1 | /*
2 | * Project: MoleCuilder
3 | * Description: creates and alters molecular systems
4 | * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved.
5 | * Copyright (C) 2013 Frederik Heber. All rights reserved.
6 | *
7 | *
8 | * This file is part of MoleCuilder.
9 | *
10 | * MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 | * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
13 | * (at your option) any later version.
14 | *
15 | * MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
19 | *
20 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 | * along with MoleCuilder. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 | */
23 |
24 | /*
25 | * analysis.cpp
26 | *
27 | * Created on: Oct 13, 2009
28 | * Author: heber
29 | */
30 |
31 | // include config.h
32 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
33 | #include <config.h>
34 | #endif
35 |
36 | //#include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp"
37 |
38 | #include <algorithm>
39 | #include <iostream>
40 | #include <iomanip>
41 | #include <limits>
42 |
43 | #include "Atom/atom.hpp"
44 | #include "Bond/bond.hpp"
45 | #include "Tesselation/BoundaryTriangleSet.hpp"
46 | #include "Box.hpp"
47 | #include "Element/element.hpp"
48 | #include "CodePatterns/Info.hpp"
49 | #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
50 | #include "CodePatterns/Verbose.hpp"
51 | #include "Descriptors/AtomOfMoleculeSelectionDescriptor.hpp"
52 | #include "Descriptors/MoleculeFormulaDescriptor.hpp"
53 | #include "Descriptors/MoleculeOfAtomSelectionDescriptor.hpp"
54 | #include "Formula.hpp"
55 | #include "LinearAlgebra/Vector.hpp"
56 | #include "LinearAlgebra/RealSpaceMatrix.hpp"
57 | #include "LinkedCell/LinkedCell_View.hpp"
58 | #include "molecule.hpp"
59 | #include "Tesselation/tesselation.hpp"
60 | #include "Tesselation/tesselationhelpers.hpp"
61 | #include "Tesselation/triangleintersectionlist.hpp"
62 | #include "World.hpp"
63 | #include "WorldTime.hpp"
64 |
65 | #include "analysis_correlation.hpp"
66 |
67 | /** Calculates the dipole vector of a given atomSet.
68 | *
69 | * Note that we use the following procedure as rule of thumb:
70 | * -# go through every bond of the atom
71 | * -# calculate the difference of electronegativities \f$\Delta\mathrm{EN}\f$
72 | * -# if \f$\Delta\mathrm{EN} > 0.5\f$, we align the bond vector in direction of the more negative element
73 | * -# sum up all vectors
74 | * -# finally, divide by the number of summed vectors
75 | *
76 | * @param atomsbegin begin iterator of atomSet
77 | * @param atomsend end iterator of atomset
78 | * @return dipole vector
79 | */
80 | Vector getDipole(molecule::const_iterator atomsbegin, molecule::const_iterator atomsend)
81 | {
82 | Vector DipoleVector;
83 | size_t SumOfVectors = 0;
84 | Box &domain = World::getInstance().getDomain();
85 |
86 | // go through all atoms
87 | for (molecule::const_iterator atomiter = atomsbegin;
88 | atomiter != atomsend;
89 | ++atomiter) {
90 | // go through all bonds
91 | const BondList& ListOfBonds = (*atomiter)->getListOfBonds();
92 | ASSERT(ListOfBonds.begin() != ListOfBonds.end(),
93 | "getDipole() - no bonds in molecule!");
94 | for (BondList::const_iterator bonditer = ListOfBonds.begin();
95 | bonditer != ListOfBonds.end();
96 | ++bonditer) {
97 | const atom * Otheratom = (*bonditer)->GetOtherAtom(*atomiter);
98 | if (Otheratom->getId() > (*atomiter)->getId()) {
99 | const double DeltaEN = (*atomiter)->getType()->getElectronegativity()
100 | -Otheratom->getType()->getElectronegativity();
101 | // get distance and correct for boundary conditions
102 | Vector BondDipoleVector = domain.periodicDistanceVector(
103 | (*atomiter)->getPosition(),
104 | Otheratom->getPosition());
105 | // DeltaEN is always positive, gives correct orientation of vector
106 | BondDipoleVector.Normalize();
107 | BondDipoleVector *= DeltaEN;
108 | LOG(3,"INFO: Dipole vector from bond " << **bonditer << " is " << BondDipoleVector);
109 | DipoleVector += BondDipoleVector;
110 | SumOfVectors++;
111 | }
112 | }
113 | }
114 | LOG(3,"INFO: Sum over all bond dipole vectors is "
115 | << DipoleVector << " with " << SumOfVectors << " in total.");
116 | if (SumOfVectors != 0)
117 | DipoleVector *= 1./(double)SumOfVectors;
118 | LOG(2, "INFO: Resulting dipole vector is " << DipoleVector);
119 |
120 | return DipoleVector;
121 | };
122 |
123 | /** Calculate minimum and maximum amount of trajectory steps by going through given atomic trajectories.
