source: doc/ d5521e

Action_Thermostats Add_AtomRandomPerturbation Add_FitFragmentPartialChargesAction Add_RotateAroundBondAction Add_SelectAtomByNameAction Added_ParseSaveFragmentResults AddingActions_SaveParseParticleParameters Adding_Graph_to_ChangeBondActions Adding_MD_integration_tests Adding_ParticleName_to_Atom Adding_StructOpt_integration_tests AtomFragments Automaking_mpqc_open AutomationFragmentation_failures Candidate_v1.5.4 Candidate_v1.6.0 Candidate_v1.6.1 ChangeBugEmailaddress ChangingTestPorts ChemicalSpaceEvaluator CombiningParticlePotentialParsing Combining_Subpackages Debian_Package_split Debian_package_split_molecuildergui_only Disabling_MemDebug Docu_Python_wait EmpiricalPotential_contain_HomologyGraph EmpiricalPotential_contain_HomologyGraph_documentation Enable_parallel_make_install Enhance_userguide Enhanced_StructuralOptimization Enhanced_StructuralOptimization_continued Example_ManyWaysToTranslateAtom Exclude_Hydrogens_annealWithBondGraph FitPartialCharges_GlobalError Fix_BoundInBox_CenterInBox_MoleculeActions Fix_ChargeSampling_PBC Fix_ChronosMutex Fix_FitPartialCharges Fix_FitPotential_needs_atomicnumbers Fix_ForceAnnealing Fix_IndependentFragmentGrids Fix_ParseParticles Fix_ParseParticles_split_forward_backward_Actions Fix_PopActions Fix_QtFragmentList_sorted_selection Fix_Restrictedkeyset_FragmentMolecule Fix_StatusMsg Fix_StepWorldTime_single_argument Fix_Verbose_Codepatterns Fix_fitting_potentials Fixes ForceAnnealing_goodresults ForceAnnealing_oldresults ForceAnnealing_tocheck ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph_continued ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph_continued_betteresults ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph_contraction-expansion FragmentAction_writes_AtomFragments FragmentMolecule_checks_bonddegrees GeometryObjects Gui_Fixes Gui_displays_atomic_force_velocity ImplicitCharges IndependentFragmentGrids IndependentFragmentGrids_IndividualZeroInstances IndependentFragmentGrids_IntegrationTest IndependentFragmentGrids_Sole_NN_Calculation JobMarket_RobustOnKillsSegFaults JobMarket_StableWorkerPool JobMarket_unresolvable_hostname_fix MoreRobust_FragmentAutomation ODR_violation_mpqc_open PartialCharges_OrthogonalSummation PdbParser_setsAtomName PythonUI_with_named_parameters QtGui_reactivate_TimeChanged_changes Recreated_GuiChecks Rewrite_FitPartialCharges RotateToPrincipalAxisSystem_UndoRedo SaturateAtoms_findBestMatching SaturateAtoms_singleDegree StoppableMakroAction Subpackage_CodePatterns Subpackage_JobMarket Subpackage_LinearAlgebra Subpackage_levmar Subpackage_mpqc_open Subpackage_vmg Switchable_LogView ThirdParty_MPQC_rebuilt_buildsystem TrajectoryDependenant_MaxOrder TremoloParser_IncreasedPrecision TremoloParser_MultipleTimesteps TremoloParser_setsAtomName Ubuntu_1604_changes stable
Last change on this file since d5521e was 570125, checked in by Frederik Heber <heber@…>, 16 years ago

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  • Hooks in are taken from TREMOLO project
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6 <street>Wegelerstrasse 6</street>
7 <postcode>53115</postcode> <city>Bonn</city>, <country>Germany</country>
8 <phone>+49-228-73-3427</phone>, <fax>+49-228-73-7527</fax>
10use empty replacement instead: -->
11<!ENTITY ins-street-address "">
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21<article lang="en">
23 <articleinfo>
24 <title>MoleCuilder User's Guide</title>
25 <authorgroup>
26 <author>
27 <firstname>Frederik</firstname>
28 <surname>Heber</surname>
29 <affiliation>
30 <!-- address is white space sensitive! -->
31 <address><email>heber@&ins-maildom;</email>
33 </affiliation>
34 </author>
35 </authorgroup>
37 <date>13.08.2009</date>
38 <releaseinfo role="meta">
39 $Id$
40 </releaseinfo>
41 <copyright>
42 <year>2009</year><holder>University of Bonn</holder>
43 </copyright>
45 <revhistory>
46 <revision>
47 <revnumber>0.1</revnumber>
48 <date>08/13/09</date>
49 <authorinitials>heber</authorinitials>
50 <revremark>Initial version of documentation</revremark>
51 </revision>
52 <!-- could also do $ Revision $ here -->
53 <revision>
54 <revnumber>$Revision$</revnumber>
55 <date>$Date$</date>
56 <authorinitials>$Author$</authorinitials>
57 <revremark>Use CVS keywords as much as possible
58 (do <emphasis>not</emphasis> use $Log&#36;, however);
59 use many DocBook features.
