1 | /*
2 | * Project: MoleCuilder
3 | * Description: creates and alters molecular systems
4 | * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved.
5 | * Please see the LICENSE file or "Copyright notice" in builder.cpp for details.
6 | */
7 |
8 | /*
9 | * Fragmentation.cpp
10 | *
11 | * Created on: Oct 18, 2011
12 | * Author: heber
13 | */
14 |
15 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
16 | #include <config.h>
17 | #endif
18 |
19 | #include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp"
20 |
21 | #include "Fragmentation.hpp"
22 |
23 | #include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp"
24 | #include "CodePatterns/Info.hpp"
25 | #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
26 |
27 | #include "Atom/atom.hpp"
28 | #include "Bond/bond.hpp"
29 | #include "Element/element.hpp"
30 | #include "Element/periodentafel.hpp"
31 | #include "Fragmentation/AdaptivityMap.hpp"
32 | #include "Fragmentation/fragmentation_helpers.hpp"
33 | #include "Fragmentation/Graph.hpp"
34 | #include "Fragmentation/KeySet.hpp"
35 | #include "Fragmentation/PowerSetGenerator.hpp"
36 | #include "Fragmentation/UniqueFragments.hpp"
37 | #include "Graph/BondGraph.hpp"
38 | #include "Graph/CheckAgainstAdjacencyFile.hpp"
39 | #include "molecule.hpp"
40 | #include "MoleculeLeafClass.hpp"
41 | #include "MoleculeListClass.hpp"
42 | #include "Parser/FormatParserStorage.hpp"
43 | #include "World.hpp"
44 |
45 |
46 | /** Constructor of class Fragmentation.
47 | *
48 | * \param _mol molecule for internal use (looking up atoms)
49 | * \param _saturation whether to treat hydrogen special and saturate dangling bonds or not
50 | */
51 | Fragmentation::Fragmentation(molecule *_mol, const enum HydrogenSaturation _saturation) :
52 | mol(_mol),
53 | saturation(_saturation)
54 | {}
55 |
56 | /** Destructor of class Fragmentation.
57 | *
58 | */
59 | Fragmentation::~Fragmentation()
60 | {}
61 |
62 |
63 | /** Performs a many-body bond order analysis for a given bond order.
64 | * -# parses adjacency, keysets and orderatsite files
65 | * -# RootStack is created for every subgraph (here, later we implement the "update 10 sites with highest energ
66 | y contribution", and that's why this consciously not done in the following loop)
67 | * -# in a loop over all subgraphs
68 | * -# calls FragmentBOSSANOVA with this RootStack and within the subgraph molecule structure
69 | * -# creates molecule (fragment)s from the returned keysets (StoreFragmentFromKeySet)
70 | * -# combines the generated molecule lists from all subgraphs
71 | * -# saves to disk: fragment configs, adjacency, orderatsite, keyset files
72 | * Note that as we split "this" molecule up into a list of subgraphs, i.e. a MoleculeListClass, we have two sets
73 | * of vertex indices: Global always means the index in "this" molecule, whereas local refers to the molecule or
74 | * subgraph in the MoleculeListClass.
75 | * \param Order up to how many neighbouring bonds a fragment contains in BondOrderScheme::BottumUp scheme
76 | * \param prefix prefix string for every fragment file name (may include path)
77 | * \param &DFS contains bond structure analysis data
78 | * \return 1 - continue, 2 - stop (no fragmentation occured)
79 | */
80 | int Fragmentation::FragmentMolecule(int Order, std::string prefix, DepthFirstSearchAnalysis &DFS)
81 | {
82 | MoleculeListClass *BondFragments = NULL;
83 | int FragmentCounter;
84 | MoleculeLeafClass *MolecularWalker = NULL;
85 | MoleculeLeafClass *Subgraphs = NULL; // list of subgraphs from DFS analysis
86 | fstream File;
87 | bool FragmentationToDo = true;
88 | bool CheckOrder = false;
89 | Graph **FragmentList = NULL;
90 | Graph TotalGraph; // graph with all keysets however local numbers
91 | int TotalNumberOfKeySets = 0;
92 | atom ***ListOfLocalAtoms = NULL;
93 | bool *AtomMask = NULL;
94 |
95 | LOG(0, endl);
96 | switch (saturation) {
97 | case DoSaturate:
98 | LOG(0, "I will treat hydrogen special and saturate dangling bonds with it.");
99 | break;
100 | case DontSaturate:
101 | LOG(0, "Hydrogen is treated just like the rest of the lot.");
102 | break;
103 | default:
104 | ASSERT(0, "Fragmentation::FragmentMolecule() - there is a saturation setting which I have no idea about.");
105 | break;
106 | }
107 |
108 | // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INITIAL STUFF: Bond structure analysis, file parsing, ... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
109 |
110 | // ===== 1. Check whether bond structure is same as stored in files ====
111 |
112 | // === compare it with adjacency file ===
113 | {
114 | std::ifstream File;
115 | std::string filename;
116 | filename = prefix + ADJACENCYFILE;
117 | File.open(filename.c_str(), ios::out);
118 | LOG(1, "Looking at bond structure stored in adjacency file and comparing to present one ... ");
119 |
120 | CheckAgainstAdjacencyFile FileChecker(World::getInstance().beginAtomSelection(), World::getInstance().endAtomSelection());
121 | FragmentationToDo = FragmentationToDo && FileChecker(File);
122 | }
123 |
124 | // === reset bond degree and perform CorrectBondDegree ===
125 | for(World::MoleculeIterator iter = World::getInstance().getMoleculeIter();
126 | iter != World::getInstance().moleculeEnd();
127 | ++iter) {
128 | // correct bond degree
129 | World::AtomComposite Set = (*iter)->getAtomSet();
130 | World::getInstance().getBondGraph()->CorrectBondDegree(Set);
131 | }
132 |
133 | // ===== 2. perform a DFS analysis to gather info on cyclic structure and a list of disconnected subgraphs =====
134 | // NOTE: We assume here that DFS has been performed and molecule structure is current.