124 | * \param vector of atoms whose trajectories to check for [min,max]
125 | * \return range with [min, max]
126 | */
127 | range<size_t> getMaximumTrajectoryBounds(const std::vector<const atom *> &atoms)
128 | {
129 | // get highest trajectory size
130 | LOG(0,"STATUS: Retrieving maximum amount of time steps ...");
131 | if (atoms.size() == 0)
132 | return range<size_t>(0,0);
133 | size_t max_timesteps = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::min();
134 | size_t min_timesteps = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
135 | BOOST_FOREACH(const atom *_atom, atoms) {
136 | if (_atom->getTrajectorySize() > max_timesteps)
137 | max_timesteps = _atom->getTrajectorySize();
138 | if (_atom->getTrajectorySize() < min_timesteps)
139 | min_timesteps = _atom->getTrajectorySize();
140 | }
141 | LOG(1,"INFO: Minimum number of time steps found is " << min_timesteps);
142 | LOG(1,"INFO: Maximum number of time steps found is " << max_timesteps);
143 |
144 | return range<size_t>(min_timesteps, max_timesteps);
145 | }
146 |
147 | /** Calculates the angular dipole zero orientation from current time step.
148 | * \param molecules vector of molecules to calculate dipoles of
149 | * \return map with orientation vector for each atomic id given in \a atoms.
150 | */
151 | std::map<atomId_t, Vector> CalculateZeroAngularDipole(const std::vector<const molecule *> &molecules)
152 | {
153 | // get zero orientation for each molecule.
154 | LOG(0,"STATUS: Calculating dipoles for current time step ...");
155 | std::map<atomId_t, Vector> ZeroVector;
156 | BOOST_FOREACH(const molecule *_mol, molecules) {
157 | const Vector Dipole = getDipole(_mol->begin(),_mol->end());
158 | for(molecule::const_iterator iter = _mol->begin(); iter != _mol->end(); ++iter)
159 | ZeroVector[(*iter)->getId()] = Dipole;
160 | LOG(2,"INFO: Zero alignment for molecule " << _mol->getId() << " is " << Dipole);
161 | }
162 | LOG(1,"INFO: We calculated zero orientation for a total of " << molecules.size() << " molecule(s).");
163 |
164 | return ZeroVector;
165 | }
166 |
167 | /** Calculates the dipole angular correlation for given molecule type.
168 | * Calculate the change of the dipole orientation angle over time.
169 | * Note given element order is unimportant (i.e. g(Si, O) === g(O, Si))
170 | * Angles are given in degrees.
171 | * \param &atoms list of atoms of the molecules taking part (Note: molecules may
172 | * change over time as bond structure is recalculated, hence we need the atoms)
173 | * \param timestep time step to calculate angular correlation for (relative to
174 | * \a ZeroVector)
175 | * \param ZeroVector map with Zero orientation vector for each atom in \a atoms.
176 | * \param DontResetTime don't reset time to old value (triggers re-creation of bond system)
177 | * \return Map of doubles with values the pair of the two atoms.