60 </revremark>
61 </revision>
62 <!-- enter new revision summary above this line -->
63 </revhistory>
65 <abstract>
66 <para>
67 The MoleCuilder's man page describes briefly its command synopsis
68 </para>
69 </abstract>
71 <keywordset>
72 <keyword>MoleCuilder</keyword>
73 <keyword>molecule</keyword>
74 <keyword>builder</keyword>
75 <keyword>molecular dynamics</keyword>
76 </keywordset>
78 </articleinfo>
80 <!-- This is an example of a more or less usual unix manpage.
81 It could appear by itself in a DOCTYPE refentry. -->
83 <refentry id="molecuilder">
84 <refmeta>
85 <refentrytitle>MoleCuilder</refentrytitle>
86 <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
87 </refmeta>
88 <refnamediv>
89 <refname>molecuilder</refname>
90 <refpurpose>Manipulate molecular geometries and construct molecular systems.</refpurpose>
91 </refnamediv>
93 <refsynopsisdiv>
94 <cmdsynopsis>
95 <command>molecuilder</command>
96 <arg choice ="req">
97 <replaceable>sample.conf</replaceable>
98 </arg>
99 <arg choice="req">
100 <option>-e @prefix@bin</option>
101 </arg>
102 <arg choice="opt">
103 <option>-aAbBcdDfFhHlmMnoOpPrRsStTuvV</option>
104 <option>...</option>
105 </arg>
106 </cmdsynopsis>
107 </refsynopsisdiv>
109 <refsection>
110 <title>Description</title>
111 <para><command>MoleCuilder</command> is a very powerful package to manipulate nuclear geometries. It works on three different levels:</para>
112 <itemizedlist>
113 <listitem>
114 <para>Manipulating of single atoms: adding, removing, translating, changing the element, ...</para>
115 </listitem>
116 <listitem>
117 <para>Manipulating of bonds: recognizing, measuring length/angle, scaling, fragmenting, ...</para>
118 </listitem>
119 <listitem>
120 <para>Manipulating of single molecules: parsing atoms into a molecule, translating a molecule, calculating surface and volume of a molecule...</para>
121 </listitem>
122 <listitem>
123 <para>Manipulating of the domain: changing the domain, specifying a periodic bounding box, centering all atoms, shifting all atoms, ...</para>
124 </listitem>
125 </itemizedlist>
126 <para>As it is written for the command-line, it is best suited to use in scripts in order to mass-create many structures at the same time that only differ in a few key parameters.</para>
127 </refsection>
129 <refsection>
130 <title>Options</title>
131 <para>Note that multiple options may be given at the same time, i.e. we may concatenate (-a) an atom, then translate all (-t) by some vector, the center at origin (-O) and so on. </para>
132 <cmdsynopsis>
133 <arg choice="opt">
134 <option>-a</option>
135 <option> Z x y z</option> - add atom
136 </arg>
137 </cmdsynopsis>
138 <cmdsynopsis>
139 <arg choice="opt">
140 <option>-a</option>
141 <option> <replaceable>DBOND</replaceable></option> - create adjacency graph from DBOND file.
142 </arg>
143 </cmdsynopsis>
144 <cmdsynopsis>
145 <arg choice="opt">
146 <option>-b</option>
147 <option>xx xy xz yy yz zz</option> - center atoms in domain.
148 </arg>
149 </cmdsynopsis>
150 <cmdsynopsis>
151 <arg choice="opt">
152 <option>-B</option>
153 <option>xx xy xz yy yz zz</option> - bound atoms by domain.
154 </arg>
155 </cmdsynopsis>
156 <cmdsynopsis>
157 <arg choice="opt">
158 <option>-c</option>
159 <option>x y z</option> - center atoms in rectangular domain with distance to boundary.
160 </arg>
161 </cmdsynopsis>
162 <cmdsynopsis>
163 <arg choice="opt">
164 <option>-d</option>
165 <option>x y z</option> - duplicate domain along each axis by given factor.
166 </arg>
167 </cmdsynopsis>
168 <cmdsynopsis>
169 <arg choice="opt">
170 <option>-D</option>
171 <option>distance</option> - Depth-First-Search Analysis of the system.
172 </arg>
173 </cmdsynopsis>
174 <cmdsynopsis>
175 <arg choice="opt">
176 <option>-fF</option>
177 <option>distance order</option> - fragment the molecule in BOSSANOVA manner
178 </arg>
179 </cmdsynopsis>
180 <cmdsynopsis>
181 <arg choice="opt">
182 <option>-[h|H|?]</option> - print help.
183 </arg>
184 </cmdsynopsis>
185 <cmdsynopsis>
186 <arg choice="opt">
187 <option>-L</option>
188 <option>step0 step1 prefix</option> - linear interpolation between step0 and step1 in config file.