135 | Subgraphs = DFS.getMoleculeStructure();
136 |
137 | // ===== 3. if structure still valid, parse key set file and others =====
138 | Graph ParsedFragmentList;
139 | FragmentationToDo = FragmentationToDo && ParsedFragmentList.ParseKeySetFile(prefix);
140 |
141 | // ===== 4. check globally whether there's something to do actually (first adaptivity check)
142 | FragmentationToDo = FragmentationToDo && ParseOrderAtSiteFromFile(prefix);
143 |
144 | // =================================== Begin of FRAGMENTATION ===============================
145 | // ===== 6a. assign each keyset to its respective subgraph =====
146 | const int MolCount = World::getInstance().numMolecules();
147 | ListOfLocalAtoms = new atom **[MolCount];
148 | for (int i=0;i<MolCount;i++)
149 | ListOfLocalAtoms[i] = NULL;
150 | FragmentCounter = 0;
151 | Subgraphs->next->AssignKeySetsToFragment(mol, &ParsedFragmentList, ListOfLocalAtoms, FragmentList, FragmentCounter, true);
152 | delete[](ListOfLocalAtoms);
153 |
154 | // ===== 6b. prepare and go into the adaptive (Order<0), single-step (Order==0) or incremental (Order>0) cycle
155 | KeyStack *RootStack = new KeyStack[Subgraphs->next->Count()];
156 | AtomMask = new bool[mol->getAtomCount()+1];
157 | AtomMask[mol->getAtomCount()] = false;
158 | FragmentationToDo = false; // if CheckOrderAtSite just ones recommends fragmentation, we will save fragments afterwards
159 | while ((CheckOrder = CheckOrderAtSite(AtomMask, &ParsedFragmentList, Order, prefix))) {
160 | FragmentationToDo = FragmentationToDo || CheckOrder;
161 | AtomMask[mol->getAtomCount()] = true; // last plus one entry is used as marker that we have been through this loop once already in CheckOrderAtSite()
162 | // ===== 6b. fill RootStack for each subgraph (second adaptivity check) =====
163 | Subgraphs->next->FillRootStackForSubgraphs(RootStack, AtomMask, (FragmentCounter = 0), saturation);
164 |
165 | // ===== 7. fill the bond fragment list =====
166 | FragmentCounter = 0;
167 | MolecularWalker = Subgraphs;
168 | while (MolecularWalker->next != NULL) {
169 | MolecularWalker = MolecularWalker->next;
170 | LOG(1, "Fragmenting subgraph " << MolecularWalker << ".");
171 | if (MolecularWalker->Leaf->hasBondStructure()) {
172 | // call BOSSANOVA method
173 | LOG(0, endl << " ========== BOND ENERGY of subgraph " << FragmentCounter << " ========================= ");
174 | FragmentBOSSANOVA(MolecularWalker->Leaf, FragmentList[FragmentCounter], RootStack[FragmentCounter]);
175 | } else {
176 | ELOG(1, "Subgraph " << MolecularWalker << " has no atoms!");
177 | }
178 | FragmentCounter++; // next fragment list
179 | }
180 | }
181 | LOG(2, "CheckOrder is " << CheckOrder << ".");
182 | delete[](RootStack);
183 | delete[](AtomMask);
184 |
185 | // ==================================== End of FRAGMENTATION ============================================
186 |
187 | // ===== 8a. translate list into global numbers (i.e. ones that are valid in "this" molecule, not in MolecularWalker->Leaf)
188 | Subgraphs->next->TranslateIndicesToGlobalIDs(FragmentList, (FragmentCounter = 0), TotalNumberOfKeySets, TotalGraph);
189 |
190 | // free subgraph memory again
191 | FragmentCounter = 0;
192 | while (Subgraphs != NULL) {
193 | // remove entry in fragment list
194 | // remove subgraph fragment
195 | MolecularWalker = Subgraphs->next;
196 | Subgraphs->Leaf = NULL;
197 | delete(Subgraphs);
198 | Subgraphs = MolecularWalker;
199 | }
200 | // free fragment list
201 | for (int i=0; i< FragmentCounter; ++i )
202 | delete(FragmentList[i]);
203 | delete[](FragmentList);