178 | */
179 | DipoleAngularCorrelationMap *DipoleAngularCorrelation(
180 | const Formula &DipoleFormula,
181 | const size_t timestep,
182 | const std::map<atomId_t, Vector> &ZeroVector,
183 | const enum ResetWorldTime DoTimeReset
184 | )
185 | {
186 | Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
187 | DipoleAngularCorrelationMap *outmap = new DipoleAngularCorrelationMap;
188 |
189 | unsigned int oldtime = 0;
190 | if (DoTimeReset == DoResetTime) {
191 | // store original time step
192 | oldtime = WorldTime::getTime();
193 | }
194 |
195 | // set time step
196 | LOG(0,"STATUS: Stepping onto to time step " << timestep << ".");
197 | World::getInstance().setTime(timestep);
198 |
199 | // get all molecules for this time step
200 | World::getInstance().clearMoleculeSelection();
201 | World::getInstance().selectAllMolecules(MoleculeByFormula(DipoleFormula));
202 | std::vector<const molecule *> molecules =
203 | const_cast<const World &>(World::getInstance()).getSelectedMolecules();
204 | LOG(1,"INFO: There are " << molecules.size() << " molecules for time step " << timestep << ".");
205 |
206 | // calculate dipoles for each
207 | LOG(0,"STATUS: Calculating dipoles for time step " << timestep << " ...");
208 | size_t i=0;
209 | size_t Counter_rejections = 0;
210 | BOOST_FOREACH(const molecule *_mol, molecules) {
211 | const Vector Dipole = getDipole(_mol->begin(),_mol->end());
212 | LOG(3,"INFO: Dipole vector at time step " << timestep << " for for molecule "
213 | << _mol->getId() << " is " << Dipole);
214 | // check that all atoms are valid (zeroVector known)
215 | molecule::const_iterator iter = _mol->begin();
216 | for(; iter != _mol->end(); ++iter) {
217 | if (!ZeroVector.count((*iter)->getId()))
218 | break;
219 | }
220 | if (iter != _mol->end()) {
221 | ELOG(2, "Skipping molecule " << _mol->getName() << " as not all atoms have a valid zeroVector.");
222 | ++Counter_rejections;
223 | continue;
224 | } else
225 | iter = _mol->begin();
226 | std::map<atomId_t, Vector>::const_iterator zeroValue = ZeroVector.find((*iter)->getId()); //due to iter is const
227 | double angle = 0.;
228 | LOG(2, "INFO: ZeroVector of first atom " << **iter << " is "
229 | << zeroValue->second << ".");
230 | LOG(4, "INFO: Squared norm of difference vector is "
231 | << (zeroValue->second - Dipole).NormSquared() << ".");
232 | if ((zeroValue->second - Dipole).NormSquared() > MYEPSILON)
233 | angle = Dipole.Angle(zeroValue->second) * (180./M_PI);
234 | else
235 | LOG(2, "INFO: Both vectors (almost) coincide, numerically unstable, angle set to zero.");
236 | // we print six digits, hence round up to six digit precision
237 | const double precision = 1e-6;
238 | angle = precision*floor(angle/precision);
239 | LOG(1,"INFO: Resulting relative angle for molecule " << _mol->getName()
240 | << " is " << angle << ".");
241 | outmap->insert ( std::make_pair (angle, *iter ) );
242 | ++i;
243 | }
244 | ASSERT(Counter_rejections <= molecules.size(),
245 | "DipoleAngularCorrelation() - more rejections ("+toString(Counter_rejections)
246 | +") than there are molecules ("+toString(molecules.size())+").");
247 | LOG(1,"INFO: " << Counter_rejections << " molecules have been rejected in time step " << timestep << ".");
248 |
249 | LOG(0,"STATUS: Done with calculating dipoles.");
250 |
251 | if (DoTimeReset == DoResetTime) {
252 | // re-set to original time step again
253 | World::getInstance().setTime(oldtime);
254 | }
255 |
256 | // and return results
257 | return outmap;
258 | };
259 |
260 | /** Calculates the dipole correlation for given molecule type.
261 | * I.e. we calculate how the angle between any two given dipoles in the
262 | * systems behaves. Sort of pair correlation but distance is replaced by
263 | * the orientation distance, i.e. an angle.
264 | * Note given element order is unimportant (i.e. g(Si, O) === g(O, Si))
265 | * Angles are given in degrees.
266 | * \param *molecules vector of molecules
267 | * \return Map of doubles with values the pair of the two atoms.
