/* * Project: MoleCuilder * Description: creates and alters molecular systems * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2013 Frederik Heber. All rights reserved. * * * This file is part of MoleCuilder. * * MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MoleCuilder. If not, see . */ /* * FragmentationAutomationAction.cpp * * Created on: May 18, 2012 * Author: heber */ // include config.h #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include // boost asio needs specific operator new #include #include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp" //// include headers that implement a archive in simple text format #include #include // //#include //#include //#include #include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Info.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp" #ifdef HAVE_JOBMARKET #include "JobMarket/Jobs/FragmentJob.hpp" #else #include "Jobs/JobMarket/FragmentJob.hpp" #endif #include "Fragmentation/Automation/FragmentJobQueue.hpp" #ifdef HAVE_JOBMARKET #include "Fragmentation/Automation/MPQCFragmentController.hpp" #else #include "Fragmentation/Automation/MPQCCommandFragmentController.hpp" #endif #include "Fragmentation/Summation/Containers/FragmentationChargeDensity.hpp" #include "Fragmentation/Summation/Containers/FragmentationLongRangeResults.hpp" #include "Fragmentation/Summation/Containers/FragmentationResultContainer.hpp" #include "Fragmentation/Summation/Containers/FragmentationShortRangeResults.hpp" #include "Fragmentation/Summation/Containers/MPQCData.hpp" #include "Fragmentation/KeySetsContainer.hpp" #if defined(HAVE_JOBMARKET) && defined(HAVE_VMG) #include "Fragmentation/Automation/VMGDebugGridFragmentController.hpp" #include "Fragmentation/Automation/VMGFragmentController.hpp" #include "Fragmentation/Summation/Containers/VMGData.hpp" #include "Fragmentation/Summation/Containers/VMGDataFused.hpp" #include "Fragmentation/Summation/Containers/VMGDataMap.hpp" #include "Fragmentation/Summation/Containers/VMGData_printKeyNames.hpp" #endif #include "World.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Actions/FragmentationAction/FragmentationAutomationAction.hpp" using namespace MoleCuilder; // and construct the stuff #include "FragmentationAutomationAction.def" #include "Action_impl_pre.hpp" /** =========== define the function ====================== */ class controller_AddOn; // needs to be defined for using the FragmentController controller_AddOn *getAddOn() { return NULL; } static void updateSteps(Process &p, const size_t step, const size_t total) { LOG(1, "There are " << step << " steps out of " << total << " done."); p.setCurrStep(step); } template std::pair getResiduals(const ResultClass &_result) { return std::pair(0.,0.); } std::pair getResiduals(const MPQCData &_result) { return std::make_pair(_result.accuracy, _result.desired_accuracy); } std::pair getResiduals(const VMGData &_result) { // sensibility check on absolute residual if (_result.residual > 1e-5) ELOG(2, "Encountered absolute residual greater than 1e-5: " << _result.residual); // take smaller value of the two as just one of them needs to be less than precision const double residual = std::min(_result.relative_residual, _result.residual); return std::make_pair(residual, _result.precision); } template bool checkResults(const typename std::map &_results) { bool result = true; for (typename std::map::const_iterator iter = _results.begin(); iter != _results.end(); ++iter) { std::pair residuals = getResiduals(iter->second); if (residuals.second != 0.) { if (residuals.first >= residuals.second) { ELOG(1, "Fragment Job " << iter->first << " converged to " << residuals.first << " instead of " << residuals.second); result = false; } } else { LOG(4, "DEBUG: Not checking accuracy because desired precision not given."); } } return result; } ActionState::ptr FragmentationFragmentationAutomationAction::performCall() { boost::asio::io_service io_service; // TODO: Have io_service run in second thread and merge with current again eventually FragmentationResultContainer &container = FragmentationResultContainer::getInstance(); const KeySetsContainer& keysets = FragmentJobQueue::getInstance().getKeySets(); const KeySetsContainer& forcekeysets = FragmentJobQueue::getInstance().getFullKeySets(); size_t Exitflag = 0; std::map shortrangedata; #ifdef HAVE_JOBMARKET { const size_t NumberJobs = FragmentJobQueue::getInstance().size(); MPQCFragmentController mpqccontroller(io_service); mpqccontroller.setHost(params.host.get()); mpqccontroller.setPort(params.port.get()); // Phase One: obtain ids mpqccontroller.requestIds(NumberJobs); if (mpqccontroller.getExitflag() != 0) return Action::failure; // Phase Two: add MPQCJobs and send const bool AddJobsStatus = mpqccontroller.addJobsFromQueue( params.DoLongrange.get() ? MPQCData::DoSampleDensity : MPQCData::DontSampleDensity, params.DoValenceOnly.get() ? MPQCData::DoSampleValenceOnly : MPQCData::DontSampleValenceOnly ); if (AddJobsStatus) LOG(1, "INFO: Added jobs from FragmentJobsQueue."); else { ELOG(1, "Adding jobs failed."); return Action::failure; } mpqccontroller.run(); // Phase Three: calculate result setMaxSteps(NumberJobs); mpqccontroller.setUpdateHandler( boost::bind(&updateSteps, boost::ref(*this), _1, _2) ); start(); boost::thread wait_thread( boost::bind(&MPQCFragmentController::waitforResults, boost::ref(mpqccontroller), boost::cref(NumberJobs)) ); wait_thread.join(); stop(); if (mpqccontroller.getExitflag() != 0) return Action::failure; mpqccontroller.getResults(shortrangedata); if (!checkResults(shortrangedata)) { ELOG(1, "At least one of the fragments' energy could not be properly minimized."); return Action::failure; } if (mpqccontroller.getExitflag() != 0) { ELOG(1, "MPQCCommandFragmentController returned non-zero exit flag."); return Action::failure; } Exitflag += mpqccontroller.getExitflag(); } #else { const size_t NumberJobs = FragmentJobQueue::getInstance().size(); MPQCCommandFragmentController mpqccontroller; // Phase One: obtain ids: not needed, we have infinite pool // Phase Two: add MPQCJobs and send const size_t NoJobs = mpqccontroller.addJobsFromQueue( params.DoLongrange.get() ? MPQCData::DoSampleDensity : MPQCData::DontSampleDensity, params.DoValenceOnly.get() ? MPQCData::DoSampleValenceOnly : MPQCData::DontSampleValenceOnly, params.executable.get().string() ); if (NoJobs != NumberJobs) { ELOG(1, "Not all jobs were added succesfully."); return Action::failure; } LOG(1, "INFO: Added " << NoJobs << " from FragmentJobsQueue."); // prepare process setMaxSteps(NumberJobs); mpqccontroller.setUpdateHandler( boost::bind(&updateSteps, boost::ref(*this), _1, _2) ); start(); mpqccontroller.run(); stop(); if (mpqccontroller.getExitflag() != 0) { ELOG(1, "MPQCCommandFragmentController returned non-zero exit flag before getting results."); return Action::failure; } // get back the results and place them in shortrangedata mpqccontroller.getResults(shortrangedata); ASSERT( shortrangedata.size() == NumberJobs, "FragmentationFragmentationAutomationAction::performCall() - number of converted results " +toString(shortrangedata.size())+" and number of jobs "+toString(NumberJobs)+ " differ."); if (!checkResults(shortrangedata)) { ELOG(1, "At least one of the fragments' energy could not be properly minimized."); return Action::failure; } if (mpqccontroller.getExitflag() != 0) { ELOG(1, "MPQCCommandFragmentController returned non-zero exit flag after getting results."); return Action::failure; } Exitflag += mpqccontroller.getExitflag(); } #endif #if defined(HAVE_JOBMARKET) && defined(HAVE_VMG) if (params.DoLongrange.get()) { if ( const_cast(World::getInstance()).getAllAtoms().size() == 0) { STATUS("Please load the full molecule into the world before starting this action."); return Action::failure; } // obtain combined charge density FragmentationChargeDensity summedChargeDensity( shortrangedata, FragmentJobQueue::getInstance().getKeySets()); const std::vector full_sample = summedChargeDensity.getFullSampledGrid(); LOG(1, "INFO: There are " << shortrangedata.size() << " short-range and " << full_sample.size() << " level-wise long-range jobs."); // check boundary conditions const BoundaryConditions::Conditions_t &conditions = World::getInstance().getDomain().getConditions(); const bool OpenBoundaryConditions = !((conditions[0] == BoundaryConditions::Wrap) && (conditions[1] == BoundaryConditions::Wrap) && (conditions[2] == BoundaryConditions::Wrap)); LOG(1, std::string("INFO: Using ") << (OpenBoundaryConditions ? "open" : "periodic") << " boundary conditions."); // Phase Four: obtain more ids std::map longrangedata; { VMGFragmentController vmgcontroller(io_service); vmgcontroller.setHost(params.host.get()); vmgcontroller.setPort(params.port.get()); const size_t NoJobs = shortrangedata.size()+full_sample.size(); vmgcontroller.requestIds(2*NoJobs); if (vmgcontroller.getExitflag() != 0) { ELOG(1, "VMGFragmentController returned non-zero exit flag on requesting long-range ids."); return Action::failure; } // Phase Five a: create VMGJobs for electronic charge distribution const size_t near_field_cells = params.near_field_cells.get(); const size_t interpolation_degree = params.interpolation_degree.get(); if (!vmgcontroller.createLongRangeJobs( shortrangedata, full_sample, near_field_cells, interpolation_degree, VMGFragmentController::DontSampleParticles, VMGFragmentController::DoTreatGrid, params.DoValenceOnly.get() ? MPQCData::DoSampleValenceOnly : MPQCData::DontSampleValenceOnly, params.DoPrintDebug.get(), OpenBoundaryConditions, params.DoSmearCharges.get(), false)) { STATUS("Could not create long-range jobs for electronic charge distribution."); return Action::failure; } // Phase Six a: calculate result vmgcontroller.waitforResults(NoJobs); if (vmgcontroller.getExitflag() != 0) { ELOG(1, "VMGFragmentController returned non-zero exit flag before getting results."); return Action::failure; } vmgcontroller.getResults(longrangedata); ASSERT( NoJobs == longrangedata.size(), "FragmentationFragmentationAutomationAction::performCall() - number of MPQCresults+" +toString(full_sample.size())+"="+toString(NoJobs) +" and first VMGresults "+toString(longrangedata.size())+" don't match."); if (!checkResults(longrangedata)) { ELOG(1, "At least one of the fragments' electronic long-range potential could not be properly minimized."); return Action::failure; } Exitflag += vmgcontroller.getExitflag(); { std::map longrangedata_both; // Phase Five b: create VMGJobs for nuclei charge distributions const size_t near_field_cells = params.near_field_cells.get(); const size_t interpolation_degree = params.interpolation_degree.get(); if (!vmgcontroller.createLongRangeJobs( shortrangedata, full_sample, near_field_cells, interpolation_degree, VMGFragmentController::DoSampleParticles, VMGFragmentController::DoTreatGrid, params.DoValenceOnly.get() ? MPQCData::DoSampleValenceOnly : MPQCData::DontSampleValenceOnly, params.DoPrintDebug.get(), OpenBoundaryConditions, params.DoSmearCharges.get(), params.UseImplicitCharges.get())) { STATUS("Could not create long-range jobs for nuclei charge distribution."); return Action::failure; } // Phase Six b: calculate result vmgcontroller.waitforResults(NoJobs); if (vmgcontroller.getExitflag() != 0) return Action::failure; vmgcontroller.getResults(longrangedata_both); ASSERT( NoJobs == longrangedata_both.size(), "FragmentationFragmentationAutomationAction::performCall() - number of MPQCresults+" +toString(full_sample.size())+"="+toString(NoJobs) +" and second VMGresults "+toString(longrangedata_both.size())+" don't match."); if (!checkResults(longrangedata_both)) { ELOG(1, "At least one of the fragments' nuclei long-range potential could not be properly minimized."); return Action::failure; } if (vmgcontroller.getExitflag() != 0) { ELOG(1, "VMGFragmentController returned non-zero exit flag after getting results."); return Action::failure; } Exitflag += vmgcontroller.getExitflag(); // go through either data and replace nuclei_long with contribution from both ASSERT( longrangedata.size() == longrangedata_both.size(), "FragmentationFragmentationAutomationAction::performCall() - longrange results have different sizes."); std::map::iterator destiter = longrangedata.begin(); std::map::const_iterator srciter = longrangedata_both.begin(); for (;destiter != longrangedata.end(); ++srciter, ++destiter) { destiter->second.both_sampled_potential = srciter->second.sampled_potential; destiter->second.nuclei_long = srciter->second.nuclei_long; destiter->second.forces = srciter->second.forces; destiter->second.hasForces = srciter->second.hasForces; } } } if (params.DoPrintDebug.get()) { std::map debugData; { if (!full_sample.empty()) { // create debug jobs for each level to print the summed-up potential to vtk files VMGDebugGridFragmentController debugcontroller(io_service); debugcontroller.setHost(params.host.get()); debugcontroller.setPort(params.port.get()); debugcontroller.requestIds(full_sample.size()); if (!debugcontroller.createDebugJobs(full_sample, OpenBoundaryConditions)) { STATUS("Could not create debug jobs."); return Action::failure; } debugcontroller.waitforResults(full_sample.size()); debugcontroller.getResults(debugData); Exitflag += debugcontroller.getExitflag(); } } } container.addFullResults(keysets, forcekeysets, shortrangedata, longrangedata); } else { container.addShortRangeResults(keysets, forcekeysets, shortrangedata); } #else container.addShortRangeResults(keysets, forcekeysets, shortrangedata); #endif // now clear all present jobs as we are done FragmentJobQueue::getInstance().clear(); // if file is given, advise results container to store to file if (!params.resultsfile.get().empty()) { boost::filesystem::path resultsfile = params.resultsfile.get(); std::ofstream returnstream(resultsfile.string().c_str()); if (returnstream.good()) { boost::archive::text_oarchive oa(returnstream); oa << container; } Exitflag += (int)(!returnstream.good()); returnstream.close(); } if (Exitflag != 0) STATUS("Controller has returned failure."); return (Exitflag == 0) ? Action::success : Action::failure; } ActionState::ptr FragmentationFragmentationAutomationAction::performUndo(ActionState::ptr _state) { return Action::success; } ActionState::ptr FragmentationFragmentationAutomationAction::performRedo(ActionState::ptr _state){ return Action::success; } bool FragmentationFragmentationAutomationAction::canUndo() { return false; } bool FragmentationFragmentationAutomationAction::shouldUndo() { return false; } /** =========== end of function ====================== */