/* * Project: MoleCuilder * Description: creates and alters molecular systems * Copyright (C) 2014 Frederik Heber. All rights reserved. * * * This file is part of MoleCuilder. * * MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MoleCuilder. If not, see . */ /* * SaturatedBond.cpp * * Created on: Jul 27, 2014 * Author: heber */ // include config.h #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif //#include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp" #include "SaturatedBond.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp" #include #include #include "Atom/atom.hpp" #include "Element/element.hpp" SaturatedBond::SaturatedBond( const bond &_bond, const atom& _remaining) : saturated_bond(_bond), saturated_atom(_remaining) { // create bond and orthogonal vectors const atom &other = *saturated_bond.GetOtherAtom(&saturated_atom); BondVector = other.getPosition() - saturated_atom.getPosition(); BondVector.Normalize(); vector_a.GetOneNormalVector(BondVector); vector_b = BondVector; vector_b.VectorProduct(vector_a); // gather data for this element from the tables const double HydrogenDistance = saturated_atom.getElement().getHBondDistance(saturated_bond.getDegree()-1); if( HydrogenDistance <= 0.) { ELOG(1, "SaturatedBond::SaturatedBond() - negative bond distance for " << saturated_atom.getElement().getName() << ", defaulting to 1."); const_cast(HydrogenDistance) = 1.; } const double HydrogenAngle = saturated_atom.getElement().getHBondAngle(saturated_bond.getDegree()-1); if ( HydrogenAngle < 0.) { ELOG(1, "SaturatedBond::SaturatedBond() - negative bond angle for " << saturated_atom.getElement().getName() << ", defaulting to 180."); const_cast(HydrogenAngle) = 180.; } LOG(5, "DEBUG: Hydrogen distance is " << HydrogenDistance << ", angle is " << HydrogenAngle); // create correct lengths const double BondVectorLength = cos((HydrogenAngle/180.*M_PI)/2.)*HydrogenDistance; const double OrthogonalLength = sin((HydrogenAngle/180.*M_PI)/2.)*HydrogenDistance; BondVector *= BondVectorLength; vector_a *= OrthogonalLength; vector_b *= OrthogonalLength; LOG(5, "DEBUG: BondVector is " << BondVector << ", vector_a is " << vector_a << ", and vector_b is " << vector_b); } std::vector SaturatedBond::getPositions() const { std::vector positions; positions.reserve(saturated_bond.getDegree()); // return positions with respect to the bond degree switch (saturated_bond.getDegree()) { case 1: { positions.push_back(BondVector); } break; case 2: { const Vector position_a = cos(alpha) * vector_a + sin(alpha) * vector_b; const Vector position_b = cos(alpha+M_PI) * vector_a + sin(alpha+M_PI) * vector_b; positions.push_back(BondVector + position_a); positions.push_back(BondVector + position_b); } break; case 3: { const Vector position_a = cos(alpha) * vector_a + sin(alpha) * vector_b; const Vector position_b = cos(alpha+2.*M_PI/3.) * vector_a + sin(alpha+2.*M_PI/3.) * vector_b; const Vector position_c = cos(alpha+4.*M_PI/3.) * vector_a + sin(alpha+4.*M_PI/3.) * vector_b; positions.push_back(BondVector + position_a); positions.push_back(BondVector + position_b); positions.push_back(BondVector + position_c); } break; default: ASSERT(0, "SaturatedBond::getPositions() - we cannot deal with bond degree " +toString(saturated_bond.getDegree())+" of bond "+toString(saturated_bond)); } return positions; } std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &ost, const SaturatedBond& _bond) { ost << _bond.saturated_bond; return ost; }