268 | */
269 | DipoleCorrelationMap *DipoleCorrelation(
270 | const std::vector<const molecule *> &molecules)
271 | {
272 | Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
273 | DipoleCorrelationMap *outmap = new DipoleCorrelationMap;
274 | // double distance = 0.;
275 | // Box &domain = World::getInstance().getDomain();
276 | //
277 | if (molecules.empty()) {
278 | ELOG(1, "No molecule given.");
279 | return outmap;
280 | }
281 |
282 | for (std::vector<const molecule *>::const_iterator MolWalker = molecules.begin();
283 | MolWalker != molecules.end(); ++MolWalker) {
284 | LOG(2, "INFO: Current molecule is " << (*MolWalker)->getId() << ".");
285 | const Vector Dipole = getDipole((*MolWalker)->begin(), (*MolWalker)->end());
286 | std::vector<const molecule *>::const_iterator MolOtherWalker = MolWalker;
287 | for (++MolOtherWalker; MolOtherWalker != molecules.end();
288 | ++MolOtherWalker) {
289 | LOG(2, "INFO: Current other molecule is " << (*MolOtherWalker)->getId() << ".");
290 | const Vector OtherDipole = getDipole((*MolOtherWalker)->begin(), (*MolOtherWalker)->end());
291 | const double angle = Dipole.Angle(OtherDipole) * (180./M_PI);
292 | LOG(1, "Angle is " << angle << ".");
293 | outmap->insert ( make_pair (angle, make_pair ((*MolWalker), (*MolOtherWalker)) ) );
294 | }
295 | }
296 | return outmap;
297 | };
298 |
299 | /** Calculates the pair correlation between given atom sets.
300 | *
301 | * Note we correlate each of the \a &atomsfirst with each of the second set
302 | * \a &atoms_second. However, we are aware of double counting. If an atom is
303 | * in either set, the pair is counted only once.
304 | *
305 | * \param &atoms_first vector of atoms
306 | * \param &atoms_second vector of atoms
307 | * \param max_distance maximum distance for the correlation
308 | * \return Map of doubles with values the pair of the two atoms.
309 | */
310 | PairCorrelationMap *PairCorrelation(
311 | const World::ConstAtomComposite &atoms_first,
312 | const World::ConstAtomComposite &atoms_second,
313 | const double max_distance)
314 | {
315 | Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
316 | PairCorrelationMap *outmap = new PairCorrelationMap;
317 | //double distance = 0.;
318 | Box &domain = World::getInstance().getDomain();
319 |
320 | if (atoms_first.empty() || atoms_second.empty()) {
321 | ELOG(1, "No atoms given.");
322 | return outmap;
323 | }
324 |
325 | // create intersection (to know when to check for double-counting)
326 | LinkedCell::LinkedList intersected_atoms(atoms_second.size(), NULL);
327 | LinkedCell::LinkedList::iterator intersected_atoms_end =
328 | std::set_intersection(
329 | atoms_first.begin(),atoms_first.end(),
330 | atoms_second.begin(), atoms_second.end(),
331 | intersected_atoms.begin());
332 | intersected_atoms.erase(intersected_atoms_end, intersected_atoms.end());
333 | std::sort(intersected_atoms.begin(), intersected_atoms.end());
334 |
335 | // get linked cell view
336 | LinkedCell::LinkedCell_View LC = World::getInstance().getLinkedCell(max_distance);
337 |
338 | // convert second to _sorted_ set
339 | LinkedCell::LinkedList atoms_second_set(atoms_second.begin(), atoms_second.end());
340 | std::sort(atoms_second_set.begin(), atoms_second_set.end());
341 | LOG(2, "INFO: first set has " << atoms_first.size()
342 | << " and second set has " << atoms_second_set.size() << " atoms.");
343 |
344 | // fill map
345 | for (World::ConstAtomComposite::const_iterator iter = atoms_first.begin();
346 | iter != atoms_first.end();
347 | ++iter) {
348 | const TesselPoint * const Walker = *iter;
349 | LOG(3, "INFO: Current point is " << Walker->getName() << ".");
350 | // obtain all possible neighbors (that is a sorted set)
351 | LinkedCell::LinkedList ListOfNeighbors = LC.getPointsInsideSphere(
352 | max_distance,
353 | Walker->getPosition());
354 | std::sort(ListOfNeighbors.begin(), ListOfNeighbors.end());
355 | LOG(2, "INFO: There are " << ListOfNeighbors.size() << " neighbors.");
356 |
357 | // create intersection with second set
358 | // NOTE: STL algorithms do mostly not work on sorted container because reassignment
359 | // of a value may also require changing its position.
