/* * MapOfActions.cpp * * Created on: 10.05.2010 * Author: heber */ using namespace std; #include "Patterns/Singleton_impl.hpp" #include "Actions/MapOfActions.hpp" #include "Helpers/Assert.hpp" #include "CommandLineParser.hpp" #include "log.hpp" #include "verbose.hpp" /** Constructor of class MapOfActions. * */ MapOfActions::MapOfActions() { // initialise lookup map CmdParserLookup[&generic] = &(CommandLineParser::getInstance().generic); CmdParserLookup[&config] = &(CommandLineParser::getInstance().config); CmdParserLookup[&hidden] = &(CommandLineParser::getInstance().hidden); CmdParserLookup[&visible] = &(CommandLineParser::getInstance().visible); // keys for actions DescriptionMap["add-atom"] = "add atom of specified element"; DescriptionMap["bond-table"] = "setting name of the bond length table file"; DescriptionMap["bond-file"] = "name of the bond file"; DescriptionMap["boundary"] = "change box to add an empty boundary around all atoms"; DescriptionMap["bound-in-box"] = "bound all atoms in the domain"; DescriptionMap["center-edge"] = "center edge of all atoms on (0,0,0)"; DescriptionMap["center-in-box"] = "center all atoms in the domain"; DescriptionMap["change-box"] = "change the symmetrc matrix of the simulation domain"; DescriptionMap["change-element"] = "change the element of an atom"; DescriptionMap["change-molname"] = "change the name of a molecule"; DescriptionMap["convex-envelope"] = "create the convex envelope for a molecule"; DescriptionMap["default-molname"] = "set the default name of new molecules"; DescriptionMap["depth-first-search"] = "Depth-First Search analysis of the molecular system"; DescriptionMap["element-db"] = "setting the path where the element databases can be found"; DescriptionMap["fastparsing"] = "setting whether trajectories shall be parsed completely (n) or just first step (y)"; DescriptionMap["fill-molecule"] = "fill empty space of box with a filler molecule"; DescriptionMap["fragment-mol"] = "create for a given molecule into fragments up to given order"; DescriptionMap["help"] = "Give this help screen"; DescriptionMap["linear-interpolate"] = "linear interpolation in discrete steps between start and end position of a molecule"; DescriptionMap["nonconvex-envelope"] = "create the non-convex envelope for a molecule"; DescriptionMap["molecular-volume"] = "calculate the volume of a given molecule"; DescriptionMap["pair-correlation"] = "pair correlation analysis between two elements"; DescriptionMap["pair-correlation-point"] = "pair correlation analysis between atoms of a element to a given point"; DescriptionMap["pair-correlation-surface"] = "pair correlation analysis between atoms of a given element and a surface"; DescriptionMap["parse-xyz"] = "parse xyz file into World"; DescriptionMap["principal-axis-system"] = "calculate the principal axis system of the specified molecule"; DescriptionMap["remove-atom"] = "remove a specified atom"; DescriptionMap["remove-sphere"] = "remove sphere of atoms of around a specified atom"; DescriptionMap["repeat-box"] = "create periodic copies of the simulation box per axis"; DescriptionMap["rotate-to-pas"] = "calculate the principal axis system of the specified molecule and rotate specified axis to align with main axis"; DescriptionMap["set-basis"] = "set the name of the gaussian basis set for MPQC"; DescriptionMap["save-adjacency"] = "name of the adjacency file to write to"; DescriptionMap["save-bonds"] = "name of the bonds file to write to"; DescriptionMap["save-temperature"] = "name of the temperature file to write to"; DescriptionMap["subspace-dissect"] = "dissect the molecular system into molecules representing disconnected subgraphs"; DescriptionMap["suspend-in-water"] = "suspend the given molecule in water such that in the domain the mean density is as specified"; DescriptionMap["translate-mol"] = "translate molecule by given vector"; DescriptionMap["verbose"] = "set verbosity level"; DescriptionMap["verlet-integrate"] = "perform verlet integration of a given force file"; DescriptionMap["version"] = "show version"; // keys for values DescriptionMap["bin-output-file"] = "name of the bin output file"; DescriptionMap["bin-end"] = "start of the last bin"; DescriptionMap["bin-start"] = "start of the first bin"; DescriptionMap["bin-width"] = "width of the bins"; DescriptionMap["distance"] = "distance in space"; DescriptionMap["distances"] = "list of three of distances in