/* * Project: MoleCuilder * Description: creates and alters molecular systems * Copyright (C) 2010 University of Bonn. All rights reserved. * Please see the LICENSE file or "Copyright notice" in builder.cpp for details. */ /* * analysis_bonds.cpp * * Created on: Nov 7, 2009 * Author: heber */ // include config.h #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp" #include "analysis_bonds.hpp" #include "atom.hpp" #include "Bond/bond.hpp" #include "Element/element.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Info.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Verbose.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp" #include "molecule.hpp" #include "MoleculeListClass.hpp" /** Calculates the min, mean and maximum bond counts for the given molecule. * \param *mol molecule with atoms and atom::ListOfBonds * \param &Min minimum count on return * \param &Mean mean count on return * \param &Max maximum count on return */ void GetMaxMinMeanBondCount(const molecule * const mol, double &Min, double &Mean, double &Max) { Min = 2e+6; Max = -2e+5; Mean = 0.; int AtomCount = 0; for (molecule::const_iterator iter = mol->begin(); iter != mol->end(); ++iter) { const BondList& ListOfBonds = (*iter)->getListOfBonds(); const int count = ListOfBonds.size(); if (Max < count) Max = count; if (Min > count) Min = count; Mean += count; AtomCount++; } if (((int)Mean % 2) != 0) ELOG(1, "Something is wrong with the bond structure, the number of bonds is not even!"); Mean /= (double)AtomCount; }; /** Calculates the min and max bond distance of all atoms of two given elements. * \param *mol molecule with atoms * \param *type1 one element * \param *type2 other element * \param &Min minimum distance on return, 0 if no bond between the two elements * \param &Mean mean distance (i.e. sum of distance for matching element pairs, divided by number) on return, 0 if no bond between the two elements * \param &Max maximum distance on return, 0 if no bond between the two elements */ void MinMeanMaxBondDistanceBetweenElements(const molecule *mol, const element *type1, const element *type2, double &Min, double &Mean, double &Max) { Min = 2e+6; Mean = 0.; Max = -2e+6; int AtomNo = 0; for (molecule::const_iterator iter = mol->begin(); iter != mol->end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->getType() == type1) { const BondList& ListOfBonds = (*iter)->getListOfBonds(); for (BondList::const_iterator BondRunner = ListOfBonds.begin(); BondRunner != ListOfBonds.end(); BondRunner++) if ((*BondRunner)->GetOtherAtom((*iter))->getType() == type2) { const double distance = (*BondRunner)->GetDistanceSquared(); if (Min > distance) Min = distance; if (Max < distance) Max = distance; Mean += sqrt(distance); AtomNo++; } } } if (Max < 0) { Max = Min = 0.; } else { Max = sqrt(Max); Min = sqrt(Min); Mean = Mean/(double)AtomNo; } }; /** Calculate the angle between \a *first and \a *origin and \a *second and \a *origin. * \param *first first Vector * \param *origin origin of angle taking * \param *second second Vector * \return angle between \a *first and \a *second, both relative to origin at \a *origin. */ double CalculateAngle(const Vector &first, const Vector ¢ral, const Vector &second) { Vector OHBond; Vector OOBond; OHBond = first - central; OOBond = second - central; const double angle = OHBond.Angle(OOBond); return angle; }; /** Checks whether the angle between \a *Oxygen and \a *Hydrogen and \a *Oxygen and \a *OtherOxygen is less than 30 degrees. * Note that distance criterion is not checked. * \param *Oxygen first oxygen atom, bonded to \a *Hydrogen * \param *Hydrogen hydrogen bonded to \a *Oxygen * \param *OtherOxygen other oxygen atom * \return true - angle criteria fulfilled, false - criteria not fulfilled, angle greater than 30 degrees. */ bool CheckHydrogenBridgeBondAngle(atom *Oxygen, atom *Hydrogen, atom *OtherOxygen) { Info FunctionInfo(__func__); // check angle if (CalculateAngle(Hydrogen->getPosition(), Oxygen->getPosition(), OtherOxygen->getPosition()) < M_PI*(30./180.)) { return true; } else { return false; } }; /** Counts the number of hydrogen bridge bonds. * With \a *InterfaceElement an extra element can be specified that identifies some boundary. * Then, counting is for the h-bridges that connect to interface only. * \param *molecules molecules to count bonds * \param *InterfaceElement or NULL * \param *Interface2Element or NULL */ int CountHydrogenBridgeBonds(MoleculeListClass *molecules, const element * InterfaceElement = NULL, const element * Interface2Element = NULL) { int count = 0; int OtherHydrogens = 0; double Otherangle = 0.; bool InterfaceFlag = false; bool Interface2Flag = false; bool OtherHydrogenFlag = true; for (MoleculeList::const_iterator MolWalker = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin();MolWalker != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ++MolWalker) { molecule::iterator Walker = (*MolWalker)->begin(); for(;Walker!=(*MolWalker)->end();++Walker){ for (MoleculeList::const_iterator MolRunner = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin();MolRunner != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); ++MolRunner) { molecule::iterator Runner = (*MolRunner)->begin(); for(;Runner!