204 |
205 | LOG(0, FragmentCounter << " subgraph fragments have been removed.");
206 |
207 | // ===== 8b. gather keyset lists (graphs) from all subgraphs and transform into MoleculeListClass =====
208 | //if (FragmentationToDo) { // we should always store the fragments again as coordination might have changed slightly without changing bond structure
209 | // allocate memory for the pointer array and transmorph graphs into full molecular fragments
210 | BondFragments = new MoleculeListClass(World::getPointer());
211 | int k=0;
212 | for(Graph::iterator runner = TotalGraph.begin(); runner != TotalGraph.end(); runner++) {
213 | KeySet test = (*runner).first;
214 | LOG(0, "Fragment No." << (*runner).second.first << " with TEFactor " << (*runner).second.second << ".");
215 | BondFragments->insert(StoreFragmentFromKeySet(test, World::getInstance().getConfig()));
216 | k++;
217 | }
218 | LOG(0, k << "/" << BondFragments->ListOfMolecules.size() << " fragments generated from the keysets.");
219 |
220 | // ===== 9. Save fragments' configuration and keyset files et al to disk ===
221 | if (BondFragments->ListOfMolecules.size() != 0) {
222 | // create the SortIndex from BFS labels to order in the config file
223 | int *SortIndex = NULL;
224 | CreateMappingLabelsToConfigSequence(SortIndex);
225 |
226 | LOG(1, "Writing " << BondFragments->ListOfMolecules.size() << " possible bond fragmentation configs");
227 | bool write_status = true;
228 | for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter = typelist.begin();
229 | iter != typelist.end();
230 | ++iter) {
231 | LOG(2, "INFO: Writing bond fragments for type " << (*iter) << ".");
232 | write_status = write_status
233 | && BondFragments->OutputConfigForListOfFragments(
234 | prefix,
235 | SortIndex,
236 | FormatParserStorage::getInstance().getTypeFromName(*iter));
237 | }
238 | if (write_status)
239 | LOG(1, "All configs written.");
240 | else
241 | LOG(1, "Some config writing failed.");
242 |
243 | // store force index reference file
244 | BondFragments->StoreForcesFile(prefix, SortIndex);
245 |
246 | // store keysets file
247 | TotalGraph.StoreKeySetFile(prefix);
248 |
249 | {
250 | // store Adjacency file
251 | std::string filename = prefix + ADJACENCYFILE;
252 | mol->StoreAdjacencyToFile(filename);
253 | }
254 |
255 | // store Hydrogen saturation correction file
256 | BondFragments->AddHydrogenCorrection(prefix);
257 |
258 | // store adaptive orders into file
259 | StoreOrderAtSiteFile(prefix);
260 |
261 | // restore orbital and Stop values
262 | //CalculateOrbitals(*configuration);
263 |
264 | // free memory for bond part
265 | LOG(1, "Freeing bond memory");
266 | delete[](SortIndex);
267 | } else {
268 | LOG(1, "FragmentList is zero on return, splitting failed.");
269 | }
270 | // remove all create molecules again from the World including their atoms
271 | for (MoleculeList::iterator iter = BondFragments->ListOfMolecules.begin();
272 | !BondFragments->ListOfMolecules.empty();
273 | iter = BondFragments->ListOfMolecules.begin()) {
274 | // remove copied atoms and molecule again
275 | molecule *mol = *iter;
276 | mol->removeAtomsinMolecule();
277 | World::getInstance().destroyMolecule(mol);
278 | BondFragments->ListOfMolecules.erase(iter);
279 | }
280 | delete(BondFragments);
281 | LOG(0, "End of bond fragmentation.");
282 |
283 | return ((int)(!FragmentationToDo)+1); // 1 - continue, 2 - stop (no fragmentation occured)
284 | };
285 |
286 |
287 | /** Performs BOSSANOVA decomposition at selected sites, increasing the cutoff by one at these sites.
