[aa55d0] | 1 | /*
| 2 | * SuspendInMoleculeAction.def
| 3 | *
| 4 | * Created on: Aug 26, 2010
| 5 | * Author: heber
| 6 | */
| 7 |
| 8 | // all includes and forward declarations necessary for non-integral types below
| 9 | #include <limits>
| 10 | #include <vector>
| 11 | #include "Atom/AtomicInfo.hpp"
| 12 | #include "Bond/BondInfo.hpp"
| 13 | #include "types.hpp"
| 14 |
| 15 | #include "LinearAlgebra/defs.hpp"
| 16 | #include "Parameters/Validators/DummyValidator.hpp"
| 17 | #include "Parameters/Validators/RangeValidator.hpp"
| 18 | #include "Parameters/Validators/STLVectorValidator.hpp"
[2440ce] | 19 | #include "Parameters/Validators/Ops_Validator.hpp"
[aa55d0] | 20 | #include "Parameters/Validators/Specific/BoxLengthValidator.hpp"
| 21 | #include "Parameters/Validators/Specific/VectorZeroOneComponentsValidator.hpp"
| 22 |
| 23 | // i.e. there is an integer with variable name Z that can be found in
| 24 | // ValueStorage by the token "Z" -> first column: int, Z, "Z"
| 25 | // "undefine" if no parameters are required, use (NOPARAM_DEFAULT) for each (undefined) default value
| 26 | #define paramtypes (double)(double)(double)(double)(bool)
| 27 | #define paramtokens ("density")("min-distance")("random-atom-displacement")("random-molecule-displacement")("DoRotate")
[2440ce] | 28 | #define paramdescriptions ("desired density for the total domain, unequal 1.")("minimum distance of water molecules to present atoms")("magnitude of random atom displacement")("magnitude of random molecule displacement")("whether to rotate or not")
[aa55d0] | 29 | #define paramdefaults (PARAM_DEFAULT(1.))(PARAM_DEFAULT(1.))(PARAM_DEFAULT(0.))(PARAM_DEFAULT(0.))(PARAM_DEFAULT(false))
| 30 | #define paramreferences (density)(mindistance)(RandAtomDisplacement)(RandMoleculeDisplacement)(DoRotate)
| 31 | #define paramvalids \
[2440ce] | 32 | (RangeValidator< double >(0., 1. - std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) || RangeValidator< double >(1. + std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon(), std::numeric_limits<double>::max())) \
[aa55d0] | 33 | (BoxLengthValidator()) \
| 34 | (BoxLengthValidator()) \
| 35 | (BoxLengthValidator()) \
| 36 | (DummyValidator< bool >())
| 37 |
| 38 | #define statetypes (std::vector<AtomicInfo>)(std::vector<BondInfo>)(std::vector<AtomicInfo>)(std::vector<Vector>)
| 39 | #define statereferences (clonedatoms)(clonedbonds)(movedatoms)(MovedToVector)
| 40 |
| 41 | // some defines for all the names, you may use ACTION, STATE and PARAMS
| 42 | #define CATEGORY Fill
| 43 | #define MENUNAME "fill"
| 44 | #define MENUPOSITION 1
| 45 | #define ACTIONNAME SuspendInMolecule
| 46 | #define TOKEN "suspend-in-molecule"
| 47 |
| 48 | // finally the information stored in the ActionTrait specialization
| 49 | #define DESCRIPTION "\
| 50 | suspend the simulation domain with already present molecules in the one \
| 51 | selected molecule (must be sphere- or cube-like) such that in the domain the \
| 52 | mean density is as specified"
| 53 | #define SHORTFORM "u"