to root dist ance+1 * -# no: stores fragment into keyset list by calling InsertFragmentIntoGraph * -# removes all items added into the snake stack (in UniqueFragments structure) added during level (root distance) and current set * \param RootDistance current shortest path level, whose set of edges is represented by **BondsSet * \param BondsSet array of bonds to check * \param SetDimension Number of possible bonds on this level (i.e. size of the array BondsSet[]) * \param SubOrder remaining number of allowed vertices to add */ void PowerSetGenerator::SPFragmentGenerator(int RootDistance, std::vector &BondsSet, int SetDimension, int SubOrder) { Info info(__func__); int verbosity = 0; //FragmentSearch->ANOVAOrder-SubOrder; int NumCombinations; int bits, TouchedIndex, SubSetDimension, SP, Added; int SpaceLeft; int *TouchedList = new int[SubOrder + 1]; KeySetTestPair TestKeySetInsert; NumCombinations = 1 << SetDimension; // here for all bonds of Walker all combinations of end pieces (from the bonds) // have to be added and for the remaining ANOVA order GraphCrawler be called // recursively for the next level LOG(1+verbosity, "We are " << RootDistance << " away from Root, which is " << *FragmentSearch->getRoot() << ", SubOrder is " << SubOrder << ", SetDimension is " << SetDimension << " and this means " << NumCombinations-1 << " combination(s)."); // initialised touched list (stores added atoms on this level) ClearingTouched(verbosity, TouchedList, SubOrder, TouchedIndex); // create every possible combination of the endpieces LOG(1+verbosity, "Going through all combinations of the power set."); for (int i=1;i> j; LOG(1+verbosity, "Current set is " << Binary(i | (1 << SetDimension)) << ", number of bits is " << bits << "."); if (bits <= SubOrder) { // if not greater than additional atoms allowed on stack, continue // --1-- add this set of the power set of bond partners to the snake stack Added = AddPowersetToSnakeStack(verbosity, i, SetDimension, FragmentSearch->FragmentSet, BondsSet, TouchedList, TouchedIndex); SpaceLeft = SubOrder - Added ;// SubOrder - bits; // due to item's maybe being already present, this does not work anymore if (SpaceLeft > 0) { LOG(1+verbosity, "There's still some space left on stack: " << SpaceLeft << "."); if (SubOrder > 1) { // Due to Added above we have to check extra whether we're not already reaching beyond the desired Order // --2-- look at all added end pieces of this combination, construct bond subsets and sweep through a power set of these by recursion SP = RootDistance+1; // this is the next level // first count the members in the subset SubSetDimension = CountSetMembers(BondsPerSPList.BondsPerSPList[SP].begin(), BondsPerSPList.BondsPerSPList[SP].end(), TouchedList, TouchedIndex); // then allocate and fill the list std::vector BondsList; BondsList.resize(SubSetDimension); SubSetDimension = FillBondsList(BondsList, BondsPerSPList.BondsPerSPList[SP].begin(), BondsPerSPList.BondsPerSPList[SP].end(), TouchedList, TouchedIndex); // then iterate LOG(2+verbosity, "Calling subset generator " << SP << " away from root " << *FragmentSearch->getRoot() << " with sub set dimension " << SubSetDimension << "."); SPFragmentGenerator(SP, BondsList, SubSetDimension, SubOrder-bits); } } else { // --2-- otherwise store the complete fragment LOG(1+verbosity, "Enough items on stack for a fragment!"); // store fragment as a KeySet if (DoLog(2)) { std::stringstream output; output << "Found a new fragment[" << FragmentSearch->FragmentCounter << "], local nr.s are: "; for(KeySet::iterator runner = FragmentSearch->FragmentSet->begin(); runner != FragmentSearch->FragmentSet->end(); runner++) output << (*runner) << " "; LOG(2, output.str()); } FragmentSearch->InsertFragmentIntoGraph(); } // --3-- remove all added items in this level from snake stack LOG(1+verbosity, "Removing all items that were added on this SP level " << RootDistance << "."); RemoveAllTouchedFromSnakeStack(verbosity, FragmentSearch->FragmentSet, TouchedList, TouchedIndex); } else { LOG(2+verbosity, "More atoms to add for this set (" << bits << ") than space left on stack " << SubOrder << ", skipping this set."); } } delete[](TouchedList); LOG(1+verbosity, "End of SPFragmentGenerator, " << RootDistance << " away from Root " << *FragmentSearch->getRoot() << " and SubOrder is " << SubOrder << "."); };