* Project: MoleCuilder
* Description: creates and alters molecular systems
* Copyright (C) 2014 Frederik Heber. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of MoleCuilder.
* MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MoleCuilder. If not, see .
* SaturationDistanceMaximizer.cpp
* Created on: Jul 27, 2014
* Author: heber
// include config.h
//#include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp"
#include "SaturationDistanceMaximizer.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
func(const gsl_vector *x, void *adata)
// get the object whose functions we call
SaturationDistanceMaximizer::Advocate *maximizer =
// set alphas
// calculate function value and return
return maximizer->calculatePenality();
jacf(const gsl_vector *x, void *adata, gsl_vector *g)
// get the object whose functions we call
SaturationDistanceMaximizer::Advocate *maximizer =
// set alphas
// calculate function gradient and return
std::vector gradient = maximizer->calculatePenalityGradient();
for (unsigned int i=0;i(adata);
// set alphas
// calculate function value and return
*f = maximizer->calculatePenality();
std::vector gradient = maximizer->calculatePenalityGradient();
for (unsigned int i=0;i SaturationDistanceMaximizer::getAlphas() const
std::vector alphas;
PositionContainers_t::iterator containeriter = PositionContainers.begin();
for (unsigned int i=0; ialpha );
return alphas;
void SaturationDistanceMaximizer::setAlphas(const gsl_vector *x)
PositionContainers_t::iterator containeriter = PositionContainers.begin();
for (unsigned int i=0; ialpha = gsl_vector_get(x,i);
void SaturationDistanceMaximizer::operator()()
// some control constants
const double tolerance = 1e-6;
const unsigned int MAXITERATIONS = 100;
const gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_type *T;
gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer *s;
gsl_vector *x;
gsl_multimin_function_fdf my_func;
const unsigned int N = PositionContainers.size();
my_func.n = N;
my_func.f = &func;
my_func.df = &jacf;
my_func.fdf = &funcjacf;
SaturationDistanceMaximizer::Advocate* const advocate = getAdvocate();
my_func.params = advocate;
// allocate argument and set to zero
x = gsl_vector_alloc(N);
for (unsigned int i=0;igradient, tolerance);
} while ((status = GSL_CONTINUE) && (iter < MAXITERATIONS));
// set to solution
// print solution
if (DoLog(4)) {
std::stringstream sstream;
sstream << "DEBUG: Minimal alphas are ";
for (unsigned int i=0;ix,i) << ((i!= N-1) ? "," : "");
LOG(4, sstream.str());
// free memory
my_func.params = NULL;
delete advocate;
SaturationDistanceMaximizer::Advocate* SaturationDistanceMaximizer::getAdvocate()
return new Advocate(*this);
SaturationDistanceMaximizer::getAllPositionBins() const
position_bins_t position_bins;
for (PositionContainers_t::const_iterator containeriter = PositionContainers.begin();
containeriter != PositionContainers.end(); ++containeriter)
position_bins.push_back( (*containeriter)->getPositions() );
return position_bins;
double SaturationDistanceMaximizer::calculatePenality() const
double penalty = 0.;
LOG(6, "DEBUG: Current alphas are " << getAlphas());
// gather all positions
position_bins_t position_bins = getAllPositionBins();
// go through both bins (but with ibegin();
firstpositioniter != firstbiniter->end(); ++firstpositioniter) {
for (SaturatedBond::positions_t::const_iterator secondpositioniter = secondbiniter->begin();
secondpositioniter != secondbiniter->end(); ++secondpositioniter) {
// Both iters are from different bins, can never be the same.
// We do not penalize over positions from same bin as their positions
// are fixed.
// We penalize by one over the squared distance
penalty += 1./(firstpositioniter->DistanceSquared(*secondpositioniter));
LOG(4, "DEBUG: Penalty is " << penalty);
return penalty;
size_t calculateHydrogenNo(
const SaturatedBond::positions_t::const_iterator &_start,
const SaturatedBond::positions_t::const_iterator &_current)
const size_t HydrogenNo = std::distance(_start, _current);
ASSERT( (HydrogenNo >= 0) && (HydrogenNo <= 2),
"calculatePenalityGradient() - hydrogen no not in [0,2].");
return HydrogenNo;
std::vector SaturationDistanceMaximizer::calculatePenalityGradient() const
// gather all positions
const position_bins_t position_bins = getAllPositionBins();
LOG(6, "DEBUG: Current alphas are " << getAlphas());
std::vector gradient(position_bins.size(), 0.);
std::vector::iterator biniter = gradient.begin();
PositionContainers_t::const_iterator bonditer = PositionContainers.begin();
position_bins_t::const_iterator firstbiniter = position_bins.begin();
// go through each bond/gradient component/alpha
for(; biniter != gradient.end(); ++biniter, ++bonditer, ++firstbiniter) {
LOG(5, "DEBUG: Current bond is " << **bonditer << ", current bin is #"
<< std::distance(gradient.begin(), biniter) << ", set of positions are "
<< *firstbiniter);
// skip bin if it belongs to a degree-1 bond (no alpha dependency here)
if ((*bonditer)->saturated_bond.getDegree() == 1) {
LOG(6, "DEBUG: Skipping due to degree 1.");
// in the bin go through each position
for (SaturatedBond::positions_t::const_iterator firstpositioniter = firstbiniter->begin();
firstpositioniter != firstbiniter->end(); ++firstpositioniter) {
LOG(6, "DEBUG: Current position is " << *firstpositioniter);
// count the hydrogen we are looking at: Each is placed at a different position!
const size_t HydrogenNo =
calculateHydrogenNo(firstbiniter->begin(), firstpositioniter);
const double alpha = (*bonditer)->alpha
+ (double)HydrogenNo * 2.*M_PI/(double)(*bonditer)->saturated_bond.getDegree();
LOG(6, "DEBUG: HydrogenNo is " << HydrogenNo << ", alpha is " << alpha);
// and go through each other bin
for (position_bins_t::const_iterator secondbiniter = position_bins.begin();
secondbiniter != position_bins.end(); ++secondbiniter) {
// distance between hydrogens in same bin is not affected by the angle
// if (firstbiniter == secondbiniter)
// continue;
// in the other bin go through each position
for (SaturatedBond::positions_t::const_iterator secondpositioniter = secondbiniter->begin();
secondpositioniter != secondbiniter->end(); ++secondpositioniter) {
if (firstpositioniter == secondpositioniter) {
LOG(7, "DEBUG: Skipping due to same positions.");
LOG(7, "DEBUG: Second position is " << *secondpositioniter);
// iters are from different bins, can never be the same
const Vector distance = *firstpositioniter - *secondpositioniter;
const double temp = -2./pow(distance.NormSquared(), 2);
const Vector tempVector =
const double result = temp * (distance.ScalarProduct(tempVector));
*biniter += 2.*result; //for x_i and x_j
LOG(7, "DEBUG: Total is " << result << ", temp is " << temp << ", tempVector is " << tempVector
<< ", and bondVector is " << distance << ": bin = " << *biniter);
LOG(4, "DEBUG: Gradient of penalty is " << gradient);
return gradient;