288 | * -# constructs a complete keyset of the molecule
289 | * -# In a loop over all possible roots from the given rootstack
290 | * -# increases order of root site
291 | * -# calls PowerSetGenerator with this order, the complete keyset and the rootkeynr
292 | * -# for all consecutive lower levels PowerSetGenerator is called with the suborder, the higher order keyset
293 | as the restricted one and each site in the set as the root)
294 | * -# these are merged into a fragment list of keysets
295 | * -# All fragment lists (for all orders, i.e. from all destination fields) are merged into one list for return
296 | * Important only is that we create all fragments, it is not important if we create them more than once
297 | * as these copies are filtered out via use of the hash table (KeySet).
298 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
299 | * \param Fragment&*List list of already present keystacks (adaptive scheme) or empty list
300 | * \param &RootStack stack with all root candidates (unequal to each atom in complete molecule if adaptive scheme is applied)
301 | * \return pointer to Graph list
302 | */
303 | void Fragmentation::FragmentBOSSANOVA(molecule *mol, Graph *&FragmentList, KeyStack &RootStack)
304 | {
305 | Graph ***FragmentLowerOrdersList = NULL;
306 | int NumLevels = 0;
307 | int NumMolecules = 0;
308 | int TotalNumMolecules = 0;
309 | int *NumMoleculesOfOrder = NULL;
310 | int Order = 0;
311 | int UpgradeCount = RootStack.size();
312 | KeyStack FragmentRootStack;
313 | int RootKeyNr = 0;
314 | int RootNr = 0;
315 | UniqueFragments FragmentSearch;
316 |
317 | LOG(0, "Begin of FragmentBOSSANOVA.");
318 |
319 | // FragmentLowerOrdersList is a 2D-array of pointer to MoleculeListClass objects, one dimension represents the ANOVA expansion of a single order (i.e. 5)
320 | // with all needed lower orders that are subtracted, the other dimension is the BondOrder (i.e. from 1 to 5)
321 | NumMoleculesOfOrder = new int[UpgradeCount];
322 | FragmentLowerOrdersList = new Graph**[UpgradeCount];
323 |
324 | for(int i=0;i<UpgradeCount;i++) {
325 | NumMoleculesOfOrder[i] = 0;
326 | FragmentLowerOrdersList[i] = NULL;
327 | }
328 |
329 | FragmentSearch.Init(mol->FindAtom(RootKeyNr));
330 |
331 | // Construct the complete KeySet which we need for topmost level only (but for all Roots)
332 | KeySet CompleteMolecule;
333 | for (molecule::const_iterator iter = mol->begin(); iter != mol->end(); ++iter) {
334 | CompleteMolecule.insert((*iter)->GetTrueFather()->getNr());
335 | }
336 |
337 | // this can easily be seen: if Order is 5, then the number of levels for each lower order is the total sum of the number of levels above, as
338 | // each has to be split up. E.g. for the second level we have one from 5th, one from 4th, two from 3th (which in turn is one from 5th, one from 4th),
339 | // hence we have overall four 2th order levels for splitting. This also allows for putting all into a single array (FragmentLowerOrdersList[])
340 | // with the order along the cells as this: 5433222211111111 for BondOrder 5 needing 16=pow(2,5-1) cells (only we use bit-shifting which is faster)
341 | RootNr = 0; // counts through the roots in RootStack
342 | while ((RootNr < UpgradeCount) && (!RootStack.empty())) {
343 | RootKeyNr = RootStack.front();
344 | RootStack.pop_front();
345 | atom *Walker = mol->FindAtom(RootKeyNr);
346 | // check cyclic lengths
347 | //if ((MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->getNr()] != -1) && (Walker->GetTrueFather()->AdaptiveOrder+1 > MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->getNr()])) {
348 | // LOG(0, "Bond order " << Walker->GetTrueFather()->AdaptiveOrder << " of Root " << *Walker << " greater than or equal to Minimum Ring size of " << MinimumRingSize << " found is not allowed.");
349 | //} else
350 | {
351 | // increase adaptive order by one
352 | Walker->GetTrueFather()->AdaptiveOrder++;
353 | Order = Walker->AdaptiveOrder = Walker->GetTrueFather()->AdaptiveOrder;
354 |
355 | // initialise Order-dependent entries of UniqueFragments structure
356 | class PowerSetGenerator PSG(&FragmentSearch, Walker->AdaptiveOrder);
357 |
358 | // allocate memory for all lower level orders in this 1D-array of ptrs
