* Project: MoleCuilder
* Description: creates and alters molecular systems
* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2013 Frederik Heber. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of MoleCuilder.
* MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MoleCuilder. If not, see .
* atom_bondedparticle.cpp
* Created on: Oct 19, 2009
* Author: heber
// include config.h
#include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp"
#include "atom.hpp"
#include "atom_bondedparticle.hpp"
#include "Bond/bond.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/Verbose.hpp"
#include "Element/element.hpp"
#include "WorldTime.hpp"
/** Constructor of class BondedParticle.
ListOfBonds.insert( std::make_pair(0, emptyList) );
/** Destructor of class BondedParticle.
for(BondTrajectory_t::iterator iter = ListOfBonds.begin(); !ListOfBonds.empty();
iter = ListOfBonds.begin()) {
/** Outputs the current atom::AdaptiveOrder and atom::MaxOrder to \a *file.
* \param *file output stream
void BondedParticle::OutputOrder(ofstream *file) const
*file << getNr() << "\t" << (int)AdaptiveOrder << "\t" << (int)MaxOrder << endl;
//LOG(2, "Storing: " << getNr() << "\t" << (int)AdaptiveOrder << "\t" << MaxOrder << ".");
/** Prints all bonds of this atom with total degree.
void BondedParticle::OutputBondOfAtom(std::ostream &ost) const
const BondList& ListOfBonds = getListOfBonds();
ost << "Atom " << getName() << "/" << getNr() << " with " << ListOfBonds.size() << " bonds: ";
int TotalDegree = 0;
for (BondList::const_iterator Runner = ListOfBonds.begin(); Runner != ListOfBonds.end(); ++Runner) {
ost << **Runner << "\t";
TotalDegree += (*Runner)->getDegree();
ost << " -- TotalDegree: " << TotalDegree;
/** Output of atom::Nr along each bond partner per line.
* Only bonds are printed where atom::Nr is smaller than the one of the bond partner.
* \param *AdjacencyFile output stream
void BondedParticle::OutputBonds(ofstream * const BondFile) const
const BondList& ListOfBonds = getListOfBonds();
for (BondList::const_iterator Runner = ListOfBonds.begin(); Runner != ListOfBonds.end(); (++Runner))
if (getNr() < (*Runner)->GetOtherAtom(this)->getNr())
*BondFile << getNr() << "\t" << (*Runner)->GetOtherAtom(this)->getNr() << "\n";
* Adds a bond between this bonded particle and another. Returns present instance if this
* bond already exists.
* @param _step time step to access
* @param bonding partner
* @return pointer to created bond or to already present bonds
bond::ptr BondedParticle::addBond(const unsigned int _step, BondedParticle* Partner)
const BondList &bondlist = getListOfBondsAtStep(_step);
for (BondList::const_iterator runner = bondlist.begin();
runner != bondlist.end();
runner++) {
if ((*runner)->Contains(Partner))
return *runner;
bond::ptr newBond(new bond((atom*) this, (atom*) Partner, 1));
RegisterBond(_step, newBond);
Partner->RegisterBond(_step, newBond);
return newBond;
* Adds a bond between this bonded particle and another. Returns present instance if this
* bond already exists.
* @param bonding partner
* @return pointer to created bond or to already present bonds
bond::ptr BondedParticle::addBond(BondedParticle* Partner)
return addBond(WorldTime::getTime(), Partner);
/** Helper function to find the time step to a given bond in \a Binder.
* \param Binder bond to look for
* \return ListOfBonds::size() - not found, else - step containing \a Binder
unsigned int BondedParticle::findBondsStep(bond::ptr const Binder) const
size_t _step = 0;
for (;_step < ListOfBonds.size();++_step) {
const BondList& ListOfBonds = getListOfBondsAtStep(_step);
if (std::find(ListOfBonds.begin(), ListOfBonds.end(), Binder) != ListOfBonds.end())
return _step;
/** Helper function to find the iterator to a bond at a given time \a step to
* a given bond partner in \a Partner.
* \param _step time step to look at
* \param Partner bond partner to look for
* \return ListOfBonds::end() - not found, else - iterator pointing \a Binder
BondList::const_iterator BondedParticle::findBondPartnerAtStep(
const unsigned int _step,
BondedParticle * const Partner) const
const BondList& ListOfBonds = getListOfBondsAtStep(_step);
BondList::const_iterator iter = std::find_if(ListOfBonds.begin(), ListOfBonds.end(),
return iter;
/** Removes a bond of this atom to a given \a Partner.
* @param _step time step
* @param Partner bond partner
void BondedParticle::removeBond(const unsigned int _step, BondedParticle * const Partner)
BondList::const_iterator iter = findBondPartnerAtStep(_step, Partner);
if (iter != getListOfBondsAtStep(_step).end()) {
// iter becomes invalid upon first unregister,
// hence store the bond someplace else first
bond::ptr const Binder = *iter;
UnregisterBond(_step, Binder);
Partner->UnregisterBond(_step, Binder);
} else
ELOG(1, "BondedParticle::removeBond() - I cannot find the bond in between "
+toString(getName())+" and "+toString(Partner->getName())+".");
/** Removes a bond of this atom to a given \a Partner.
* @param Partner bond partner
void BondedParticle::removeBond(BondedParticle * const Partner)
removeBond(WorldTime::getTime(), Partner);
/** Removes a bond for this atom.