360 | LinkedCell::LinkedList intersected_set(atoms_second.size(), NULL);
361 | LinkedCell::LinkedList::iterator intersected_end =
362 | std::set_intersection(
363 | ListOfNeighbors.begin(),ListOfNeighbors.end(),
364 | atoms_second_set.begin(), atoms_second_set.end(),
365 | intersected_set.begin());
366 | intersected_set.erase(intersected_end, intersected_set.end());
367 | std::sort(intersected_set.begin(), intersected_set.end());
368 | // count remaining elements
369 | LOG(2, "INFO: Intersection with second set has " << int(intersected_end - intersected_set.begin()) << " elements.");
370 | // we have some possible candidates, go through each
371 | for (LinkedCell::LinkedList::const_iterator neighboriter = intersected_set.begin();
372 | neighboriter != intersected_end;
373 | ++neighboriter) {
374 | const TesselPoint * const OtherWalker = (*neighboriter);
375 | LinkedCell::LinkedList::const_iterator equaliter =
376 | std::lower_bound(intersected_atoms.begin(), intersected_atoms.end(), OtherWalker);
377 | if ((equaliter != intersected_atoms.end())
378 | && (*equaliter == OtherWalker) // cause we only check lower_bound not equal due to sort
379 | && (OtherWalker <= Walker)) {
380 | // present in both sets, assure that we are larger
381 | continue;
382 | }
383 | LOG(3, "INFO: Current other point is " << *OtherWalker << ".");
384 | const double distance = domain.periodicDistance(OtherWalker->getPosition(),Walker->getPosition());
385 | LOG(3, "INFO: Resulting distance is " << distance << ".");
386 | outmap->insert (
387 | std::pair<double, std::pair <const TesselPoint *, const TesselPoint*> > (
388 | distance,
389 | std::make_pair (Walker, OtherWalker)
390 | )
391 | );
392 | }
393 | }
394 | // and return
395 | return outmap;
396 | };
397 |
398 | /** Calculates the distance (pair) correlation between a given element and a point.
399 | * \param *molecules list of molecules structure
400 | * \param &elements vector of elements to correlate with point
401 | * \param *point vector to the correlation point
402 | * \return Map of dobules with values as pairs of atom and the vector
403 | */
404 | CorrelationToPointMap *CorrelationToPoint(
405 | const std::vector<const molecule *> &molecules,
406 | const std::vector<const element *> &elements,
407 | const Vector *point )
408 | {
409 | Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
410 | CorrelationToPointMap *outmap = new CorrelationToPointMap;
411 | double distance = 0.;
412 | Box &domain = World::getInstance().getDomain();
413 |
414 | if (molecules.empty()) {
415 | LOG(1, "No molecule given.");
416 | return outmap;
417 | }
418 |
419 | for (std::vector<const molecule *>::const_iterator MolWalker = molecules.begin();
420 | MolWalker != molecules.end();
421 | MolWalker++) {
422 | LOG(2, "Current molecule is " << *MolWalker << ".");
423 | for (molecule::const_iterator iter = (*MolWalker)->begin(); iter != (*MolWalker)->end(); ++iter) {
424 | LOG(3, "Current atom is " << **iter << ".");
425 | for (vector<const element *>::const_iterator type = elements.begin(); type != elements.end(); ++type)
426 | if ((*type == NULL) || ((*iter)->getType() == *type)) {
427 | distance = domain.periodicDistance((*iter)->getPosition(),*point);
428 | LOG(4, "Current distance is " << distance << ".");
429 | outmap->insert (
430 | std::pair<double, std::pair<const atom *, const Vector*> >(
431 | distance,
432 | std::pair<const atom *, const Vector*> (
433 | (*iter),
434 | point)
435 | )
436 | );
437 | }
438 | }
439 | }
440 |
441 | return outmap;
442 | };
443 |
444 | /** Calculates the distance (pair) correlation between a given element, all its periodic images and a point.