359 | NumLevels = 1 << (Order-1); // (int)pow(2,Order);
360 | FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr] = new Graph*[NumLevels];
361 | for (int i=0;i<NumLevels;i++)
362 | FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][i] = NULL;
363 |
364 | // create top order where nothing is reduced
365 | LOG(0, "==============================================================================================================");
366 | LOG(0, "Creating KeySets of Bond Order " << Order << " for " << *Walker << ", " << (RootStack.size()-RootNr) << " Roots remaining."); // , NumLevels is " << NumLevels << "
367 |
368 | // Create list of Graphs of current Bond Order (i.e. F_{ij})
369 | FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][0] = new Graph;
370 | FragmentSearch.PrepareForPowersetGeneration(1., FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][0], Walker);
371 | NumMoleculesOfOrder[RootNr] = PSG(CompleteMolecule, saturation);
372 |
373 | // output resulting number
374 | LOG(1, "Number of resulting KeySets is: " << NumMoleculesOfOrder[RootNr] << ".");
375 | if (NumMoleculesOfOrder[RootNr] != 0) {
376 | NumMolecules = 0;
377 | } else {
378 | Walker->GetTrueFather()->MaxOrder = true;
379 | }
380 | // now, we have completely filled each cell of FragmentLowerOrdersList[] for the current Walker->AdaptiveOrder
381 | //NumMoleculesOfOrder[Walker->AdaptiveOrder-1] = NumMolecules;
382 | TotalNumMolecules += NumMoleculesOfOrder[RootNr];
383 | // LOG(1, "Number of resulting molecules for Order " << (int)Walker->GetTrueFather()->AdaptiveOrder << " is: " << NumMoleculesOfOrder[RootNr] << ".");
384 | RootStack.push_back(RootKeyNr); // put back on stack
385 | RootNr++;
386 | }
387 | }
388 | LOG(0, "==============================================================================================================");
389 | LOG(1, "Total number of resulting molecules is: " << TotalNumMolecules << ".");
390 | LOG(0, "==============================================================================================================");
391 |
392 | // cleanup FragmentSearch structure
393 | FragmentSearch.Cleanup();
394 |
395 | // now, FragmentLowerOrdersList is complete, it looks - for BondOrder 5 - as this (number is the ANOVA Order of the terms therein)
396 | // 5433222211111111
397 | // 43221111
398 | // 3211
399 | // 21
400 | // 1
401 |
402 | // Subsequently, we combine all into a single list (FragmentList)
403 | CombineAllOrderListIntoOne(FragmentList, FragmentLowerOrdersList, RootStack, mol);
404 | FreeAllOrdersList(FragmentLowerOrdersList, RootStack, mol);
405 | delete[](NumMoleculesOfOrder);
406 |
407 | LOG(0, "End of FragmentBOSSANOVA.");
408 | };
409 |
410 | /** Stores a fragment from \a KeySet into \a molecule.
411 | * First creates the minimal set of atoms from the KeySet, then creates the bond structure from the complete
412 | * molecule and adds missing hydrogen where bonds were cut.
413 | * \param *out output stream for debugging messages
414 | * \param &Leaflet pointer to KeySet structure
415 | * \param IsAngstroem whether we have Ansgtroem or bohrradius
416 | * \return pointer to constructed molecule
417 | */
418 | molecule * Fragmentation::StoreFragmentFromKeySet(KeySet &Leaflet, bool IsAngstroem)
419 | {
420 | Info info(__func__);
421 | atom **SonList = new atom*[mol->getAtomCount()];
422 | molecule *Leaf = World::getInstance().createMolecule();
423 |
424 | for(int i=0;i<mol->getAtomCount();i++)
425 | SonList[i] = NULL;
426 |
427 | StoreFragmentFromKeySet_Init(mol, Leaf, Leaflet, SonList);
428 | // create the bonds between all: Make it an induced subgraph and add hydrogen
429 | // LOG(2, "Creating bonds from father graph (i.e. induced subgraph creation).");
430 | CreateInducedSubgraphOfFragment(mol, Leaf, SonList, IsAngstroem);
431 |
432 | //Leaflet->Leaf->ScanForPeriodicCorrection(out);
433 | delete[](SonList);
434 | return Leaf;
435 | };
436 |
437 |
438 | /** Estimates by educated guessing (using upper limit) the expected number of fragments.
439 | * The upper limit is
440 | * \f[
441 | * n = N \cdot C^k
442 | * \f]
443 | * where \f$C=2^c\f$ and c is the maximum bond degree over N number of atoms.