189 </arg>
190 </cmdsynopsis>
191 <cmdsynopsis>
192 <arg choice="opt">
193 <option>-m</option>
194 <option>[0|1]</option> - calculate(0), align in(1) Principal Axis System.
195 </arg>
196 </cmdsynopsis>
197 <cmdsynopsis>
198 <arg choice="opt">
199 <option>-M</option>
200 <option>basis</option> - set basis to store in mpqc config files.
201 </arg>
202 </cmdsynopsis>
203 <cmdsynopsis>
204 <arg choice="opt">
205 <option>-n</option> - don't parse trajectories.
206 </arg>
207 </cmdsynopsis>
208 <cmdsynopsis>
209 <arg choice="opt">
210 <option>-o</option>
211 <option>file</option> - calculate and store convex envelope of molecule in file.
212 </arg>
213 </cmdsynopsis>
214 <cmdsynopsis>
215 <arg choice="opt">
216 <option>-O</option> center atoms in origin.
217 </arg>
218 </cmdsynopsis>
219 <cmdsynopsis>
220 <arg choice="opt">
221 <option>-p</option>
222 <option>file</option> - parse XYZ file into molecule.
223 </arg>
224 </cmdsynopsis>
225 <cmdsynopsis>
226 <arg choice="opt">
227 <option>-P</option>
228 <option>file</option> - Parse given forces file, time integrate and append as subsequent MD step.
229 </arg>
230 </cmdsynopsis>
231 <cmdsynopsis>
232 <arg choice="opt">
233 <option>-s</option>
234 <option>x y z</option> - scale all atom coordinates by the factor per axis.
235 </arg>
236 </cmdsynopsis>
237 <cmdsynopsis>
238 <arg choice="opt">
239 <option>-S</option>
240 <option>file</option> - Store temperatyre from config file in file.
241 </arg>
242 </cmdsynopsis>
243 <cmdsynopsis>
244 <arg choice="opt">
245 <option>-t</option>
246 <option>x y z</option> - translate all atoms by vector.
247 </arg>
248 </cmdsynopsis>
249 <cmdsynopsis>
250 <arg choice="opt">
251 <option>-T</option>
252 <option>x y z</option> - translate all atoms by vector in periodic domain.
253 </arg>
254 </cmdsynopsis>
255 <cmdsynopsis>
256 <arg choice="opt">
257 <option>-u</option>
258 <option>rho</option>- suspend molecular system in watery solution such that average density is rho.
259 </arg>
260 </cmdsynopsis>
261 <cmdsynopsis>
262 <arg choice="opt">
263 <option>-[v|V]</option> - print version information.
264 </arg>
265 </cmdsynopsis>
266 </refsection>
268 <refsection>
269 <title>Files</title>
270 <para></para>
271 <itemizedlist>
272 <listitem>
273 <para><replaceable>sample.conf</replaceable> is the config file, which is needed as temporary storage. Must not begin with '-'.</para>
274 </listitem>
275 <listitem>
276 <para><command>-e database_path</command> is the path to the element's database. The files are provided with <command>molecuilder</command>.</para>
277 </listitem>
278 <listitem>
279 <para><replaceable></replaceable> is a typical XYZ file containing the geometry for a molecule.</para>
280 </listitem>
281 </itemizedlist>
282 </refsection>
284 <refsection>
285 <title>Examples</title>
286 <para>Below a typical examples of how to use molecuilder are given.</para>
287 <itemizedlist>
288 <listitem>
289 <para><computeroutput>molecuilder sample.conf -e @prefix@ -p -f 4 2.</computeroutput>
290 - creates a number of fragmented output files up to bond order 4 with bonds between atoms at most 2 length units apart.</para>
291 </listitem>
292 </itemizedlist>
293 <itemizedlist>
294 <listitem>
295 <para><computeroutput>molecuilder sample.conf -e @prefix@ -p -t -5 0. 0. -a 1 0. 0. 0.</computeroutput>
296 - parses the XYZ file <filename></filename> into the molecular system, translates the whole by (-5,0,0) and adds a hydrogen atom at the origin.</para>
297 </listitem>
298 </itemizedlist>
299 </refsection>
301 <refsection>
302 <title>Exit Status</title>
303 <para></para>
304 <itemizedlist>
305 <listitem>
306 <para>0 - success.</para>
307 </listitem>
308 <listitem>
309 <para>1 - failure.</para>
310 </listitem>
311 <listitem>
312 <para>2 - adaptive refinement of fragmentation not finished.</para>
313 </listitem>
314 <listitem>
315 <para>255 - critical failure.</para>
316 </listitem>
317 </itemizedlist>
318 </refsection>
320 <refsection>
321 <title>Reporting Bugs</title>
322 <para>Please report any bugs you may encounter to <email>heber@&ins-maildom;</email>.</para>
323 </refsection>
325 </refentry>
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