445 | * \param *molecules list of molecules structure
446 | * \param &elements vector of elements to correlate to point
447 | * \param *point vector to the correlation point
448 | * \param ranges[NDIM] interval boundaries for the periodic images to scan also
449 | * \return Map of dobules with values as pairs of atom and the vector
450 | */
451 | CorrelationToPointMap *PeriodicCorrelationToPoint(
452 | const std::vector<const molecule *> &molecules,
453 | const std::vector<const element *> &elements,
454 | const Vector *point,
455 | const int ranges[NDIM] )
456 | {
457 | Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
458 | CorrelationToPointMap *outmap = new CorrelationToPointMap;
459 | double distance = 0.;
460 | int n[NDIM];
461 | Vector periodicX;
462 | Vector checkX;
463 |
464 | if (molecules.empty()) {
465 | LOG(1, "No molecule given.");
466 | return outmap;
467 | }
468 |
469 | for (std::vector<const molecule *>::const_iterator MolWalker = molecules.begin();
470 | MolWalker != molecules.end();
471 | MolWalker++) {
472 | RealSpaceMatrix FullMatrix = World::getInstance().getDomain().getM();
473 | RealSpaceMatrix FullInverseMatrix = World::getInstance().getDomain().getMinv();
474 | LOG(2, "Current molecule is " << *MolWalker << ".");
475 | for (molecule::const_iterator iter = (*MolWalker)->begin(); iter != (*MolWalker)->end(); ++iter) {
476 | LOG(3, "Current atom is " << **iter << ".");
477 | for (vector<const element *>::const_iterator type = elements.begin(); type != elements.end(); ++type)
478 | if ((*type == NULL) || ((*iter)->getType() == *type)) {
479 | periodicX = FullInverseMatrix * ((*iter)->getPosition()); // x now in [0,1)^3
480 | // go through every range in xyz and get distance
481 | for (n[0]=-ranges[0]; n[0] <= ranges[0]; n[0]++)
482 | for (n[1]=-ranges[1]; n[1] <= ranges[1]; n[1]++)
483 | for (n[2]=-ranges[2]; n[2] <= ranges[2]; n[2]++) {
484 | checkX = FullMatrix * (Vector(n[0], n[1], n[2]) + periodicX);
485 | distance = checkX.distance(*point);
486 | LOG(4, "Current distance is " << distance << ".");
487 | outmap->insert (
488 | std::pair<double,
489 | std::pair<const atom *, const Vector*> >(
490 | distance,
491 | std::pair<const atom *, const Vector*> (
492 | *iter,
493 | point)
494 | )
495 | );
496 | }
497 | }
498 | }
499 | }
500 |
501 | return outmap;
502 | };
503 |
504 | /** Calculates the distance (pair) correlation between a given element and a surface.
505 | * \param *molecules list of molecules structure
506 | * \param &elements vector of elements to correlate to surface
507 | * \param *Surface pointer to Tesselation class surface
508 | * \param *LC LinkedCell_deprecated structure to quickly find neighbouring atoms
509 | * \return Map of doubles with values as pairs of atom and the BoundaryTriangleSet that's closest
510 | */
511 | CorrelationToSurfaceMap *CorrelationToSurface(
512 | const std::vector<const molecule *> &molecules,
513 | const std::vector<const element *> &elements,
514 | const Tesselation * const Surface,
515 | const LinkedCell_deprecated *LC )
516 | {
517 | Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
518 | CorrelationToSurfaceMap *outmap = new CorrelationToSurfaceMap;
519 | double distance = 0;
520 | class BoundaryTriangleSet *triangle = NULL;
521 | Vector centroid;
522 |
523 | if ((Surface == NULL) || (LC == NULL) || (molecules.empty())) {
524 | ELOG(1, "No Tesselation, no LinkedCell or no molecule given.");
525 | return outmap;
526 | }
527 |
528 | for (std::vector<const molecule *>::const_iterator MolWalker = molecules.begin();
529 | MolWalker != molecules.end();
530 | MolWalker++) {
531 | LOG(2, "Current molecule is " << (*MolWalker)->name << ".");
532 | if ((*MolWalker)->empty())
533 | LOG(2, "\t is empty.");
534 | for (molecule::const_iterator iter = (*MolWalker)->begin(); iter != (*MolWalker)->end(); ++iter) {
535 | LOG(3, "\tCurrent atom is " << *(*iter) << ".");
536 | for (vector<const element *>::const_iterator type = elements.begin(); type != elements.end(); ++type)
537 | if ((*type == NULL) || ((*iter)->getType() == *type)) {
538 | TriangleIntersectionList Intersections((*iter)->getPosition(),Surface,LC);
539 | distance = Intersections.GetSmallestDistance();
540 | triangle = Intersections.GetClosestTriangle();
541 | outmap->insert (
542 | std::pair<double,
543 | std::pair<const atom *, BoundaryTriangleSet*> >(
544 | distance,
545 | std::pair<const atom *, BoundaryTriangleSet*> (
546 | (*iter),
547 | triangle)
548 | )
549 | );
550 | }
551 | }
552 | }
553 |
554 | return outmap;
555 | };
556 |
557 | /** Calculates the distance (pair) correlation between a given element, all its periodic images and and a surface.
558 | * Note that we also put all periodic images found in the cells given by [ -ranges[i], ranges[i] ] and i=0,...,NDIM-1.