444 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
445 | * \param order bond order k
446 | * \return number n of fragments
447 | */
448 | int Fragmentation::GuesstimateFragmentCount(int order)
449 | {
450 | size_t c = 0;
451 | int FragmentCount;
452 | // get maximum bond degree
453 | for (molecule::const_iterator iter = mol->begin(); iter != mol->end(); ++iter) {
454 | const BondList& ListOfBonds = (*iter)->getListOfBonds();
455 | c = (ListOfBonds.size() > c) ? ListOfBonds.size() : c;
456 | }
457 | FragmentCount = mol->NoNonHydrogen*(1 << (c*order));
458 | LOG(1, "Upper limit for this subgraph is " << FragmentCount << " for " << mol->NoNonHydrogen << " non-H atoms with maximum bond degree of " << c << ".");
459 | return FragmentCount;
460 | };
461 |
462 |
463 | /** Checks whether the OrderAtSite is still below \a Order at some site.
464 | * \param *AtomMask defines true/false per global Atom::Nr to mask in/out each nuclear site, used to activate given number of site to increment order adaptively
465 | * \param *GlobalKeySetList list of keysets with global ids (valid in "this" molecule) needed for adaptive increase
466 | * \param Order desired Order if positive, desired exponent in threshold criteria if negative (0 is single-step)
467 | * \param path path to ENERGYPERFRAGMENT file (may be NULL if Order is non-negative)
468 | * \return true - needs further fragmentation, false - does not need fragmentation
469 | */
470 | bool Fragmentation::CheckOrderAtSite(bool *AtomMask, Graph *GlobalKeySetList, int Order, std::string path)
471 | {
472 | bool status = false;
473 |
474 | // initialize mask list
475 | for(int i=mol->getAtomCount();i--;)
476 | AtomMask[i] = false;
477 |
478 | if (Order < 0) { // adaptive increase of BondOrder per site
479 | if (AtomMask[mol->getAtomCount()] == true) // break after one step
480 | return false;
481 |
482 | // transmorph graph keyset list into indexed KeySetList
483 | if (GlobalKeySetList == NULL) {
484 | ELOG(1, "Given global key set list (graph) is NULL!");
485 | return false;
486 | }
487 | AdaptivityMap * IndexKeySetList = GlobalKeySetList->GraphToAdaptivityMap();
488 |
489 | // parse the EnergyPerFragment file
490 | IndexKeySetList->ScanAdaptiveFileIntoMap(path); // (Root No., (Value, Order)) !
491 | // then map back onto (Value, (Root Nr., Order)) (i.e. sorted by value to pick the highest ones)
492 | IndexKeySetList->ReMapAdaptiveCriteriaListToValue(mol);
493 |
494 | // pick the ones still below threshold and mark as to be adaptively updated
495 | if (IndexKeySetList->IsAdaptiveCriteriaListEmpty()) {
496 | ELOG(2, "Unable to parse file, incrementing all.");
497 | for (molecule::const_iterator iter = mol->begin(); iter != mol->end(); ++iter) {
498 | if ((saturation == DontSaturate) || ((*iter)->getType()->getAtomicNumber() != 1)) // skip hydrogen
499 | {
500 | AtomMask[(*iter)->getNr()] = true; // include all (non-hydrogen) atoms
501 | status = true;
502 | }
503 | }
504 | } else {
505 | IndexKeySetList->MarkUpdateCandidates(AtomMask, Order, mol);
506 | }
507 |
508 | delete[](IndexKeySetList);
509 | } else { // global increase of Bond Order
510 | for(molecule::const_iterator iter = mol->begin(); iter != mol->end(); ++iter) {
511 | if ((saturation == DontSaturate) || ((*iter)->getType()->getAtomicNumber() != 1)) // skip hydrogen
512 | {
513 | AtomMask[(*iter)->getNr()] = true; // include all (non-hydrogen) atoms
514 | if ((Order != 0) && ((*iter)->AdaptiveOrder < Order)) // && ((*iter)->AdaptiveOrder < MinimumRingSize[(*iter)->getNr()]))
515 | status = true;
516 | }
517 | }
518 | if ((!Order) && (!AtomMask[mol->getAtomCount()])) // single stepping, just check
519 | status = true;
520 |
521 | if (!status) {
522 | if (Order == 0)
523 | LOG(1, "Single stepping done.");
524 | else
525 | LOG(1, "Order at every site is already equal or above desired order " << Order << ".");
526 | }
527 | }
528 |
529 | PrintAtomMask(AtomMask, mol->getAtomCount()); // for debugging
530 |
531 | return status;
532 | };
533 |
534 | /** Stores pairs (Atom::Nr, Atom::AdaptiveOrder) into file.
535 | * Atoms not present in the file get "-1".