* @param Binder bond to remove
void BondedParticle::removeBond(bond::ptr &binder)
if (binder != NULL) {
atom * const Other = binder->GetOtherAtom(this);
ASSERT( Other != NULL,
"BondedParticle::removeBonds() - cannot find bond partner for "
// find bond at step
unsigned int step = findBondsStep(binder);
if (step != ListOfBonds.size()) {
UnregisterBond(step, binder);
Other->UnregisterBond(step, binder);
/** Removes all bonds in current timestep and their instances, too.
void BondedParticle::removeAllBonds()
/** Removes all bonds for a given \a _step and their instances, too.
* @param _step time step to access
void BondedParticle::removeAllBonds(const unsigned int _step)
//LOG(3,"INFO: Clearing all bonds of " << *this << ": " << ListOfBonds[_step]);
BondTrajectory_t::iterator listiter = ListOfBonds.find(_step);
if (listiter != ListOfBonds.end())
for (BondList::iterator iter = listiter->second.begin();
iter = listiter->second.begin()) {
//LOG(3,"INFO: Clearing bond (" << *iter << ") " << *(*iter) << " of list " << &ListOfBonds);
atom * const Other = (*iter)->GetOtherAtom(this);
ASSERT( Other != NULL,
"BondedParticle::removeAllBonds() - cannot find bond partner for "
Other->UnregisterBond(_step, *iter);
UnregisterBond(_step, *iter);
/** Puts a given bond into atom::ListOfBonds.
* @param _step time step to access
* \param *Binder bond to insert
bool BondedParticle::RegisterBond(const unsigned int _step, bond::ptr const Binder)
bool status = false;
if (Binder != NULL) {
if (Binder->Contains(this)) {
//LOG(3,"INFO: Registering bond "<< *Binder << " with atom " << *this << " at step " << _step);
std::pair< BondTrajectory_t::iterator, bool> inserter =
ListOfBonds.insert( std::make_pair( _step, BondList(1, Binder)) );
if (!inserter.second)
if (WorldTime::getTime() == _step)
status = true;
} else {
ELOG(1, *Binder << " does not contain " << *this << ".");
} else {
ELOG(1, "Binder is " << Binder << ".");
return status;
/** Removes a given bond from atom::ListOfBonds.
* \warning This only removes this atom not its bond partner, i.e.
* both atoms need to call this function to fully empty a bond.
* @param _step time step to access
* \param *Binder bond to remove
bool BondedParticle::UnregisterBond(const unsigned int _step, bond::ptr const Binder)
bool status = false;
if (Binder != NULL) {
if (Binder->Contains(this)) {
//LOG(0,"INFO: Unregistering bond "<< *Binder << " from list " << &ListOfBonds << " of atom " << *this << " at step " << step);
BondTrajectory_t::iterator listiter = ListOfBonds.find(_step);
if (listiter != ListOfBonds.end()) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
BondList::const_iterator iter =
std::find(listiter->second.begin(), listiter->second.end(), Binder);
ASSERT( iter != listiter->second.end(),
"BondedParticle::UnregisterBond() - "+toString(*Binder)+" not contained at "
if (WorldTime::getTime() == _step)
status = true;
} else {
ELOG(1, *Binder << " does not contain " << *this << ".");
} else {
ELOG(1, "Binder is " << Binder << ".");
return status;
/** Removes all bonds of given \a _step with freeing memory.
* @param _step time step whose bonds to free
void BondedParticle::ClearBondsAtStep(const unsigned int _step)
/** Searches for the time step where the given bond \a *Binder is a bond of this particle.
* @param Binder bond to check
* @return >=0 - first time step where bond appears, -1 - bond not present in lists
int BondedParticle::ContainsBondAtStep(bond::ptr Binder) const
int step = -1;
for(BondTrajectory_t::const_iterator listiter = ListOfBonds.begin();
listiter != ListOfBonds.end();
++listiter) {
for (BondList::const_iterator bonditer = listiter->second.begin();
bonditer != listiter->second.end();
++bonditer) {
if ((*bonditer) == Binder) {
step = listiter->first;
if (step != -1)
return step;
/** Counts the number of bonds weighted by bond::BondDegree.
* @param _step time step to access
* \param bonds times bond::BondDegree
int BondedParticle::CountBonds() const
int NoBonds = 0;
const BondList& ListOfBonds = getListOfBonds();
for (BondList::const_iterator Runner = ListOfBonds.begin();
Runner != ListOfBonds.end();
NoBonds += (*Runner)->getDegree();
return NoBonds;
/** Checks whether there is a bond between \a this atom and the given \a *BondPartner.
* @param _step time step to access
* \param *BondPartner atom to check for
* \return true - bond exists, false - bond does not exist
bool BondedParticle::IsBondedTo(const unsigned int _step, BondedParticle * const BondPartner) const
bool status = false;
const BondList& ListOfBonds = getListOfBondsAtStep(_step);
for (BondList::const_iterator runner = ListOfBonds.begin();
runner != ListOfBonds.end();
runner++) {
status = status || ((*runner)->Contains(BondPartner));
return status;
std::ostream & BondedParticle::operator << (std::ostream &ost) const
ost << "," << getPosition();
return ost;
std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream &ost, const BondedParticle &a)
ost << "," << a.getPosition();
return ost;