space, one for each axis direction"; DescriptionMap["element"] = "set of elements"; DescriptionMap["end-mol"] = "last or end step"; DescriptionMap["input"] = "name of input file"; DescriptionMap["length"] = "length in space"; DescriptionMap["lengths"] = "list of three of lengths in space, one for each axis direction"; DescriptionMap["MaxDistance"] = "maximum distance in space"; DescriptionMap["molecule-by-id"] = "index of a molecule"; DescriptionMap["output-file"] = "name of the output file"; DescriptionMap["periodic"] = "system is constraint to periodic boundary conditions (y/n)"; DescriptionMap["position"] = "position in R^3 space"; DescriptionMap["start-mol"] = "first or start step"; // short forms for the actions ShortFormMap["add-atom"] = "a"; ShortFormMap["bond-table"] = "g"; ShortFormMap["bond-file"] = "A"; ShortFormMap["boundary"] = "c"; ShortFormMap["bound-in-box"] = "B"; ShortFormMap["center-edge"] = "O"; ShortFormMap["center-in-box"] = "b"; ShortFormMap["change-element"] = "E"; ShortFormMap["convex-envelope"] = "o"; ShortFormMap["default-molname"] = "X"; ShortFormMap["depth-first-search"] = "D"; ShortFormMap["element-db"] = "e"; ShortFormMap["fastparsing"] = "n"; ShortFormMap["fill-molecule"] = "F"; ShortFormMap["fragment-mol"] = "f"; ShortFormMap["help"] = "h"; ShortFormMap["input"] = "i"; ShortFormMap["linear-interpolate"] = "L"; ShortFormMap["nonconvex-envelope"] = "N"; ShortFormMap["pair-correlation"] = "CE"; ShortFormMap["pair-correlation-point"] = "CP"; ShortFormMap["pair-correlation-surface"] = "CS"; ShortFormMap["parse-xyz"] = "p"; ShortFormMap["remove-atom"] = "r"; ShortFormMap["remove-sphere"] = "R"; ShortFormMap["repeat-box"] = "d"; ShortFormMap["rotate-to-pas"] = "m"; ShortFormMap["save-adjacency"] = "J"; ShortFormMap["save-bonds"] = "j"; ShortFormMap["save-temperature"] = "S"; ShortFormMap["scale-box"] = "s"; ShortFormMap["set-basis"] = "M"; ShortFormMap["subspace-dissect"] = "I"; ShortFormMap["suspend-in-water"] = "U"; ShortFormMap["translate-mol"] = "t"; ShortFormMap["verbose"] = "v"; ShortFormMap["verlet-integrate"] = "P"; ShortFormMap["version"] = "V"; // value types for the actions TypeMap["add-atom"] = Atom; TypeMap["bond-file"] = String; TypeMap["bond-table"] = String; TypeMap["boundary"] = Vector; TypeMap["change-box"] = Vector; TypeMap["change-element"] = Element; TypeMap["change-molname"] = String; TypeMap["convex-envelope"] = Molecule; TypeMap["default-molname"] = String; TypeMap["depth-first-search"] = Double; TypeMap["element-db"] = String; TypeMap["end-mol"] = Molecule; TypeMap["fastparsing"] = Boolean; TypeMap["fill-molecule"] = String; TypeMap["fragment-mol"] = Molecule; TypeMap["input"] = String; TypeMap["linear-interpolate"] = String; TypeMap["molecular-volume"] = Molecule; TypeMap["nonconvex-envelope"] = Molecule; TypeMap["parse-xyz"] = String; TypeMap["principal-axis-system"] = Axis; TypeMap["remove-atom"] = Atom; TypeMap["remove-sphere"] = Atom; TypeMap["repeat-box"] = ListOfInts; TypeMap["rotate-to-pas"] = Molecule; TypeMap["save-adjacency"] = String; TypeMap["save-bonds"] = String; TypeMap["save-temperature"] = String; TypeMap["scale-box"] = Vector; TypeMap["set-basis"] = String; TypeMap["start-mol"] = Molecule; TypeMap["suspend-in-water"] = Molecule; TypeMap["translate-mol"] = Vector; TypeMap["verlet-integrate"] = String; TypeMap["verbose"] = Integer; // value types for the values TypeMap["bin-output-file"] = String; TypeMap["bin-end"] = Double; TypeMap["bin-start"] = Double; TypeMap["distance"] = Double; TypeMap["distances"] = ListOfDoubles; TypeMap["elements"] = Element; TypeMap["elements"] = ListOfElements; TypeMap["length"] = Double; TypeMap["lengths"] = ListOfDoubles; TypeMap["MaxDistance"] = Double; TypeMap["molecule-by-id"] = Molecule; TypeMap["output-file"] = String; TypeMap["periodic"] = Boolean; TypeMap["position"] = Vector; // list of generic actions // generic.insert("add-atom"); // generic.insert("bond-file"); // generic.insert("bond-table"); // generic.insert("boundary"); // generic.insert("bound-in-box"); // generic.insert("center-edge"); // generic.insert("center-in-box"); // generic.insert("change-box"); // generic.insert("change-molname"); // generic.insert("change-element"); // generic.insert("convex-envelope"); // generic.insert("default-molname"); // generic.insert("depth-first-search"); // generic.insert("element-db"); // generic.insert("fastparsing"); // generic.insert("fill-molecule"); // generic.insert("fragment-mol"); generic.insert("help"); // generic.insert("linear-interpolate"); // generic.insert("molecular-volume"); // generic.insert("nonconvex-envelope"); // generic.insert("pair-correlation"); // generic.insert("pair-correlation-point"); // generic.insert("pair-correlation-surface"); // generic.insert("parse-xyz"); // generic.insert("principal-axis-system"); // generic.insert("remove-atom"); // generic.insert("remove-sphere"); // generic.insert("rotate-to-pas"); // generic.insert("save-adjacency"); // generic.insert("save-bonds"); // generic.insert("save-temperature"); // generic.insert("scale-box"); // generic.insert("set-basis"); // generic.insert("subspace-dissect"); // generic.insert("suspend-in-water"); // generic.insert("translate-mol"); generic.insert("verbose"); // generic.insert("verlet-integrate"); generic.insert("version"); // // list of generic values // generic.insert("bin-output-file"); // generic.insert("bin-end"); // generic.insert("bin-start"); // generic.insert("distance"); // generic.insert("distances"); // generic.insert("element"); // generic.insert("end-mol"); generic.insert("input"); // generic.insert("length"); // generic.insert("lengths"); // generic.insert("MaxDistance"); // generic.insert("molecule-by-id"); // generic.insert("output-file"); // generic.insert("periodic"); // generic.insert("position"); // generic.insert("start-mol"); // positional arguments inputfile.insert("input"); } /** Destructor of class MapOfActions. * */ MapOfActions::~MapOfActions() { DescriptionMap.clear(); } /** Adds all options to the CommandLineParser. * */ void MapOfActions::AddOptionsToParser() { // add other options for (map< set*, po::options_description* >::iterator ListRunner = CmdParserLookup.begin(); ListRunner != CmdParserLookup.end(); ++ListRunner) { for (set::iterator OptionRunner = ListRunner->first->begin(); OptionRunner != ListRunner->first->end(); ++OptionRunner) { if (hasValue(*OptionRunner)) { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Adding option " << *OptionRunner << " with type " << TypeMap[*OptionRunner] << " to CommandLineParser." << endl); switch((enum OptionTypes) TypeMap[*OptionRunner]) { default: case None: ListRunner->second->add_options() (getKeyAndShortForm(*OptionRunner).c_str(), getDescription(*OptionRunner).c_str()) ; break; case Boolean: ListRunner->second->add_options() (getKeyAndShortForm(*OptionRunner).c_str(), po::value< bool >(), getDescription(*OptionRunner).c_str()) ; break; case Integer: ListRunner->second->add_options() (getKeyAndShortForm(*OptionRunner).c_str(), po::value< int >(), getDescription(*OptionRunner).c_str()) ; break; case ListOfInts: ListRunner->second->add_options() (getKeyAndShortForm(*OptionRunner).c_str(), po::value< vector >(), getDescription(*OptionRunner).c_str()) ; break; case Double: ListRunner->second->add_options() (getKeyAndShortForm(*OptionRunner).c_str(), po::value< double >(), getDescription(*OptionRunner).c_str()) ; break; case ListOfDoubles: ListRunner->second->add_options() (getKeyAndShortForm(*OptionRunner).c_str(), po::value< vector >(), getDescription(*OptionRunner).c_str()) ; break; case String: ListRunner->second->add_options() (getKeyAndShortForm(*OptionRunner).c_str(), po::value< std::string >(), getDescription(*OptionRunner).c_str()) ; break; case Axis: ListRunner->second->add_options() (getKeyAndShortForm(*OptionRunner).c_str(), po::value< int >(), getDescription(*OptionRunner).c_str()) ; break; case Vector: ListRunner->second->add_options() (getKeyAndShortForm(*OptionRunner).c_str(), po::value< vector >(), getDescription(*OptionRunner).c_str()) ; break; case Box: ListRunner->second->add_options() (getKeyAndShortForm(*OptionRunner).c_str(), po::value< vector >(), getDescription(*OptionRunner).c_str()) ; break; case Molecule: ListRunner->second->add_options() (getKeyAndShortForm(*OptionRunner).c_str(), po::value< int >(), getDescription(*OptionRunner).c_str()) ; break; case ListOfMolecules: ListRunner->second->add_options() (getKeyAndShortForm(*OptionRunner).c_str(), po::value< vector >(), getDescription(*OptionRunner).c_str()) ; break; case Atom: ListRunner->second->add_options() (getKeyAndShortForm(*OptionRunner).c_str(), po::value< int >(), getDescription(*OptionRunner).c_str()) ; break; case ListOfAtoms: ListRunner->second->add_options() (getKeyAndShortForm(*OptionRunner).c_str(), po::value< vector >(), getDescription(*OptionRunner).c_str()) ; break; case Element: ListRunner->second->add_options() (getKeyAndShortForm(*OptionRunner).c_str(), po::value< int >(), getDescription(*OptionRunner).c_str()) ; break; case ListOfElements: ListRunner->second->add_options() (getKeyAndShortForm(*OptionRunner).c_str(), po::value< vector >(), getDescription(*OptionRunner).c_str()) ; break; } } else { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Adding option " << *OptionRunner << " to CommandLineParser." << endl); ListRunner->second->add_options() (getKeyAndShortForm(*OptionRunner).c_str(), getDescription(*OptionRunner).c_str()) ; } } } // add positional arguments for (set::iterator OptionRunner = inputfile.begin(); OptionRunner != inputfile.end(); ++OptionRunner) { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Adding option " << *OptionRunner << " to positional CommandLineParser." << endl); CommandLineParser::getInstance().inputfile.add((*OptionRunner).c_str(), -1); } cout << "Name for position 1: " << CommandLineParser::getInstance().inputfile.name_for_position(1) << endl; } /** Getter for MapOfActions:DescriptionMap. * Note that we assert when action does not exist in CommandLineParser::DescriptionMap. * \param actionname name of the action to lookup * \return Description of the action */ std::string MapOfActions::getDescription(string actionname) { ASSERT(DescriptionMap.find(actionname) != DescriptionMap.end(), "Unknown action name passed to MapOfActions::getDescription"); return DescriptionMap[actionname]; } /** Specific Getter for a MapOfActions:ShortFormMap. * If action has a short for, then combination is as "actionname,ShortForm" (this is * the desired format for boost::program_options). If no short form exists in the map, * just actionname will be returned * Note that we assert when action does not exist in CommandLineParser::DescriptionMap. * \param actionname name of the action to lookup * \return actionname,ShortForm or Description of the action */ std::string MapOfActions::getKeyAndShortForm(string actionname) { stringstream output; ASSERT(DescriptionMap.find(actionname) != DescriptionMap.end(), "Unknown action name passed to MapOfActions::getDescriptionAndShortForm"); output << actionname; if (ShortFormMap.find(actionname) != DescriptionMap.end()) output << "," << ShortFormMap[actionname]; return output.str(); } /** Getter for MapOfActions:ShortFormMap. * Note that we assert when action does not exist CommandLineParser::ShortFormMap. * \param actionname name of the action to lookup * \return ShortForm of the action */ std::string MapOfActions::getShortForm(string actionname) { ASSERT(ShortFormMap.find(actionname) != ShortFormMap.end(), "Unknown action name passed to MapOfActions::getShortForm"); return ShortFormMap[actionname]; } /** Returns whether the given action needs a value or not. * \param actionname name of the action to look up * \return true - value is needed, false - no value is stored in MapOfActions::TypeMap */ bool MapOfActions::hasValue(string actionname) { return (TypeMap.find(actionname) != TypeMap.end()); } /** Getter for MapOfActions::TypeMap. * \param actionname name of the action to look up * \return type of the action */ enum MapOfActions::OptionTypes MapOfActions::getValueType(string actionname) { return TypeMap[actionname]; } /** Searches whether action is registered with CommandLineParser. * Note that this method is only meant transitionally for ParseCommandLineOptions' removal. * I.e. All actions that are already handled by the new CommandLineUIFactory can be checked * by this function. * \param shortform command short form to look for * \return true - action has been registered, false - action has not been registered. */ bool MapOfActions::isShortFormPresent(string shortform) { bool result = false; string actionname; for (map::iterator ShortFormRunner = ShortFormMap.begin(); ShortFormRunner != ShortFormMap.end(); ++ShortFormRunner) if (ShortFormRunner->second == shortform) { actionname = ShortFormRunner->first; break; } result = result || (generic.find(actionname) != generic.end()); result = result || (config.find(actionname) != config.end()); result = result || (hidden.find(actionname) != hidden.end()); result = result || (visible.find(actionname) != visible.end()); result = result || (inputfile.find(actionname) != inputfile.end()); return result; } CONSTRUCT_SINGLETON(MapOfActions)