=(*MolRunner)->end();++Runner){ if (((*Walker)->getType()->getAtomicNumber() == 8) && ((*Runner)->getType()->getAtomicNumber() == 8)) { // check distance const double distance = (*Runner)->DistanceSquared(*(*Walker)); if ((distance > MYEPSILON) && (distance < HBRIDGEDISTANCE*HBRIDGEDISTANCE)) { // distance >0 means different atoms // on other atom(Runner) we check for bond to interface element and // check that O-O line is not in between the shanks of the two connected hydrogens (Otherangle > 104.5) OtherHydrogenFlag = true; Otherangle = 0.; OtherHydrogens = 0; InterfaceFlag = (InterfaceElement == NULL); Interface2Flag = (Interface2Element == NULL); const BondList& ListOfBonds = (*Runner)->getListOfBonds(); for (BondList::const_iterator BondRunner = ListOfBonds.begin(); BondRunner != ListOfBonds.end(); BondRunner++) { atom * const OtherAtom = (*BondRunner)->GetOtherAtom(*Runner); // if hydrogen, check angle to be greater(!) than 30 degrees if (OtherAtom->getType()->getAtomicNumber() == 1) { const double angle = CalculateAngle(OtherAtom->getPosition(), (*Runner)->getPosition(), (*Walker)->getPosition()); OtherHydrogenFlag = OtherHydrogenFlag && (angle > M_PI*(30./180.) + MYEPSILON); Otherangle += angle; OtherHydrogens++; } InterfaceFlag = InterfaceFlag || (OtherAtom->getType() == InterfaceElement); Interface2Flag = Interface2Flag || (OtherAtom->getType() == Interface2Element); } LOG(1, "Otherangle is " << Otherangle << " for " << OtherHydrogens << " hydrogens."); switch (OtherHydrogens) { case 0: case 1: break; case 2: OtherHydrogenFlag = OtherHydrogenFlag && (Otherangle > M_PI*(104.5/180.) + MYEPSILON); break; default: // 3 or more hydrogens ... OtherHydrogenFlag = false; break; } if (InterfaceFlag && Interface2Flag && OtherHydrogenFlag) { // on this element (Walker) we check for bond to hydrogen, i.e. part of water molecule const BondList& ListOfBonds = (*Walker)->getListOfBonds(); for (BondList::const_iterator BondRunner = ListOfBonds.begin(); BondRunner != ListOfBonds.end(); BondRunner++) { atom * const OtherAtom = (*BondRunner)->GetOtherAtom(*Walker); if (OtherAtom->getType()->getAtomicNumber() == 1) { // check angle if (CheckHydrogenBridgeBondAngle(*Walker, OtherAtom, *Runner)) { LOG(1, (*Walker)->getName() << ", " << OtherAtom->getName() << " and " << (*Runner)->getName() << " has a hydrogen bridge bond with distance " << sqrt(distance) << " and angle " << CalculateAngle(OtherAtom->getPosition(), (*Walker)->getPosition(), (*Runner)->getPosition())*(180./M_PI) << "."); count++; break; } } } } } } } } } } return count; } /** Counts the number of bonds between two given elements. * \param *molecules list of molecules with all atoms * \param *first pointer to first element * \param *second pointer to second element * \return number of found bonds (\a *first-\a *second) */ int CountBondsOfTwo(MoleculeListClass * const molecules, const element * const first, const element * const second) { int count = 0; for (MoleculeList::const_iterator MolWalker = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin();MolWalker != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); MolWalker++) { molecule::iterator Walker = (*MolWalker)->begin(); for(;Walker!=(*MolWalker)->end();++Walker){ atom * theAtom = *Walker; if ((theAtom->getType() == first) || (theAtom->getType() == second)) { // first element matches const BondList& ListOfBonds = theAtom->getListOfBonds(); for (BondList::const_iterator BondRunner = ListOfBonds.begin(); BondRunner != ListOfBonds.end(); BondRunner++) { atom * const OtherAtom = (*BondRunner)->GetOtherAtom(theAtom); if (((OtherAtom->getType() == first) || (OtherAtom->getType() == second)) && (theAtom->getNr() < OtherAtom->getNr())) { count++; LOG(1, *first << "-" << *second << " bond found between " << *Walker << " and " << *OtherAtom << "."); } } } } } return count; }; /** Counts the number of bonds between three given elements. * Note that we do not look for arbitrary sequence of given bonds, but \a *second will be the central atom and we check * whether it has bonds to both \a *first and \a *third. * \param *molecules list of molecules with all atoms * \param *first pointer to first element * \param *second pointer to second element * \param *third pointer to third element * \return number of found bonds (\a *first-\a *second-\a *third, \a *third-\a *second-\a *first, respectively) */ int CountBondsOfThree(MoleculeListClass * const molecules, const element * const first, const element * const second, const element * const third) { int count = 0; bool MatchFlag[2]; bool result = false; const element * ElementArray[2]; ElementArray[0] = first; ElementArray[1] = third; for (MoleculeList::const_iterator MolWalker = molecules->ListOfMolecules.begin();MolWalker != molecules->ListOfMolecules.end(); MolWalker++) { molecule::iterator Walker = (*MolWalker)->begin(); for(;Walker!=(*MolWalker)->end();++Walker){ atom *theAtom = *Walker; if (theAtom->getType() == second) { // first element matches for (int i=0;i<2;i++) MatchFlag[i] = false; const BondList& ListOfBonds = theAtom->getListOfBonds(); for (BondList::const_iterator BondRunner = ListOfBonds.begin(); BondRunner != ListOfBonds.end(); BondRunner++) { atom * const OtherAtom = (*BondRunner)->GetOtherAtom(theAtom); for (int i=0;i<2;i++) if ((!MatchFlag[i]) && (OtherAtom->getType() == ElementArray[i])) { MatchFlag[i] = true; break; // each bonding atom can match at most one element we are looking for } } result = true; for (int i=0;i<2;i++) // gather results result = result && MatchFlag[i]; if (result) { // check results count++; LOG(1, *first << "-" << *second << "-" << *third << " bond found at " << *Walker << "."); } } } } return count; };