559 | * I.e. We multiply the atom::node with the inverse of the domain matrix, i.e. transform it to \f$[0,0^3\f$, then add per
560 | * axis an integer from [ -ranges[i], ranges[i] ] onto it and multiply with the domain matrix to bring it back into
561 | * the real space. Then, we Tesselation::FindClosestTriangleToPoint() and DistanceToTrianglePlane().
562 | * \param *molecules list of molecules structure
563 | * \param &elements vector of elements to correlate to surface
564 | * \param *Surface pointer to Tesselation class surface
565 | * \param *LC LinkedCell_deprecated structure to quickly find neighbouring atoms
566 | * \param ranges[NDIM] interval boundaries for the periodic images to scan also
567 | * \return Map of doubles with values as pairs of atom and the BoundaryTriangleSet that's closest
568 | */
569 | CorrelationToSurfaceMap *PeriodicCorrelationToSurface(
570 | const std::vector<const molecule *> &molecules,
571 | const std::vector<const element *> &elements,
572 | const Tesselation * const Surface,
573 | const LinkedCell_deprecated *LC,
574 | const int ranges[NDIM] )
575 | {
576 | Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
577 | CorrelationToSurfaceMap *outmap = new CorrelationToSurfaceMap;
578 | double distance = 0;
579 | class BoundaryTriangleSet *triangle = NULL;
580 | Vector centroid;
581 | int n[NDIM];
582 | Vector periodicX;
583 | Vector checkX;
584 |
585 | if ((Surface == NULL) || (LC == NULL) || (molecules.empty())) {
586 | LOG(1, "No Tesselation, no LinkedCell or no molecule given.");
587 | return outmap;
588 | }
589 |
590 | double ShortestDistance = 0.;
591 | BoundaryTriangleSet *ShortestTriangle = NULL;
592 | for (std::vector<const molecule *>::const_iterator MolWalker = molecules.begin();
593 | MolWalker != molecules.end();
594 | MolWalker++) {
595 | RealSpaceMatrix FullMatrix = World::getInstance().getDomain().getM();
596 | RealSpaceMatrix FullInverseMatrix = World::getInstance().getDomain().getMinv();
597 | LOG(2, "Current molecule is " << *MolWalker << ".");
598 | for (molecule::const_iterator iter = (*MolWalker)->begin(); iter != (*MolWalker)->end(); ++iter) {
599 | LOG(3, "Current atom is " << **iter << ".");
600 | for (vector<const element *>::const_iterator type = elements.begin(); type != elements.end(); ++type)
601 | if ((*type == NULL) || ((*iter)->getType() == *type)) {
602 | periodicX = FullInverseMatrix * ((*iter)->getPosition()); // x now in [0,1)^3
603 | // go through every range in xyz and get distance
604 | ShortestDistance = -1.;
605 | for (n[0]=-ranges[0]; n[0] <= ranges[0]; n[0]++)
606 | for (n[1]=-ranges[1]; n[1] <= ranges[1]; n[1]++)
607 | for (n[2]=-ranges[2]; n[2] <= ranges[2]; n[2]++) {
608 | checkX = FullMatrix * (Vector(n[0], n[1], n[2]) + periodicX);
609 | TriangleIntersectionList Intersections(checkX,Surface,LC);
610 | distance = Intersections.GetSmallestDistance();
611 | triangle = Intersections.GetClosestTriangle();
612 | if ((ShortestDistance == -1.) || (distance < ShortestDistance)) {
613 | ShortestDistance = distance;
614 | ShortestTriangle = triangle;
615 | }
616 | }
617 | // insert
618 | outmap->insert (
619 | std::pair<double,
620 | std::pair<const atom *, BoundaryTriangleSet*> >(
621 | ShortestDistance,
622 | std::pair<const atom *, BoundaryTriangleSet*> (
623 | *iter,
624 | ShortestTriangle)
625 | )
626 | );
627 | //LOG(1, "INFO: Inserting " << Walker << " with distance " << ShortestDistance << " to " << *ShortestTriangle << ".");
628 | }
629 | }
630 | }
631 |
632 | return outmap;
633 | };
634 |
635 | /** Returns the index of the bin for a given value.