536 | * \param &path path to file ORDERATSITEFILE
537 | * \return true - file writable, false - not writable
538 | */
539 | bool Fragmentation::StoreOrderAtSiteFile(std::string &path)
540 | {
541 | string line;
542 | ofstream file;
543 |
544 | line = path + ORDERATSITEFILE;
545 | file.open(line.c_str());
546 | LOG(1, "Writing OrderAtSite " << ORDERATSITEFILE << " ... ");
547 | if (file.good()) {
548 | for_each(mol->begin(),mol->end(),bind2nd(mem_fun(&atom::OutputOrder), &file));
549 | file.close();
550 | LOG(1, "done.");
551 | return true;
552 | } else {
553 | LOG(1, "failed to open file " << line << ".");
554 | return false;
555 | }
556 | };
557 |
558 |
559 | /** Parses pairs(Atom::Nr, Atom::AdaptiveOrder) from file and stores in molecule's Atom's.
560 | * Atoms not present in the file get "0".
561 | * \param &path path to file ORDERATSITEFILEe
562 | * \return true - file found and scanned, false - file not found
563 | * \sa ParseKeySetFile() and CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule() as this is meant to be used in conjunction with the two
564 | */
565 | bool Fragmentation::ParseOrderAtSiteFromFile(std::string &path)
566 | {
567 | unsigned char *OrderArray = new unsigned char[mol->getAtomCount()];
568 | bool *MaxArray = new bool[mol->getAtomCount()];
569 | bool status;
570 | int AtomNr, value;
571 | string line;
572 | ifstream file;
573 |
574 | for(int i=0;i<mol->getAtomCount();i++) {
575 | OrderArray[i] = 0;
576 | MaxArray[i] = false;
577 | }
578 |
579 | LOG(1, "Begin of ParseOrderAtSiteFromFile");
580 | line = path + ORDERATSITEFILE;
581 | file.open(line.c_str());
582 | if (file.good()) {
583 | while (!file.eof()) { // parse from file
584 | AtomNr = -1;
585 | file >> AtomNr;
586 | if (AtomNr != -1) { // test whether we really parsed something (this is necessary, otherwise last atom is set twice and to 0 on second time)
587 | file >> value;
588 | OrderArray[AtomNr] = value;
589 | file >> value;
590 | MaxArray[AtomNr] = value;
591 | //LOG(2, "AtomNr " << AtomNr << " with order " << (int)OrderArray[AtomNr] << " and max order set to " << (int)MaxArray[AtomNr] << ".");
592 | }
593 | }
594 | file.close();
595 |
596 | // set atom values
597 | for(molecule::iterator iter=mol->begin();iter!=mol->end();++iter){
598 | (*iter)->AdaptiveOrder = OrderArray[(*iter)->getNr()];
599 | (*iter)->MaxOrder = MaxArray[(*iter)->getNr()];
600 | }
601 | //SetAtomValueToIndexedArray( OrderArray, &atom::getNr(), &atom::AdaptiveOrder );
602 | //SetAtomValueToIndexedArray( MaxArray, &atom::getNr(), &atom::MaxOrder );
603 |
604 | LOG(1, "\t ... done.");
605 | status = true;
606 | } else {
607 | LOG(1, "\t ... failed to open file " << line << ".");
608 | status = false;
609 | }
610 | delete[](OrderArray);
611 | delete[](MaxArray);
612 |
613 | LOG(1, "End of ParseOrderAtSiteFromFile");
614 | return status;
615 | };
616 |
617 | /** Create a SortIndex to map from atomic labels to the sequence in which the atoms are given in the config file.
618 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
619 | * \param *&SortIndex Mapping array of size molecule::AtomCount
620 | * \return true - success, false - failure of SortIndex alloc
621 | */
622 | bool Fragmentation::CreateMappingLabelsToConfigSequence(int *&SortIndex)
623 | {
624 | if (SortIndex != NULL) {
625 | LOG(1, "SortIndex is " << SortIndex << " and not NULL as expected.");
626 | return false;
627 | }
628 | SortIndex = new int[mol->getAtomCount()];
629 | for(int i=mol->getAtomCount();i--;)
630 | SortIndex[i] = -1;
631 |
632 | int AtomNo = 0;
633 | for(molecule::const_iterator iter=mol->begin();iter!=mol->end();++iter){
634 | ASSERT(SortIndex[(*iter)->getNr()]==-1,"Same SortIndex set twice");
635 | SortIndex[(*iter)->getNr()] = AtomNo++;
636 | }
637 |
638 | return true;
639 | };
640 |
641 |
642 | /** Initializes some value for putting fragment of \a *mol into \a *Leaf.