636 | * \param value value whose bin to look for
637 | * \param BinWidth width of bin
638 | * \param BinStart first bin
639 | */
640 | int GetBin ( const double value, const double BinWidth, const double BinStart )
641 | {
642 | //Info FunctionInfo(__func__);
643 | int bin =(int) (floor((value - BinStart)/BinWidth));
644 | return (bin);
645 | };
646 |
647 |
648 | /** Adds header part that is unique to BinPairMap.
649 | *
650 | * @param file stream to print to
651 | */
652 | void OutputCorrelation_Header( ofstream * const file )
653 | {
654 | *file << "\tCount";
655 | };
656 |
657 | /** Prints values stored in BinPairMap iterator.
658 | *
659 | * @param file stream to print to
660 | * @param runner iterator pointing at values to print
661 | */
662 | void OutputCorrelation_Value( ofstream * const file, BinPairMap::const_iterator &runner )
663 | {
664 | *file << runner->second;
665 | };
666 |
667 |
668 | /** Adds header part that is unique to DipoleAngularCorrelationMap.
669 | *
670 | * @param file stream to print to
671 | */
672 | void OutputDipoleAngularCorrelation_Header( ofstream * const file )
673 | {
674 | *file << "\tFirstAtomOfMolecule";
675 | };
676 |
677 | /** Prints values stored in DipoleCorrelationMap iterator.
678 | *
679 | * @param file stream to print to
680 | * @param runner iterator pointing at values to print
681 | */
682 | void OutputDipoleAngularCorrelation_Value( ofstream * const file, DipoleAngularCorrelationMap::const_iterator &runner )
683 | {
684 | *file << *(runner->second);
685 | };
686 |
687 |
688 | /** Adds header part that is unique to DipoleAngularCorrelationMap.
689 | *
690 | * @param file stream to print to
691 | */
692 | void OutputDipoleCorrelation_Header( ofstream * const file )
693 | {
694 | *file << "\tMolecule";
695 | };
696 |
697 | /** Prints values stored in DipoleCorrelationMap iterator.
698 | *
699 | * @param file stream to print to
700 | * @param runner iterator pointing at values to print
701 | */
702 | void OutputDipoleCorrelation_Value( ofstream * const file, DipoleCorrelationMap::const_iterator &runner )
703 | {
704 | *file << runner->second.first->getId() << "\t" << runner->second.second->getId();
705 | };
706 |
707 |
708 | /** Adds header part that is unique to PairCorrelationMap.
709 | *
710 | * @param file stream to print to
711 | */
712 | void OutputPairCorrelation_Header( ofstream * const file )
713 | {
714 | *file << "\tAtom1\tAtom2";
715 | };
716 |
717 | /** Prints values stored in PairCorrelationMap iterator.
718 | *
719 | * @param file stream to print to
720 | * @param runner iterator pointing at values to print
721 | */
722 | void OutputPairCorrelation_Value( ofstream * const file, PairCorrelationMap::const_iterator &runner )
723 | {
724 | *file << *(runner->second.first) << "\t" << *(runner->second.second);
725 | };
726 |
727 |
728 | /** Adds header part that is unique to CorrelationToPointMap.
729 | *
730 | * @param file stream to print to
731 | */
732 | void OutputCorrelationToPoint_Header( ofstream * const file )
733 | {
734 | *file << "\tAtom::x[i]-point.x[i]";
735 | };
736 |
737 | /** Prints values stored in CorrelationToPointMap iterator.
738 | *
739 | * @param file stream to print to
740 | * @param runner iterator pointing at values to print
741 | */
742 | void OutputCorrelationToPoint_Value( ofstream * const file, CorrelationToPointMap::const_iterator &runner )
743 | {
744 | for (int i=0;i<NDIM;i++)
745 | *file << "\t" << setprecision(8) << (runner->second.first->at(i) - runner->second.second->at(i));
746 | };
747 |
748 |
749 | /** Adds header part that is unique to CorrelationToSurfaceMap.
750 | *
751 | * @param file stream to print to
752 | */
753 | void OutputCorrelationToSurface_Header( ofstream * const file )
754 | {
755 | *file << "\tTriangle";
756 | };
757 |
758 | /** Prints values stored in CorrelationToSurfaceMap iterator.
759 | *
760 | * @param file stream to print to
761 | * @param runner iterator pointing at values to print
762 | */
763 | void OutputCorrelationToSurface_Value( ofstream * const file, CorrelationToSurfaceMap::const_iterator &runner )
764 | {
765 | *file << *(runner->second.first) << "\t" << *(runner->second.second);
766 | };