643 | * \param *mol total molecule
644 | * \param *Leaf fragment molecule
645 | * \param &Leaflet pointer to KeySet structure
646 | * \param **SonList calloc'd list which atom of \a *Leaf is a son of which atom in \a *mol
647 | * \return number of atoms in fragment
648 | */
649 | int Fragmentation::StoreFragmentFromKeySet_Init(molecule *mol, molecule *Leaf, KeySet &Leaflet, atom **SonList)
650 | {
651 | atom *FatherOfRunner = NULL;
652 |
653 | // first create the minimal set of atoms from the KeySet
654 | int size = 0;
655 | for(KeySet::iterator runner = Leaflet.begin(); runner != Leaflet.end(); runner++) {
656 | FatherOfRunner = mol->FindAtom((*runner)); // find the id
657 | SonList[FatherOfRunner->getNr()] = Leaf->AddCopyAtom(FatherOfRunner);
658 | size++;
659 | }
660 | return size;
661 | };
662 |
663 |
664 | /** Creates an induced subgraph out of a fragmental key set, adding bonds and hydrogens (if treated specially).
665 | * \param *out output stream for debugging messages
666 | * \param *mol total molecule
667 | * \param *Leaf fragment molecule
668 | * \param IsAngstroem whether we have Ansgtroem or bohrradius
669 | * \param **SonList list which atom of \a *Leaf is a son of which atom in \a *mol
670 | */
671 | void Fragmentation::CreateInducedSubgraphOfFragment(molecule *mol, molecule *Leaf, atom **SonList, bool IsAngstroem)
672 | {
673 | bool LonelyFlag = false;
674 | atom *OtherFather = NULL;
675 | atom *FatherOfRunner = NULL;
676 |
677 | // we increment the iter just before skipping the hydrogen
678 | // as we use AddBond, we cannot have a const_iterator here
679 | for (molecule::iterator iter = Leaf->begin(); iter != Leaf->end();) {
680 | LonelyFlag = true;
681 | FatherOfRunner = (*iter)->father;
682 | ASSERT(FatherOfRunner,"Atom without father found");
683 | if (SonList[FatherOfRunner->getNr()] != NULL) { // check if this, our father, is present in list
684 | // create all bonds
685 | const BondList& ListOfBonds = FatherOfRunner->getListOfBonds();
686 | for (BondList::const_iterator BondRunner = ListOfBonds.begin();
687 | BondRunner != ListOfBonds.end();
688 | ++BondRunner) {
689 | OtherFather = (*BondRunner)->GetOtherAtom(FatherOfRunner);
690 | if (SonList[OtherFather->getNr()] != NULL) {
691 | // LOG(2, "INFO: Father " << *FatherOfRunner << " of son " << *SonList[FatherOfRunner->getNr()]
692 | // << " is bound to " << *OtherFather << ", whose son is "
693 | // << *SonList[OtherFather->getNr()] << ".");
694 | if (OtherFather->getNr() > FatherOfRunner->getNr()) { // add bond (Nr check is for adding only one of both variants: ab, ba)
695 | std::stringstream output;
696 | // output << "ACCEPT: Adding Bond: "
697 | output << Leaf->AddBond((*iter), SonList[OtherFather->getNr()], (*BondRunner)->BondDegree);
698 | // LOG(3, output.str());
699 | //NumBonds[(*iter)->getNr()]++;
700 | } else {
701 | // LOG(3, "REJECY: Not adding bond, labels in wrong order.");
702 | }
703 | LonelyFlag = false;
704 | } else {
705 | // LOG(2, "INFO: Father " << *FatherOfRunner << " of son " << *SonList[FatherOfRunner->getNr()]
706 | // << " is bound to " << *OtherFather << ", who has no son in this fragment molecule.");
707 | if (saturation == DoSaturate) {
708 | // LOG(3, "ACCEPT: Adding Hydrogen to " << (*iter)->Name << " and a bond in between.");
709 | if (!Leaf->AddHydrogenReplacementAtom((*BondRunner), (*iter), FatherOfRunner, OtherFather, IsAngstroem))
710 | exit(1);
711 | }
712 | //NumBonds[(*iter)->getNr()] += Binder->BondDegree;
713 | }
714 | }
715 | } else {
716 | ELOG(1, "Son " << (*iter)->getName() << " has father " << FatherOfRunner->getName() << " but its entry in SonList is " << SonList[FatherOfRunner->getNr()] << "!");
717 | }
718 | if ((LonelyFlag) && (Leaf->getAtomCount() > 1)) {
719 | LOG(0, **iter << "has got bonds only to hydrogens!");
720 | }
721 | ++iter;
722 | if (saturation == DoSaturate) {
723 | while ((iter != Leaf->end()) && ((*iter)->getType()->getAtomicNumber() == 1)){ // skip added hydrogen
724 | iter++;
725 | }
726 | }
727 | }
728 | };
729 |
730 | /** Sets the desired output types of the fragment configurations.
731 | *
732 | * @param types vector of desired types.
733 | */
734 | void Fragmentation::setOutputTypes(const std::vector<std::string> &types)
735 | {
736 | typelist = types;
737 | }